Let’s begin…
Krish: sanskar how you know abt ragini..
San smiles at rag.. Rag was looking down…
San: i met her at orphanage…
Rag looks at him…
Krish: u mean xyz orphanage
San smiles: yes…
Krish: u talk…i will come now..
He goes to someother ppl to train them..
San smiles seeing rag..
Lak: swara.. Why didn’t u pick my call..
Or replied my msg…
SW: voh…i…was…busy..s..o…
Lak: it’s ok..
SW: ok
Lak: wat..?
SW: bye…
Lak: why i feel u r avoiding me!!
SW: ha
San: so miss. Ragini
She was shivering in fear…
San smiles
San:now i thing i should attach magnet..
San: why r u fearing dis much?? Do i look like ghost…??or are u a robber
Rag widens her eyes
San: that u fear seeing me….
SW: no laksh… Not like that..
Lak: then wat swara…
SW: laksh
Krish comes: wifey…
Lak looks shocked at krish
Lak: wifey!!!
Krish: actually.. She is my fiance
Lak is super shocked…
SW glâres krish…
Krish: i vl come now…
Rag: ss..ii.rrrr
San: y..eeeee…sssss
Rag looks at him
San: wat u know…i should too talk like this with u… May be u start talking with me…
Krish: arey…sanskar she is like that only…i hope after our marriage she vl not fear…
San; marriage??
Krish:ha…she is my fiance
San feels a strong Current is given to him…
Krish:i know u r not like swara.. Atleast u won’t glare…
Lak: u r engaged???
SW looks shocked at him…
Lak:u didn’t tell me!!!
SW gets a call from orphanage: wat???
She widens her eyes…
Lak was looking at her confused….
She has tears now…
She runs to rag
Rag looks at her…
Rag: swaru why r u crying…??
Krish chips swara face.. Lak somewhat feeling gealous.. Bt was worried for swara…
Rag loudly: tell swara…u r killing me inside
San was looking at them confused…
SW: wohhh…druvvv…
Rag: wat druv…say….??swara..
SW: he fell unconsious and doctors are saying that it’s tough to save him
Rag was shocked tears too falls from her eyes
Krish:we must go there…
Swarag runs
Krish: sanskar plzz take them…i vl come after few mins
San nods…
Sanlak follows them..
Lak:swara..come v vl take u…
Swarag nods they were crying…
San: wch hospital
Rag: city hospital…
They leaves for city hospital…
Swarag sanlak comes there…
(Orphange lady Smitha was present there)
Smi: swaragini…
Rag: wr is dhruv…?
Smi: he is in ot..
Swarag were crying…
Doctor comes…
Sanlak goes to him…
San: doctor how is druv…?
Doc:we r trying our best…now we should pray to god…
Doc goes…
Nurse comes there and says to pay the bill…
Swarag nods…
SW: smita aunty..payments!!
Smi:actually swara..before it was like palak is getting operated so i advancely paid..and one check didnt cashed as its date is after 2 days…i hv few money we can pay it as advance…
Lak:no need..i vl pay it…
SW: bt laksh…
San: swara.. He is ryte…
SW: thankyou…
Rag: thankyou….
Sanlak smiles…
Lak goes and pays the bill…
San: don’t worry he vl be all right..
Krish comes..
Swarag both hugs him and cries…
Krish: hey nthng will happen to him… And don’t cry… It doesn’t suit you…
He rubs tears from both their eyes…
They all sits…
Lak: bhai…u must go..
San: no it’s ok…
After 1 hrs..
Doctor comes…
Krish sanlak swarag asks him abt druv
Doc: it’s a miracle… He now all right…i never saw such cases…bt ha there another operation needed bt after 2 months
Swarag: can we meet him…
Doc: yes..i will shift him in ward u can meet him..
Doc goes…
Swarag goes to the ward…
Druv sees them…
Swarag were still crying..
Druv: why u both are flooding here
Swarag smiles with tears..
Krish:tumne tho hume dara hi diya…
Druv looks at him confused…
Krish:ab yeh mat kehena..ki tum kaun ho..
Druv: tum kaun ho…
Krish: accha…
Druv: sorry..krish bhaiyya..
Krish smiles…
Sanlak comes
San: champ…
Druv: u too came…
Lak: why v vl not come…!!u r superhero
Druv smiles..
Nurse comes: let patient take rest…
They all goes out
Druv:ragu di swaru di
Swarag goes to him
Druv:di…i m now ok na..
Swarag smiles and nods…
Druv:i can also play like others
Rag: no after 2 months…
Druv smiles
SW: now u take rest ok…
Swarag comes out…
Sanlak: ok..we must leave now…
Swa: thankyou.. If u both were not…
Lak: swara same thing we can also say..
Wat if you both were not present with our mom..
San: so thankyou…
Swarag smiles…
Rag: we vl give back your money within 2 or 3 days
San: no… No need..
SW: rag is ryte..
Lak: this is nthng wat u done to our mom so… Let it be
SW: bt lak…
Lak: no..means no…
Swarag smiles
SW: lak i want to talk to you something important…
SW looks at rag… Rag nods…
Lak: ya..tell
SW: not here…
Lak: ok come with me
Swalak leaves…
Krish: ragu..i m going r u coming..
Rag: u go…i vl come later…
Krish: ok
He goes…
Rag: smita aunty u go to orphanage i m here itself…
San smiles
Smita: tankyou beta…
She too leaves…
Rag was abt to turn..
San: ragini…
Rag heart beat raises…
They goes to near by coffee shop…
Lak: tell swara..
SW: i don’t know how to tell…
Lak holds her hand.. She feels current passing through her body..
Lak: tell swara…
SW: woh…i didn’t met u to make u frnd
Lak smiles
SW: u r smiling…
Lak: i know that…
SW: how??
San: ragini
She turns…
San: i don’t know why…u r scared of me.. Bt
Rag: ss..i
San: let me complete first
Rag nods.. She was looking down…
San: till now i never meet someone like u…
Rag looks at him…
San: i don’t know why i m saying this to you..i can’t take u out of my mind for a min
Rag looks at him shocked…
Lak: first let’s order something
They ordered coffee
SW: ok now tell…
Lak: i knew that.. It’s a logic afterall
SW looks at him confused
Lak: ur entry my life
Lak: i m a journalist..i can understand wat is truth!!
SW: mean
Lak: at our first met itself i understood that.. There is some motive
SW: then why u met me.. Or befriend me?
San: don’t look at me like that..
She lowered her eyes
San: and plzz
Rag: sir..
San: yes
Rag: i …m.. so..r..ry
San: why r stammering?? And why sorry!!
Rag was abt to run…
San holds her hand…
San: i vl never let u run from me
Rag: wat
San: i mean..i m tiered let’s be friend..
Rag looks on
Lak: u won’t understand
SW: don’t you want to ask why i came?
Lak: no
SW: but i want to say.. Actually.. She says all abt her motive to meet him except rag
Lak smiles: u know wat u r mad!!
SW: i m sorry laksh..
Lak smiles:u thought to make me fall for you..
SW nods…
Lak: u made this plan to save them..
SW nods
Lak: if u hv asked directly i would have given u money..
SW: i thought that If u didn’t help me..
Lak: hmm…
Rag scared: sir why u want to be my friend..?
San smiles: good question…
Lak: bt watever..u made it
SW confused…
SW: wat laksh?
Lak smiles: you may be marrying soon bt i want to say something I LIKE YOU
swara widens her eyes…
Lak smilingly leaves from there..
SW was in full shock(zor ka jhatka)
San: wat is ur opinion why i m doing this??
Rag: i…do..nt..kn..ow…
San:bcs ..
Rag looks at him
San: bcs…I LIKE YOU… And i don’t know wat i m saying.. And i also know that u r engaged..bt the thing is I LIKE YOU..
HE smilingly leaves from there…
Rag was shocked:m i dreaming… Wat is happening with me…. Now wat should i do..oh god…
SW comes back to hospital
Rag sees her tensed…
Rag: sw wat hpnd??
SW hugs her
Rag: wat hpnd swara
SW: nthng
Rag: hiding with me….
SW then tells abt lak…
Rag widens her eyes..
Rag: tumhe bhi
SW: wat do you mean
She then tells abt sanskar
SW: wat is hpng with us…
Rag: now wat vl v do??
SW: we can do only one thing
Rag: wat
SW: avoiding them
Rag: how…?
Precap: attack on sanskar…
Wat vl hpn next??
haha more ragini pljj
More ragsan scenes please
Now rag wil care for him
Amazing dearrr
superb. more ragsan scenes dr
post soon……
gv more raglak scn nd eql imp to both cpl bcs swara hi sb decide krti h nd sare ideas b vhi deti h serial ki trh yha p b rag ko ekdm side rol dere h bcs vo koi idea ni deri srf swara ki bt maan ri h so plz gv eql imp
I will importance to both… And ya…i will gv more ragini scenes ok…
Nd updt sn dear
Thanks.. Update..
Nice update dr…
awesome loved it
Thanks…Ragz come up with next season of crazy love…
Omgggg sooooooooo fabulous update.
…swalak scene ws sooo awesome “D .
..maza aagya parke yaar!!!!soooper doooper amaznggg!!!!rags is so so cute..n sanky ..hayy!!!uske smile
Waitng super eagerly for nxt update..
:Dloved dis ff veryyy much 
Keeep rockng n stay blessed swseeeety
Thanks… Fairy
I m too waiting eagerly for ur ff
Superb epi.
Nice ragsan & swalak are cute keep going
Nice loved the confession and how the time just walked away xx
superb…!!loved it…!!
amazing dear….loved it….
Super awesome…. its very amazing