Fan Fiction

Swaragini : All are not same (Part 4)

Hello friends..I’m Devihaa back again……..thanks for ur immense support ……I could ask nothing than this……..friends…………pls…comment friends……kk let me start the chappy now….. And stop my nonsense talks….

Swaragini : All are not same part 4…….

Tring Tring??……again her phone rang…..and it flashed ……” Chachi”……
Ragini gets tensed……..she lifts the call……
Rag: chachi………I……
Before she could complete…..
Chachi: wht r u doing….huh…??? …..what the hell r u thinking about urself…….huh????? U know…….how many times…..I called u……..
Rag: chachi..!!! …….I ….I ..was busy….in a …project…..
Chachi: oh!! ….achha….project……in which project ….u r busy madam…..
Rag: chachi….vo….principal… Gave……. Me a…project…. And I…..
Chachi( interrupts): don’t try to b over smart…haan….ok…r u planning to spoil…..our respect… her…..
Rag( cryingly): no…..chachi…..plss….don’t talk like that…..
Chachi: hmmm……its good if u don’t do anything like that…….anyways… Come to home soon…… Otherwise u wont get food……understand….
Rag: ok….chachi…….
The call ends….
Ragini breaks done crying…….

Her POV:
Y…??… Y….always me……???….. God…..u took my ma…pa….and …..and….my di….also…… U snatched….. Everyone…..everyone from me………….u know what…..after u all left me……I thought to end my life …….and come to u………but at that times…. I used to remember ….wht u used to say ma……that…..” WHATEVER HAPPEN… HAPPENS FOR GOOD …..”…. I used to remember that…..I will become clam….ma……but……..
She couldn’t take it more….she starts crying……vigorously…..

At another side..

Laksh is seen walking….with his hands inside his pockets …..suddenly…. He remembers that he had left his phone in the library……..
Lak: oh…shit….I kept my phone in library itself…..
Saying he goes to library….. And sees his phone there……he smiles and takes his phone….and starts to leave……but he hears someone’s sobbing sound……he goes in that direction …..and sees a girl crying…..and he goes little further and finds that she is ragini……
He thinks ….that whether he should console her or not….he forwards his hand…..but stops in middle……Ragini sees someone’s shadow and wipes her tears……..and turns back…..and sees laksh….
Rag: u here……
Lak: hmm…vo….ntg…..
Saying he goes from there…
Rag: what happened to him???
.thinking……Ragini also goes from there…..

His POV:
What is happening to u laksh……u thought to console a girl… could u…?????…….laksh no….she is trying to trap u….b carefull…ok……..but …….she doesn’t seem to other type of girls…….ahhhh…… What is happening to me……

End of POV…
They both heads to their home..

The next day…
Laksh is seen sleeping peacefully..hugging a pillow……. He hears someone…. Saying…” Arrey..wake…..up….” But he doesn’t open his eyes………then a drop of water….falls….on his nose…..he rubs it off…and says…..” Let me sleep for some more time”…….then….1…2…3…. SPLASH…….
A water balloon falls on his face…….
Laksh wakes up with a jerk…. And glares the person in front of him……….

Ok friends…. Done with this chappy….. I’m sry for any typos error……plss….do comment friends……silent readers…..u also pls….comment…..guess…..who could b that person……and I need a name for chachi…..u guys…. Have seen how her character is….so suggest any name…………ok friends bye…

With love,

Credit to: all my lovely readers….

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