Fan Fiction

Swaragini – A new era (Chapter – 2)

Chapter 2

Guys if you want to make a raglak or ragsan , I will make a poll on my page today where i will type – Raglak or Ragsan in Swaragini- A new era .You can type what you want and i will make it the poll will be for only 2 days and on my fourth chapter i will be announcing who won ……
Thank you

Lets countinue

Recap – 5 year leap


A lady is seen in the kitchen in a saree , its swara , she is cooking food and there is a smile on her face , she bite her tounge and say – Oh shit forget to put salt , lemme bring the thing here , she broings it and pours it – there is still smile on he face .
Everyone leaving parineeta is sitting on table for breakfast
Sujata – Jiji parineeta i ill today are you sure you want swara to make food
Ap – Yes sujata we have to do this , she asked me and parineeta is ill
Sujata – i would have made the food
Ap – stop it
Sujata makes faces

Swara enters from the kitchen pours food to everyone and still has a warm smile
Swara – badi ma , bade papa , Sorry i added little more salt maybe doesn’t give exact taste but its not that much .
Laksh – swara you should rest in the room i will bring food for you upstairs
Swara – laksh its ok i am fine like this
Laksh – you need rest and i won’t let that happen that you work , you already made the breakfast
Swara – laksh i am alwys bored lemme stay here and eat with you guys
Laksh – shona pls for me , your health comes first
Swara – Ok laksh i will go
Laksh – No i will leave you there , You also have to get your medicines
Swara nodes

Swalak went upstairs , Laksh puts swara on bed and bring her medicines and make her eat it although she says its bitter , laksh amke her laugh and then she rests and sleeps , laksh looks at swara sadly – I ……I am sorry shona

He ran downstairs weeping his tears
Ap – Who wanna eat first
Laksh – I will ma
Ap – are you sure
laksh – yes maa she is my wife and i am suppose to look whatever she has done and what not , i will test the food
Ap – ok beta
He puts the jug near him and take a sigh and then look at the food , he eats it and was about to throw up when everyone rushes to him give water pat him back and all , he become fine , drinks the water

Sujata – thats why i don’t like when swara make food
Ap – stop it sujata , she is going through mental problem pls stop it
Sujata -Truth is truth
Laksh – chachi ji can you pls bring the salt box , sujata agrees , she brings it and start to shout , oh my god she put half of the salt in the food , just look at it – She shows them the box
Dp – its ok we will get the food from th eoffic e, cmon laksh and adarsh lets go
Both agrees and leaves

Ap , sujata went near swara and saw her sleeping – I dont know how can we ring back your happiness , ragini took it from you and only she can give it back – said ap , as she pats her face and head .

Laksh sat in his office doing work , when he saw swara coming seductively and start to kiss him badly on lips , their lips meet each other and they start to screatch their back , suddenly laksh push swara back , she isn’t swara just her secretary .
Laksh – go away
The girl ran back . Laksh puts his hand on his face and think of him and swara together as a real couple and a happily together , when he remembers ragini , her smile , her laugh , her cute ego , her pout . He stops of thinking of both of them and tries to do his work

Dadi is sitting near the temple inbuilt home and prays , shomi is ironing clothes and shekhar is not at home .Dadi went near a potrait of ragini with a GARLAND on it and starts to cry , as she starts to cry , shomi ran to her tries to console her , later she realizes that she burned shekhar dress , she gets scared , shekhar half an hour later and saw his shirt like this starts to shout at everyone especially shomi , who was crying too
Dadi – Ragini went but left us with nothing
As dadi and shomi cries infront of her portrait.

A girl with open hairs and jeans and a shoulder down top is standing and looking at a movie poster – what shall i watch ?
A friend on her came and hugged her (guy) – What happen dear friend
she push him – stop ok …. i am thinking i should watch kaabil or raaes . both have my fav actors but have money for one
she turns (a look alike of ragini) what do you wanna watch
guy – what you wanna watch princess
girl smile – maybe kaabil , what do you think aarsh
(AARSH – PLAYED BY ARJUN BIRJALANI)(sorry i don’t know his spelling if its wrong sorry)
Aarsh – whatever you wanna see princess
Girl – oh man i have a name

Aarsh – i love calling you princess
girl – are you my prince charming
aarsh – certainly not , or i will die
Aarsh – ya that pandit ji ki katha
rashi – stop ok
aarsh – ok , thats why i am with you i will have long life
They both laugh and went to go to see kaabil

After 3 hours
Aarsh – movie was fantastic
Rashi – it was so good i am still sobbing but i have to gotta go
aarsh – where
rashi – to maheshwari house …
aarsh – oh right you are still working under miss sharma ji for money right ?
rashi – yes yr mom said earn money because she can’t always pay me you know
aarsh – i will pay
rashi – she will kill me
Aarsh – go but come before 8 k?
rashi – ok baba bye

And then she ran away
Aarsh – bye princess (he shouts back)

She took her scooty and ran with it and start to drive to the maheshwari house .
As she goes near thehouse she feel a weird aura around her which was stopping her go there , she was feeling weird and was have those nightmares she always have, she take support of the wall and close her eyes and remember them

she is running through woods and a ghostly spirit is after her , she looks behind and the spirit devour her , shouting the spirit takes name of 4 people but she can never remember those name

She knocks he door standing was really difficult as she was going every step ahead that aura was wanting it go every step back , she can’t feel her legs now but she was still going , she knocks again , Swara was paaing by and heard the knock , she agained smiles – she love visiters and today she feel rally good , she was not feeling ill or sad today she had good feeling and was cheerful , parineeta getting ill so that she can make the food was not co incidence it was reality she can feel it as she stepped ahead every step was making her go ahead don’t hold bacl , tears came in her eyes she don’t know why just feeling she reaches near the door , wipes her tears and open the door .

And she saw a girl with long hairs , same as eyes as ragini , same face , same nose , same lips , same ears , every detail as her , she was really happy and she starts to shout she ran inside calling for laksh , badi ma , sujata everyone and everyone came and they saw the girl who was still feeling weird and was more by seeing swara and everyone

Laksh and sanskar saw rashi , they were so happy , their eyes was filled with tears of joy , swara ran and hugged rashi and rashi was confused , the weird feeling gone away she felt warm in her and hugged her back her voice turned light and steep as she said i am back

They broke the hug , swara start to dance happily while rashi is at total confusion her voice turned normal
Sanskar runs to her so does laksh they also hug her and that time she felt so warm in them too but felt uncomfortable too , she broke the hug with a push
And said – Stop it you guys what happpened i am the delivery person for your photoes why are you hugging me
swara – ragini stop it i am so happy that you returned
Rashi – guys i am rashi , rashi malhotra not ragini
Swara – stop it ragini

sanskar – ragini i love you , i love you truely , true love it didn’t die
Rashi (thinking) -oh my god a lover wow but no idk who he is ….
Rashi – omg ok everyone please stop i am just a delivery girl i am not even a delivry girl , i am here because mrs sharma ji friend daughter and just here to deliver , you paid already thats why i am just going now
She put stuff on sofa

Swara – you don’t remember me , you didn’t forgive me i am so sorry ragini
Rashi – i am not ragini
Suddenly that aura came near her again that was near her in nightmares that formed into human , the time stopped (only for her) , she can’t see the face – go ahead accept them said the aura and started to go around in circles
Rashi was beggining to feel weak and feeling pressured and that aura kept repeating go ahead accept them

She felt that there is no land under and she is felling in a pit of burning lava and became unconscious in real life too , laksh and sanskaar both hold her together and put her in raglak room as swara insisted , swara calls shomi and says that she has met ragini and she finally back , shomi tells it to everyone and everyone became happy


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