Plz comment. Really sorry for late update.
Swara gets kidnapped. She sees the kidnaper’s face and get shocked. She tells you. He turns. He is laksh. Laksh: yes sweetheart me. You know one thing baby you rejected me Laksh maheswari. How can I leave you then . you’ll have to accept me whether you want or not. And this is answer of rejection. But baby I have to go for 5 days from Kolkata till then you be here and cry.
Swara: see laksh I know you are not a bad person but I don’t love you because I love San.. She stops. Please let me go I’ll not tell anyone about this. Laksh: sorry but I cannot let you go .he leaves.
Scene 2.
Sanskar asking to himself: where are you swara? I have to tell many things that I have started loving you. And This feeling is really different for me. Darmiyaan plays.
Scene 3. After two days.
Sanskar gets worried about swara because she hasn’t came to office from two days and also not picking up her phone.
Scene 4.
Swara shouts please help. Is anyone there . please help. Sir Please save me. Sanskar sir please save me. Please. (Zaroorat song plays). Sanskar also remember swara. ( zaroorat plays).
Swara frees herself. And runs from there. She goes home. Sumi: shona where were you. Swara: maa .she hugs sumi. Someone had kidnapped me. Sumi: who?
Swara: I don’t know. Sumi: OK relax shona. Sit here. Swara: maa I have go to office and where is Ragini? Sumi: she has gone to Mumbai. she has been selected to work in a classical music album. Swara: oh wow maa. Sumi: and today you’ll not go to office as my friend’s son is coming to see you . swara gets shocked and says maa but I . sumi : no but . first you the boy. Swara holds her tears and says: ok. She tell but I’ll go to office today.she goes to Sanskar’s cabin and tell Sanskar sees her and come to her .he holds her shoulder where were you ? Are you ok. Swara silently sees in his eye and tell sir today a boy is coming to see me. Sanskar gets shocked and feels like crying. He tell :so what. Swara: you will not get affected if I marry someone else. Sanskar holds his tears and tell no.
Swara tell : really then why you showed concern for me. Why in the hospital you said that you’ll always be there for me? Why? Swara holds his collar and says: tell why sir tell why sir why?Sanskar hugs her tightly and says because I love you. I really do. Swara also hugs him and tell I love you too sir . Darmiyaan plays. He kisses her on forehead.
Precap: Raglak falling for each other.

Previous episode link plz
Yr what an episode……
just loved it…..
Superb job aditi welldone….
swasan scene!!!
simply loved it…..
plsss uplaoad nextpart……egarlywaiting…..
Thank you Lee
Waiting for next part by the way it was also very good
Super aditi keep it up