Fan Fiction

swaragini – love me hate me but don’t leave me episode 18

Link to previous epiosde

Lets start

Morning .
Swaragini was cooking in the kitchen . Swara was continpusly talki g but rahini was not giving any answers . Swara feels sad . Ragini was about to when swara holds her hand .
Swa – I will help u ragini .
Rags – what help ?
Swa – l help u to unite with lak .
Rags hugs swa . Swaragini plays…..
Rags – really di . ….. plz help now I can’t bear his hate for me . Plz help me .
Swa .- yes and I will also prove u innocent .
Rags breaks hug .
Rag – what innocent
Swa – yes u forgot what happened 2 months ago ….
Rags – I know di …. but how will u do that …. leave all that on me ….

Raglak room
Lakshya was getting ready to go to college . Ragini comes .
Lak – I want to talk to you ragini ……(ragini smiles ) about divorce .
Ragini (shocked ) – divorce …..
Lak – I want to get free from this relationship …. we will go to lawyer today only .
Rags cries and goes from there . She collides with swa …
Swa – what happened ragini ?
Rags – lak wants divorce from me ……
Swa – what
Rags – yes
Swa hugs ragini and says – don’t worry I know he loves u and one day he will himself say this to you I’ ll promise .
Rags – he want to go to lawyer today only .
Swa – don’t worry every lawyer gives the couple some months time to give their relationship one more chance …..
Rags – I hope ……
And cries ..

Lawyers office
Raglak comes .
Lawyer – yes ….
Lak – hello we r ragini n lak mahwshwari and we want divorce ….
Lawyer can see sadness in lakshya eyes .
Lawyer – ok first u have to stay six months together .
Lak – but ….
Law -its the law ….
Lak – ok …..
Ragini smiles .
The screen freezes on smiling face of ragini .

Precap – new entry in my ff sahil ( anuj sachdev )


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