Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

Swaragini New (Fan Fiction Chapter 24)

Sorry for late update. This is short as i am lack of ideas currently do suggest some in comments.
Recap:uttara nightmare.

Swalak and ragsan reach the Switzerland. Swarag feel cold as temperature goes down to -6C. They reach a hotel it’s evening 6pm and they all refresh. They have small nap. Swarag due to jetlag feel uncomfortable and they aren’t tired. Sanlak notice this and think for something. They go to out.

They come back and ask for a date to swarag. They accept smiling. They get dressed gorgeously.
They leave for diner. Sanlak leave a note in room and leave with room service. The person comes and sees the note and smiles. Swalak and ragsan return to their respective room.

Swara enters the room and sees it romantically decorated. Laksh hugs her from behind and kisses her ear. She is still in surprise. Laksh turns her towards him and lifts her gently hugging her getting her off the heels. Their lips meet and they go to bed. Lights off
Ragini is different she asks “this is the reason for date”. Sanky blushes. She removes her heels and towards him. She pulls him with tie. She is wearing tube frock. In pull sanskar falls on her on bed. He eyes her naughty and mischievous eyes and bends down lights off.
Ya they consummate their marriage.

Next day they four go outside. After visting many places they sit in the park bench. Swarag ask sanlak to get them some hot chocolate and also something for them. Sanlak leave to buy.
Swarag see the neatly shoveled path and cycle and many people walking. They see a small cute girl running. Tge girl falls down on the snow. Swarag stand up to aid before that an another girl of about 20’s rushes to girl saying shreya.

SR could only see her back side. The girl is wearing a black jean and pink winter neck covered top and on her dark black a blue monkey covers to her ears from cold. She takes the girl um,shreya a cute little girl whose face turned pink as she fell on snow. The kid is wearing a frock and pant below with cute cartoon shoes. The girl carries shreya and a brushes of the snow from her dress. She turns towards swarag who forward for help. SR are shocked. Ragini is about say uttara but swara stamped her leg stopping her.

Swara goes to uttara asks whether she needs help. Uttara “yes please could hold her minute i will get canvas and paint kit. And thanks”. Swarag take shreya and wait for uttara to come to talk more with her. They come to know from shreya that her dad and mum is parish. They exited to tell to sanlak.

Uttara comes then and takes shreya to leave bit swarag stop her. They introduce themselves swara and ragini ignoring the surname. They get into talk. Swarag feel good talking to uttara. A voice no two voice that made swarag face go sly. It’s sanskar and laksh who came with drinks they asked. Swarag felt hit their head as they would miss uttara again . Uttara turns to who it is and is shocked…..

I terribly sorry to delay the chap. I was damn busy. I’m out of ideas i need suggestions for story
Do u want uttara to see sanlak or not? If she sees her reaction should be what? Some more ideas also required. I apologize again for delay and typing errors.


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