Hey guyz…I’m back with Episode 31 and 32… a huge thank u to all for ur lovely comments. As I said before they make my day… and thank u to all silent readers too… I knw ur all angry at me for not updating for a very long time. I am so sorry for that. I knw it’s not enough but I have been very busy with my uni and there was a time I thought to stop writing ffs but my sister and some of yous encouraged me to continue. So thank u to all who contacted me to continue. Nw I will stop my bak
bak and continue….
Let’s begin?
Here is the link to all my previous episodes:
Epi starts….
Swaragini and Sanlak arrive… The family had been waiting for them as they went without telling them…
DP-where have u all been?
RP-u knw we were worried sick..
Lak-don’t worry! Everything is ok!
Swa-in fact everything is more than ok…
Suj-what do u mean?
Sans-meaning this..he lifts his index finger and makes swirl of wind…all get surprised…
Shek-u got ur powers back!
Rag-yes he did
Adi-but how? And when?
Sans-today thnx to them three…
Suj-well we all are glad u got them back…
AP-yes of course…
Swa-but there is something we find out too…
Ragsan and the family look at her in confusion.
Lak-she’s right.
Dp- what is it u found out?
Lak-the Kapoor family drinks blood.
Swa-not any blood but human blood.
Lak-when we found the dagger in freezer there were bottles full of blood…
RP-I can’t believe this
Shek-me neither. There is a rule. No vampire is allowed to drink human blood…yes animal blood is fine but human blood. This is getting too serious nw…
Dp-we have to stop this before all vampires get exposed because of them…but for nw let’s not all worry…
Sanskar comes forward to Sumi and Shekhar…looking innocently at them..
Sans-Mr World and Miss World, can I ask u something?
Sumi-yes Sanskar…
Sans confidently-can I take your daughter out on a date today?
Sumi and Shekhar glanced at each other and smiled…
Shek-of course u can dear…
Sans smiles-thank u…giving them a hug…he then turns around and smiles back Ragini who shyly looks down and
Lak-romance is in the air…
All started laughing….Whilst Ragsan look down embarrassed..
Dp-this time plz be careful…
Sans-don’t worry bade papa… We will have full protection this time…
All nod and leave from there…
In Ragini’s room…
Ragini goes to her balcony and calls out Sanskar’s name…who comes teleporting there a second later…
Sans-ah man it’s good to have
my powers back…he then looks at Ragini…
Sans-ok why did u call me?
Rag-uhm…to give u this… She brings out gift bag and hands it over to Sanskar…who gives her a questioning look…
Rag-well open it…
Sanskar opens the bag and peeks in it. He could see something black. He takes it out and it is black suit and a royal blue tie with black shoes. (remember guyz in episode 17 Swaragini, Sanlakutt and KarSamAna when shopping. And Ragini bought this for Sanskar)
Rag-a gift for u.
Sans-thank u. But when did u get it?
Rag-actually I had bought it when we all went shopping that day. But forgot to give it u. It’s been in my cupboard since then.
Sans-ah… Well it’s very nice. I like it….he gives a peck on her cheek.
Rag-and nw come to think about it…u have to wear this for date today.
Sans-of course oh and that reminds me…I need to give u something too.
Rag-really what is it?
Sans-come to my room in 5 mins Rag-ok.
Sanskar comes to his room and opens his wardrobe. There was gift bag and a small black velvet box was next to it. Sanskar smiles seeing the box. He picks it up and opens it. His smile turns into a grin.
Just then Ragini teleports to his room. Sanskar quickly hides the box under some clothes and grabs the gift bag. Ragini looks at it.
Rag-so what is it?
Sans-see for urself…he gives her the bag..Ragini takes the bag and opens it. She could see something blue and takes it out of the bag…it revealed to be a royal blue gown with silver stone work. The bag also contained matching accessories and high heels.
Rag- wow Sanskar. I love this dress and it’s my favourite colour too. Thank u
Sans- I knw it’s ur favourite colour cuz it’s mine too. I also bought this the same day.
He walks behind Ragini and hugs her from the back, resting his head on her neck…
Sans- u knw Ragini when I saw this gown… It reminded me of u and I knw this dress was only and only made for u. So today I want u to wear this.
Rag- and I will wear it. U gave it with me so much love. I love it…
Sans- if u love it that much then u have to give me something.
Rag-but I already gave u a gift right then….
Sans-i don’t want another gift…
Sanskar grips her waist tighter, still hugging her from back and points to his lips…. Ragini understands what he wants…
Rag-have some shame…what if someone comes…
Sans-there is nothing to be shame about. It is natural and everyone does it.
Sans-no buts…
Sanskar breaks the hug and turns Ragini around…he pulls her closer. Heartbeats were raising. Their heads were moving closer and closer…. Nw 1 inch was left as they got more closer Sanskar starts laughing randomly….he looks dwn at his stomach and finds Ragini tickling him…
Sans-Ragini plz stop…
Rag laughingly-no, never
Ragini is about to tickle him again but Sanskar grabs her arms and stops her….still Ragini gets away from him starts running around the room… Sanskar runs behind her…both were running really fast….
Sans still running behind her-u can’t run faster than me
Ragini…my speed is the fastest in family…u knw me, Sanskar Maheshwari the fastest vampire ever…
Rag- ha ha…Mr Maheshwari u might be fast but ur forgetting I’m a vampire too…and look still u haven’t catched me….
Hearing this Sanskar runs with full forces like tornado and finally catches Ragini…grabing her hands first and he puts his around her waist…tightening the grip so she wouldn’t runaway again….
Sans-so where were we before u spoiled our romantic moment…. Ah I remember……he moves his his lips closer to Ragini’s…
Rag (almost a whisper)- Sanskar koi ajai ga (someone will come)
Sans- no one will come…
Ragini closes her eyes and so does Sanskar…they were about to kiss just then lucky teleports in Sanskar’s room…
Lak-bhai…he looks at Ragsan and turns around biting his tongue….Ragsan quickly apart and compose themselves….
Lak-i didn’t see anything
Sans to Ragini-i said na no one will come….but I forgot to add except this Mr here.
Lak-sorry sorry sorry… I didn’t mean to interupt can I turn around?
Sans-yes….lucky turns around and Ragini teleports from there feeling embarrassed….
Sanskar goes to lucky and slaps him on his head….
Sans-acha khasa romance kharab kar diya….kebab mein hadi…Swara is right u r der hadi…
Lak- sorry bhai…if I knew I wouldn’t have disturbed u both. Sans-shut up! Nw why were u here?
Lak- I just came to tell please be careful bhai… I don’t want to lose u again…he gets a tear in his eye…Sanskar sees this and hugs him…
Sans- don’t worry… I’m not going anywhere.
Sans-promise! Ok nw stop this emotional drama it doesn’t suit u. he give a paper to lucky…
Lak-what is this bhai?
Sans-it’s everything I need for the date. Arrange all the materials for me.
Lak- done bhai. He leaves from there….
After a couple of hours…. Sanskar reaches GM to pick up Ragini…
Swa-come in Sanskar… Di is coming. She smilingly leaves from there…Sanskar was waiting for 2 mins nw…he was eagerly waiting for Ragini…just then he senses something…his heartbeat rises. He turns around to look at the staircase…
There he sees Ragini looking gorgeous in the royal blue dress
and matching accessories…. Her hair was in a neat bun with a side fringe covering half of her forhead… Sanskar smiles seeing her…he fell in love with her again…. She comes down…
Sans- u look beautiful Ragini
Rag-thank u and u look handsome too… Sanskar smiles and forwards his right hand.
Sans-shall we go?…
Ragini holds his hand and nods yes….
Sans-wait there is one thing missing.
Rag- what is it?
He covers Ragini’s eyes with hand….
Rag-but what’s the need for this?… She is confused…
Sans-do u trust me?
Rag-of course I trust u. I trust u more than I trust myself.
Sans-ok then let’s go. He holds her hand and teleports from there… After few seconds Ragsan reached to a beach…
Sanskar makes her stand properly. He takes his hand off. Ragini’s eyes are still closed…
Sans-ok slowly open ur eyes…
Ragini smiles and slowly opens her eyes…she looked at the whole place…the view before her was beautiful…there was path made with rose petal which lead to a table for 2 just before the sea side… Above the table was roof which was decorated with flowers…
Ragini smilingly looked at Sanskar, who had his hand out towards Ragini…Ragini holds his hand and both start walking on petals reach to the table… Sanskar pulls a chair backwards
signing Ragini to sit down. She sat down as Sanskar took the seat opposite her.
Rag- this place is so beautiful. Each and every dercoration u did it’s perfect.
Sans smiles- hw do u knw I did this? I could have someone elses to do this….
Rag-no I knw u have decorated this place by yourself and without anyone help. Ur love is all around the place and I am surrounded by it. U really made feel special today…
Sans-correction.. U r special.
Ragini smiles at him… Sanskar picks up the wine bottle pours the wine in two glasses.
Ragini picks her glass up and takes a sip..
Sanskar watches as she sips the wine….Ragini notices this and blushes. A shy smile slips out. sanskar loves watching her….A voyeur looking into a secret world. Sanskar smiles warmly back as if to comfort her.
Just a little far away a pair of eyes was watching them….it was lucky..
Lak- I knew it… I knew it bhai will never put the shield. That’s why I came to check. I will put it on and will get going then…
He brings his hand forward but before he could do anything he saw a big shield forming around Ragsan. He looked around to see who put it on and saw Swara on the other side…
Lak-what is junglibilli doing?
He teleports to her and stands behind her. He then taps her shoulder and swara jerks back being scared…she was about to
scream…but lucky put his hand on her mouth…
Lak-don’t scream. U will ruin their date…swara nods her head. They both look into each other’s eyes… They share an intense eyelock… After a min it breaks and they come to their senses…
Lak-what r u doing here?
Swa-i came to see if everything is ok with them and see it’s a good thing bcuz they didn’t even put protection shield on and nw I did. Btw what r u doing here der hadi?
Lak- wo I came to the same. I think we should go nw. Swara agrees and they both go…
Sanskar puts his glass down and stands up… He walk towards Ragini and bring his hand out… Ragini holds his hand and stands up…
Both look into each other’s eyes. They could see immense love for each other…
Sans- Ragini today I have to say something
Rag-say what Sanskar…
Sans- Meri zindagi bhi tum, meri kainat bhi tum, sirf tum hi tum (u r my life, u r my universe, only and only u)
Ragini looks at him lovingly….
Sanskar starts singing-
Na jiya zindagi ek pal bhi
Tujhse hoke judaa sun zara
Ragini sings-
Bin tere mujhse naaraaz tha dil
Tu mila hai toh hai keh raha
Sanskar sings-
Main toh tere rang mein
Rang chuka hoon
Bas tera ban chuka hoon
Mera mujhme kuch nahi sab tera
Sanskar forwards his hand for a dance. Ragini smiles and holds his hand. They both start dancing slowly, completely lost in each other.
Ragini sings-
Main toh tere dhang mein
Dhal chuki hoon
Bas teri ban chuki hoon
Mera mujhme kuch nahi
Sab tera, sab tera..
Sab tera, sab tera..
Sanskar keeps his again sings-
Phir dil ke raaston pe
Teri aahat jo hui
Har dhadkan jashan mein hai
Yeh inaayat jo hui (x2)
Ragini walks a little far from sanskar whilst he sings.. She then hugs him from the back tightly, resting the side of her of face on his back and sings…
Main toh tujhe milke jee uthi hoon
Teri dhadkan mein chhupi hoon
Mera mujhme kuch nahin
Sab tera, sab tera..
Sab tera, sab tera..
Hey… ha…
Jis pal tu saath mere
Uss pal mein zindagi hai
Tujhe paake paaya sab kuch
Koi khwahish ab nahi hai (x2)
Sanskar takes Ragini’s hand
brings her in front of him, he carsses her face and she closes her eyes feeling his touch whilst he sings…
Mmm.. main toh bas tujhse hi bana hoon
Tere bin main bewajah hoon
Mera mujhe kuch bhi nahi
Sab tera, sab tera..
Sab tera, sab tera..
He twirls her around and pulls her closer towards him, his hands are on her waist…both share an intense eyelock.
Sans looking into her eyes- I love u Ragini..
Rag also looks in his eyes- I love u too Sanskar.
Hearing this Sanskar pull Ragini more closer leaving only few millimetres of gap between them. He moves closer to her lips. Ragini holds his coat more tightly and closes her eyes allowing him to kiss her. Sanskar too closes his eyes. He gently places his lips on her soft lips.Tasting the sweetness of her lips. They kiss slowly at first which soon becomes passionate…
Everything around them fades away. They are in their own world…locked in a kiss. Time stood still as Ragsan shared their first kiss…which was witnessed by the moon and stars…
After what seems like an eternity, their lips part slowly. They shared a lifetime in that one kiss.
Sanskar places his forhead on her forhead…his hands on her
waist and her arms are his shoulders… Both breathe heavily due the lack of air….
Sans- Marry me?
Ragini stood there in a shock… she was speechless and didn’t knw hw to react? she could not believe her ears. Was that what she think she heard? Whatever it is she wanted to hear it again….
Rag- kya kaha tumne?(what did u say?)
Sanskar smiles and takes his
hands off from her waist…he then sits down on one knee and takes out the small velvet black box… He opens it…inside the box was a beautiful platinum ring with a rose center filled with diamonds… Inside the ring the letters RS is engraved.
Sans-Miss Ragini Gadodia would u have the honour to become Mrs Ragini Sanskar Maheshwari? Would u spent ur whole life with me? Will u marry me?
Epi ends…
Precap- Ragini’s answer
Thank u all for reading. And again I am extremely sorry for updating so late. Please do comments to show I have ur full support. Keep smiling n enjoy ur day.
awesome dr miss u so much and ur ff also update other ff dr
Ragsan scenes are nice
Fantabulous!! Was waiting for ur ff?? loved it.. Missed u a lot!!
yippee i am very happy to see u back it is awesome thank u so much for uploading it
Awesome waiting for u from long days happy that u r back
Superb dear, I really missed this story and It’s fabulous, thank you very much for updating this story

Amazing waiting for next update plz soon please
Amazing waiting for next update plz soon update
Thank u soo very much 4 continuing i liked ur ff..always..and was hoping tat u continue..

awesome yaar glad to see u back plsz update soon egaerly waiting for next part…………
After a long decade you posted it.. I missed it so much..
Chappy is awesome… Loved it..ragsan scenes are so so sweet… swalak are soo caring for their siblings…keep it up dear.. Waiting for nxt..
Take care
Keep smiling?
Keep smiling?
Wooooooow itsssss superbbb loveddd it
Awesome dear….and I really missed it .
Yaar I missed u the updates , anyway ragsan date quite interesting keep going
Wowwwwwwww… An amazing day for me with ur ff….. Di… This epi is just out of the world… No words to appreciate u… U r the best…. Luv u di..
hey i missed this story a lot yaar i thought u will not continue but todays episode was fab loved it and omg sanskar propsed ragini ragini plzzz say yes fast
after a long time u post it dear…omg omg omg I can’t believe thz…fabulous update dear….ragsan date amazing…swalak scenes r supper….loved it to core….eagerly waiting for nxt one…tkcr dear…
Superb epi. Loving it and thank u for updating this epi. I hope ragini says s.
At last you have posted. It’s been 5 months that you didn’t uploaded anything anyways I’m happy to see you that you are back don’t disappear again.
On the other hand the epi was awesome. Please keep writing like this and hope that ragini says yes
loved it and loved thier moment and funny how lakshya interupted…i hope she says yes loved it so post soon.xx
superb loved it
Yipppppeeeeee…….wohoooo u r back….m soooooooooo happppyyyyyyy……
Now comng to d chapppy…it ws so so sooooooo damnnnnn amaznggggg yaaaar….wt an update…i jst loved it so so sooooooo muchhhhhh….ragsan date ????ragsan frst kisss ???????sanky proposnggggg rags ???????omggg everythng ws jst damnnnnnn fantstic………..awesome awesome awesome update yaaaaaar……..waitng eagerly for nxt part…..keeeep rockng n stay blesssed sweeeety…thnku so much for dis wonderfullll update dr…… missed u sooo muchhh …..plz post nxt part soooon ???????????