Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

SWARAGINI – Love’s journey (part 6)

Thank u soooooooo much for commenting guys . I m really happy that u people are liking. If u don’t like any part than plzz tell to me.

Recap: teacher removes swalaksan out.

Swasanlak came out and laksh started shouting on swara.

Laksh: “how dare u, bcoz of u I am out of the class I will see you.”

Swara: “listen mr. I m really sorry I didn’t wanted to, actually I was throwing it on her”

Laksh:” don’t lie I know u did this only to insult me.”

Swara: “Excuse me, are u okay, why would I insult u.”

Laksh: “bcoz u think that girl got hurt bcoz of me and u wanted to take revenge”

Swara: “listen sadu, yes u hurt my sister but I don’t revenge okay.”

Sanskar : “plzz leave u both guys”.

Laksh :” I will see u miss jungli billi”

Swara:” whatever” she said in anger

And he leaves from there.  Whereas swara and sanskar were standing out of the class.

Swara :” how rude”

Sanskar: “leave him he will be fine, by the way I am sanskar urf sanky and he is my brother lucky urf laksh”

Swara :” swara gadodia.”

Sanskar:” and ur sister’s “( looking at ragini who was inside the class)

Swara: “ohhhhh she is lado.”

Sanskar:” lado weird name!!!”

Swara: “I mean ragini, lado is her nickname . actually we never call by our names.  She calls me shona and I lado. U know we sometimes even forget each others name, u know what we fight, but we love each other the most.”

Sanskar: “strange , u know what I and lucky share the same thing, he calls me bhai and I lucky ”

Swara: “really, u and ur brother, I can’t believe it.”

Sanskar: “y”

Swara : “I mean ur brother is very sadu. And I think u are I nice guy.”

Sanskar: “well thank u, but laksh is also good but situation made him like this.”

Swara: “plzzz don’t lie, that sadu can ever be good.”

Sanskar: “swara u don’t know anything.”

Swara: “anyways leave it, so friends mr sanky.”

Sanskar: “well swara there is condition for me to become it friend”

Swara: “what”

Sanskar: “you have to allow me to flirt with u.”

Swara smiles and says : “ok but not more then lado will feel jealous u know that someone flirts with me but not with her”

Sanskar: ” no problem sweetheart then I will flirt with her also, after all I m sanskar maheshwari.”

And they laughed. Then the bell rang and everybody moved out of the class. Ragini came out.

Ragini : “shona what did u do, bcoz they both had to suffer.”

Swara:” lado I am sorry, I was throwing it on u, by the way he is sanskar, remember that car guy.”

Sanskar: “Hi ragini”

Ragini: “hi sanskar”

Sanskar: “well my friends call me sanky, so u can also call by that name”

Ragini: “when did it happen”

Sanskar: “just now, if u don’t like my friendship then it’s ok.”

Ragini: “thank God”

Sanskar: “what”

Ragini:” just kidding”

Sanskar saw ragini laughing and he also started smiling.

Swara:” guys if u are over with ur conversation then can we move to class, we have another lecture now.”

Sanskar: “ya but after that u both have to show me college campus”

Ragini:” y not, but plzz now we can move.”

And they went for the class. Laksh was already there. Ragini thought to make friendship with him and goes to him.

Ragini:* hi, I am ragini.”

Laksh ignores.

Ragini:” so can we become friends”

Laksh : “I don’t make friends, especially not with girls. ”

Swara saw this and came near them and said to ragini:” lado y r u forcing someone to become it friend, u know some people don’t deserve friends”.

This words hurt laksh from inside.

Laksh :” thank u miss jungli billi for telling me that, I wish I never had friends then this wouldn’t have happened.”

And he leaves from there. Sanskar got tensed seeing him and went behind him and thought :” swara y did u said this I know u don’t know about his past but my brother got hurt.”

Swaragini were in shock as it was very weird reaction for them.

Precap: Swaragini goes to register their names in respective competition. First day of college gets over.


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