Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

Swaragini- MY LOVE AND MY HEART ITS ONLY FOR U (Episode 4)

Next day mrng:
at park:
sanskar is waiting for swara. But she was nt there. He searched whole park for her. But his attempt unsusfull. He sitted in bench sadly and closed his eyes dreming about her eyes, her smile and her face and she playing with kids while jumping.a broad smile comes on his face. He thinks” who are u?u are one smile maked me to smile which smile i lossed two years back along with my ragini. Ur eyes which remaber me my ragini, to c u i think my ragini come back to me. Ur presence maked me to feel my ragini. I want to feel that feeling once again. Where are u? Where to find u?pls god!give one solution to my problam?” his thoughts intraputed by a phone call. It is his manager.
Sanskar: hello!
Manger: sir! Ur meeting fixed with md of arora company at 4:00pm at xyz restarent.
Sanskar: ok.i will go time and meet them. Any other?
Manger: yes sir.the dectives which u hired for some work. they sended some files. Where to send u sir?

Sanskar:ok. It send me home. I m nt intrastad to come office today. I will go diretly metting from home.
Manger: ok sir.

The call hanged. Sanskar becomes very sad he knows the which information contain and its reasult.

He ready to go home. He driving the car. He stoped the car near the beach.he went near it. He admiring the sunrises sadly.he is any time ready to brust out his tears. His closed his eyes to feel sunrise to decrese his sad. Suddenly he feel some one hugging him and laughing. He felt that touch and smile similar to his love.he says”ragini” he suddenly opended his eyes. He become shock and surprise. A wide smile comes on his face to c her smiling. Yes it was swara. Swara goes behind sanskar and hide from her friend.she was chasing her to hit her. To save from her she makes sanskar her shilde and start teasing her and laughing. He staring at swara with smile face. After some time swara runs and her friend also runs behind her. They made some fun in beach. Sanskar staring her and smiled. His thoughts intraputed by ap call. After talking with ap he c for swara. She was gone. he felt bad to miss her once again and happy to c her.

He comes home while smiling.other famile become shock,surprise and happy to his smile. He goes his room and c files. And he opened the files which the dectives sended. He doent become shock to c the files result because it is his expected. He become fresh and come infront of mirror while arragnging his hair. He remamber swara smile and smiled. He spended his whole day with swara thoughts.


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