Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

swaragini- a new attire ep 3

Sanskar shouts “Doc!!!” then again to the corrider of the hospital.sanskar scolds kavitha “why did u do like that?”Kavitha replies “but sanskar I said the truth” sanskar get angry & holds her shoulder “u should have think about her condition?”Then the doc comes “Mr.Maheswari I really sorry to say this due to depression & the shock ur wife have to go into coma stage also Mr.Maheswari ur wife have lossed her memory too!”sanskar shocked & Dp keeps his hand on sanskar’s shoulder.”Doc how long swara wil be like this?”Dp asked from the doc “it can be 1 day,1 month or 1 year I cant be sure due to her condition but treating the patient at home can work more than keeping her at the hospital cuz her family members wil be near her so there are more chances but u all should remember she shouldnt have any kind of shock.Mr.Maheswari!the patient saw u first time after regaining conscious & now she knows u as her husband so if she get know u both are are shocked now it can affect her condition”

Sanskar replies “yes doc I can understand I wil take care of her” then shekar shouts “u dont any relationship with swara!how can I let my swara stay with u?” Sanskar replies “pls baba trust me!I cant take any risk,u heard naa baba what doc said”the doc replies “yes Mr.Shekar now swara stay with sanskar” and leaves.Sumi comes near sanskar says “I can beta u wil take care of her but for her sake promise me u wil take a good care of her”sanskar hold sumi’s hands “yes maa I promise u ” shekar asks from sumi “Mishti how can u trust him?”sumi replies “we dont have any opition.we are doing this our shona” sanskar goes near kavitha “u know the swara’s condition she needs me so we shall get married after she recover”kavitha shocked “but sanskar” he asks “u said that u wil be grateful to her cuz she brought u to me?”kavitha think for minute & replies “ok sanskar but promise me once she is recovered u wil only marry me?”sankar says “yes u have my word”.

Sumi goes near ragini who is sitting in aside still she cant understand what happening “ragini beta”she looks at sumi “maa” sumi sits near her “ragini whatever happen its our situation has changed.ur sister need u”ragini looks at sumi then laksh comes there “ur sister cant remember anything & she is in coma now so she is going to stay with sanskar.I hope u wil forget everything & take care of shona.I trust my daughter for my sake ragini”then ragini looks at “haa maa I wil promise u nothing wil happen to swara.I wil take care of her u will have ur shona back then once again we wil be swaragini” she keeps her head on sumi’s shoulder.sumi kisses her forehead & keeps her hand on ragini’ face.


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