Fan Fiction

Swaragini miserable to happy life epi 3

Swaragini miserable to happy life epi 3 SWARA IS BAR DANCER+SWASAN 1st MEETING

RECAP: swara dances in bar.swara gets insulted and malik gives her money.ragini insult prem’s sir for insulting swara and swasan think about their soul mate


laksh comes running and hugs ap wishing her happy anniversary
ap looks here and there as if she is searching for somebody
sanskar keeps hands on her eyes from back and hugs her
sanskar:happy anniversary ma
ap:thnk u both of u
laksh:so u were waiting for him
ap:ma always waits for their children and look 1st one is not here yet

adarsh:sorry….here i am….happy anniverary
whole family comes and wishes her
dp comes and he gets wishes too
dp:u all know that at this day we go to temple…so after breakfats we will go
jiya:mom school…
pari makes her ready and all are ready to go

laksh:bhabhi i will drop jiya to school and will come as temple is nearby
all leave

swara makes prem ready
swara:prem today is ur first day at new school so plz behave urself and work hard
a lady comes
lady:(shanti) is just a neighbour
shanti:can i get some sugar
swara:sure…let me bring
ragini comes too
swara:here aunti
shanti:thnk u
swara:ragini drop prem to school and go to college and i will go to nearby temple as its both of urs first day at new institutions…ok?
ragini:ok di
shanti:u shouldnt go to temple

shanti:temple will become inauspicious…as u r…
ragini:what do u want to say?and why cant di go?
shanti:because swara is a bar dancer
they are shocked

ragini:u got sugar now leave
swara:ragini…let people say what they want to…dont spoil ur mood…
ragini:today if we are living in this condition and if u r a bar dancer then its all because of…
swara shouts:ragini…
ragini calms down and leaves with prem

swara and maheshwaris reach mandir
swasan feel sth strange as if they feel sth special
swara takes pandit’s blessings.

swara:God u took away my parensts…we got chacha chachi as our parents but after that truth our lives changed…i dnt know what to say but chachi used to say that we should forgive everyone but we couldnt forgive them still i pray to u to take care of them and whatever problems e r facing plz let us come out of it soon.dnt test my siblings just guve all of their worries ad problems to me and keep them happy…plz…

she takes prasad and turns to go…maheshwaris are entring madir….she collides with dp and falls
she sees her thaal and prasad fallen and is shocked
dp:hey girl r u blind…look u threw vermillion on my coat
swara’s hair which covered her face fluttered in air as se turnned and sankar was mesmerixed by this act
swara says calmly:i am sorry uncle but i m sad to see that u care about the coat annd see this prasad…its a blessing of God and u threw it…its not only my mistake but urs too and being an elder u know it much and u r more close to God but …
dp realises his mistake and all are surprised to see her answering calmly

sanskar extends his hand to swara
swara looks at him and both have an eye lock
she gives her hand in his and gets up.both look into each other’s eyes and feel strange


swasan realise the environment and come back to senses
swara:aunti plz dnt say sorry
ap:how did u nknow that i am gonna say sorry

she takes ap’s blessings as well as sujata’s and says namsatey to all and leaves
all are surprised by this act of hers
dp:she is a nice girl
ram:what??what did u say??
dp:she was right…it was my mistake…the prasad…
sansar:she is really nice
adasrhs hits him
adarsh:come back to real world
dp:she made me realise my mistkae
ap:at least there is someone who made u realsie a mistake
pandit welcomes them and dp inquires
swara gives some shawls and chocolates to poor kids
pandit:she is swara.she is a vry nice girl but she is orphan and comes her often.she even sings bhajan here and her voice is melodious.
sanskar thinks:really its melodious

they see swara massaging a lady’s feet wo is sitting at temple stairs
sujata:who is that lady?
pandit:she is a poor woman
dp:what is swara doing with her
pandit:swara keeps helping poor and she is doing same right now
sujata sighs
sujata:sanskar…she is just like u…
sanskar:and i like it
dp thinks sth and smiles at sanskar….

next epi:raglak meeting


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