Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

swaragini meant to be together episode 12 valentines special (part 1)

i am sorry a cute one for the blood group mistake 😉
recap : ragini’s critical sanskar’s confession. swara is sorry for slapping sanskar ragini gains consiousness and sanskar says…
“I LOVE YOU RAGINI i love you so much that even a second without you seems like an era for me the thought of loosing you yesterday
killed me a hundred times within i know it’s complicated and confusing it seems stupid that i’m saying this here in hospital
when you have just revived but ragini I LOVE YOU and that’s all how it is!” sanky looks at ragini who’s just well dumstruck at
his sudden confession
sanskar : you don’t need to say anything for now i know it’s difficult for you to say that you don’t love me but it’s okay

ragini interrupts :how can you say that i don’t love you ! idiot
sanskar looks at her confused ragini miles at him : yess mr.idiot i love you too a lot so much so that i can drink this soup
again for you !
sanskar shakes his head and chuckles ragsan have a good laugh well wasn’t this supposed to be emotional and lovly yea our adorable
dp :uhmmm!
sanskar gets up besides ragini to find everyone standing there ragsan well they are embaressed.
dp : i thought a lot yesterday about your confession and taking everyhting into notice we have made a decision sanskar
ragini looks confused at what dp’s saying “confession?”
dp looks at ragini and nods: yes that he was the one who helped you
ragini fears at this but sanskar is calm now as to whatever it might be he won’t backout now as he wants forgiveness for his deeds
dp : well now that we know everything (he looks at dp who nods and goes near ragini ) sanskar we want you to make a few promises
sanskar :badepapa i will do whatever you see i’m ready to promise you anything you want
dp : you have to promise but not me sanskar lifts his brows up mused
dp smiles ap completes him : but to ragini (she keeps her hand on ragini’s head lovingly who smiles still confused) that you’ll
always be with her
poor ragsan are such dhakkans that they still look confused at which laksh keeps a hand on sanskar’s shoulder saying”at the marriage

mandap bhai your marriage vows !” he hugs sanskar
sujatha exclaims happily : jiji! god listened to my prayers so soon i finally got the bahu i desired

sujatha goes to ragini and kisses on her forehead
shekhar : well for now sujatha ji she’s my daughter (sujatha gives him way the father daughter hug )so can we have soe family time
the maheshwari’s leave from there leaving swara who hugs her sister and chirps : so ragu you’ll be my jethani now i’m so happy
we’ll stay in the same house !
sumi has tears in her eyes swaragini in unison: maa y so emotional!
sumi smiles and wipes her tears : i’m just so overwhelmed shekhar frowns :sumi ! he side hugs her and swara is next to ragini smiling
sanlak are getting discharge papers the whole way lucky hasn’t left even a single chance of teasing sanky who finally punches him
but then when he blackmails using ragini’s name”bhai see she’s my saali first and then your wife i have two two relations with her
bhabi and saali so if you do anything to me ragini BHABHI will be angry on you !”
sanskar fake smile looking at sanky : ragini bhabhi’s chamcha !
lucky runs and sAnky chases him

at the hospital room
swara’s brought ragini out of washroom who’s changed into a ochre colour long skirt and pink top with red jacket(bare me for colours not
matching you can imagine the scene where ragini changes into swara’s attire)
a running lucky barges in the door and goes hiding behind ragini: bhabhi ji save your devar today i promise i’ll be of help for
you in future
ragini looks at him amused but swara frowns: laksh do you know that when we enter a room we knock ??
laksh :wifey when we are in extreme danger we don’t like hey!! i’m in danger my brother’s gonna eat me raw so may i hide in!
ragini laaughs uncontrollably loking at their expressions : seriously who says marriage brings change in people you guys will
never change just look at your faces ! swara frowns and lucky touches his face as if checking whats wrong
sanky knocks and comes in hearing ragini swara : see my jiju’s so well mannered learn something from your brother how to
knock and come in
lucky makes a puppy face ragini consoles him: awww thats not fair ! jiju it’s okk and as for your brother (she looks at sanskar)
where’s my corn soup sanskar i’m so hungry !

sanskar smiles :yea if this idiot wouldn’t have annoyed me i would have bought it myself the wardboy’s bringing it
just then the wardbot comes with a table full of food
lucky : well i didn’t knew you were a kumbakaran ! saali sahiba
ragini frowns sanskar amused replies : lucky it’s for all four of us i know swara’s not had anything since yesterday night and you
too won’t have anything until she has so (he points at the food)shall we
swalak nod and they take their place
swara’s sitting next to ragini and sanskar sitting opposite to swara that is to the other side of ragini while laksh is sitting
next to swara on a chair
ragini: well as i and sanskar had the starters in the morning it’s you guy’s turn now !
swalak lift their brows up and look at ragsan
sanskar : yea true ! guys have this first i brought just for you guy’s !
he takes the cup of vegetable soup and handsover to them
swara looks at it :just one bowl what about me??
ragini : sharing is loving don’t you guy’s watch movies comeon now have it and yea both feed each other together okk??

swalak nod and take a spoon and feed each other just as the soup touches their tongue thay both go yuck!!! chii!
laksh :what the hell!
ragsan start laughing hilariously i mean the cute and wacky expressions of swalak were worthy of the laugh 😉


ragan date !!!


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