Hi everyone..so all are happy i guess …well there r two part of this chapter so..dont forget to miss it..ok..well abt the OS writing competition i scored the lowest total 70 on 100…but tht ok..i tried..winning is not always everything ri8..anyway congratulations to the winners keep reading guys ..always love u my favourite people..
Link to previous episodes
Recap: Sanskar confesses his love for Ragini..Viren misbehaves with Ragini.
Viren and Ragini looks on..
A man comes out of darkness..and also a women..the woman’s face is shown..
Ragini: Swara di..
She goes and hugs her.
Voice: Dobara Ragiini ki aura ankh uttakar bhi dekha toh..jaan le lungi teri..she is my brother’s…and ofcourse my saali sahiba…
Ragini looks on..
The man comes out of darkness.
Ragini: Laksh jeeju!!!
Ragini hugs him tight
Laksh: u r ok na saali sahiba..
Ragini: jeeju is tht really u?
Laksh: u and ur sister ..both r same to same..well 1st let me deal with this gentleman..so Viren come na..
Ragini hugs Swara.
Ragini: i’m so happy for u di…..
Laksh: come na misbehave with my saali..come na Viren…
Swara: Viren i’ll give u a free tip Sansky doesn’t knw abt all these..if he comes to knw tht u were trying to misbehave with Ragu then u r dead…so ..run Viren run.
All looks back..
Viren: Sanskar….
Laksh holds Viren so tht he cant escape..
Saiyam , Manan, Dia and Sakshi comes there with Rathores Raizadas and Maheshwaries
Saiyama nd Manan holds Viren.
Saiyam: we never thought u r lyk this Viren..
Dia: i’m feeling ashamed to even call u my friend..
Manan: just tk him away frm my sight or ele i donno wat will i do with him.
Raizadas ask forgiveness frm Ragini.
Ragini: Viren don’t u show ur face to me anymore..or else..
Laksh: wat r u waiting for Saali sahiba?
Ragini goes forward..and slaps Viren on his cheek hard..
Viren’s cheek becomes red..he holds it and goes..
Sanskar was abt to beat him but Laksh stops him ..
Viren and family leaves..
Sanskar hugs Laksh..
FB Starts
Rathore gets a call in the morning.
Rathore: Swaru ….princess where r u ?
Swara: papa i need to tell u smthing…
Rathore: first tell me where r u?
Swara: i’m with Laksh..
Rathore: wat?..Laksh wat r u talking Swara?
Swara: papa..Laksh is alive papa…my Laksh is alive
Rathore: how..where…i am coming to u..
Swara: no papa..be there..
Rathore: but hw u found him?
Swara: papa..tht day when i went for shopping with Ragini i got a call..its was frm him at 1st even i couldn’t believe it..
Rathore: but tht accident?
Swara: there was 2 people in the car ..Laksh and his assistant..and he resigned frm job tht day also..Laksh met him on the way and gave him a ride..Laksh’s id was with him..and wen accident happened Laksh was thrown out..and landed smwhere else..and it was his assistant’s body we got..police got Laksh’s id with him and informed us and as it was not in identifiable position we could’nt identify
Rathore: where was he all these years.
Swara: after tht accident Laksh was in comma for 2 years and as soon as he was better he called me…
Rathore: then wat r u both doing there come back..
Swara: yh we will reach there tomorrow but papa..i want to talk about Ragu’s marriage
Rathore: wat is it?
Swara: papa Sanskar loves her a lot and Ragini also loves Sanskar..and Mine and Sanskar’s marriage was just a plan to confess their feelings..and papa Ragini is just doing this marriage for u..
Rathore: wat?
Swara: and also tht Viren is not tht gud person.
Rathore: r u sure she will b happy with Sanskar?
Swara: 100% papa..
Rathore: just a min..smone is calling..i’ll call u back..
Rathore disconnects Swara’s call.
Rathore: hlo
Voice: Hlo Rathore uncle ..its Sakshi
Rathore: Sakshi wat happened dr?
Sakshi: Uncle don’t make this marriage happen Viren is not lyk we think..he is marrying Ragu for her property and money…
Rathore: hv u told this to Ragu?
Sakshi: no
Rathore: let me ask her once..and u tell her..let it b our backup plan.
Swara Rathore Adarsh Pari Parvathy Dayal and Laksh plans everything.
FB Ends.
Maheshwaries hug Laksh..
Sujatha: my bacha is fine wat else i need…
FB Starts
Sanskar: enough is enough ..i’mm going to check them.
Pari: Sanskar her family is here..
Sanskar: but bhabhi they r not at all bothered.
Parvathy: she is safe Sanskar beta but wat happene to u?
Sanskar: becoz i love her..yes i love Ragini she is my life..and i cant see anyone hurting her..
Rathore keeps his hand on Sanskar’s shoulder
Rathore: will u keep my daughter happy..and safe and love her…just lyk ur brother Laksh..lyk how we hv kept her?
Sanskar: yes Uncle i’ll keep her happy safe and my love for will only increase ..for her..my heart beats for only her..
Rathore: welcome to the family then..
Sanskar: but uncle..Viren…
Sakshi: i’ll tell abt him..
Sakshi exposes Viren infront of all
Sanskar: and still we r standing here.
Adarsh: Sanskar chill everything is fine
Pari: Haan Sanskar
Sanskar: frm morning u all r behaving stangly
Adarsh: Laksh and Swara r there upstairs..
Sanskar: Lucky?
DP: Kya Adarsh ..u said Laksh?
Sujatha: laksh?…my chora..where is he..
Adarsh explains everything to them.
AP: Finally our family is going to be complete..
Sanskar: where is tht Viren …
The all moves upstairs…
FB Ends
All are very happy.
Laksh takes ananya..
Laksh: Anu my bacha do u knw who am i?
Annu: dadu..
Laksh: awe…mere bacha..
He hugs Annu and Swara.
Pandit: Muhurat..jaa raha hain
DP: Haan..Sanskar..
Ragini: i want to speak to Sanskar..
All r lil bit worried
Precap: Wat is Ragini’s decision?..Swalak…
Finally Laksh is back..i hope all r happy..and sry for making Viren –ve..Sry Inu di..for tht.
And nw abt Ragsan..i love this bringing twist so…there will be a part 2…of this episode where we will come to knw if Ragsan marriage actually happens or..not…..so lets see guys..
Mindblowing Adi?
Thank u so much Sam
Thank u so much di
Awesome… I am so happy that laksh is finally back… Finally that viren is out of ragsan’s life…
Thank u so much Dharani di
Its the mandap for heroine nd villain…. If marriage doesn’t happen
….. We never feel bad……. Becoz there us no shopping romance.. No dress code… No function….. Blablabla…….. So give xtra tym for their marriage…. Haaa u engaged themm…….. But still there is pipe ladder rope scene before marriage nd after engagement
Well thank u di..actually i dont knw most of the rituals..thts why i skipped it..
So happy lucky is back…awesome adi
Thank u so much Shri di love u
superb dr
Thank u so much mk
awesome adi don’t feel bad for os competition. its just a competition.
hey aditi..i’m not sad 4 tht OS competition..i participated..u guys loved it for me thts enough
love u yaara
Amazingggg yaar
Hey Jazzy di u’re back…thank u so much
Thank u so much di
super duper awesome…..laksh is back….yippe….and finally finally finally that viren’s chapter is finished…I was waiting for this update the whole and the wait was worth it..next part asap….keep it up
Thank u so much Jayanti di for commenting love u lots di..will update zehnaseeb today
Superb??… mind blowing ???…am really happy that laksh is back that Viren chapter is finally closed…. eagerly waiting for the next chappy.. update soon
Thank u so much Adreen di..will update soon
Omgggg yippeee superbbbb part???loved it so muchh….N m really curious to know about ragsan!!!! AmZngggg uodate sweetheart??loved it so much….
N hi-fi even i lost d os compitition? n u said it absolutely r8 dat winning is not everything yaar…every compitition teaches us somethng????? so let’s celebrate to our loss???hahahahah love u sooo much baccha…for me u”ll always be d bestest?umaah?post nxt part soon…keep rockng n stay blessed?
Thank u so much for this comment Fairy di…hi-fi di…love u di ..umaah lots of kisses and hugs..?????????
Thank u so much Sinni di
superb epi sisy. Finally my wait is over. and about the precap I feel bechara sanky he has to ait for another epi to get his ragu. So happy that laksh is back
Di i’m really sry 4 tht Viren thing..i’m sry..and i’m glad to knw tht inspite of all this u loved today’s episode thank u so much it really means a lot to me.. love u di
Wow di amazing episode…at last laksh is back…I think now everything will be fine…Love u??
Thank u so much Somu sweetheart keep on reading..love u too darling
awesome dear…my waiting s over…laksh back yippee…am sooo happy…viren out of our ragsan life…precap am excited…what ragu going to do…eagerly waiting for nxt one….
u r absolutely correct dear…winning s not always everything….don’t feel for that…u r always winner for us…tkcr dear…
Thank u so much Asra di love u …u and Shri di are lyk my big sisters..thankz a lot for being there always..love u di..:)
Amazing keep going
Thank us much Asw di
Thank u so much