Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

swaragini rocks (swalak and ragsan) chapter 11

Hii guys. I am back,I know you are very angry on me. Some of you must have forgotten about me and my fan fiction. I am really very sorry. Sorry.
Previous episode link :
In last episode we saw swalak singing in the competition.

Today’s episode.
Swalak won this round they are really happy. Lucky hugs swara in excitement. Swara is shocked. She breaks the hug and tell O hello Mr.rock star when we were in farm house then you said that I want to come close to you but now what are you doing. Lucky : excuse me. I don’t have any interest in hugging a cat ! Ragini laughed by listing this. Sanskar sees her. Swara ask to Ragini rags ab tum bhi! Ragini : o sorry sorry shona. Lucky laughs at swara and tell – shona ha ha you mean gold. Ok now your new name sone ki Billi (gold cat). Swara : and your name is kaliya(Blacky). Lucky runs after swara, swara also runs.
Ragini tell sanskar: they(swalak) look good together. Sanskar : yes! We look good together. Ragini shakes sanskar and tell I am talking about swara and lucky. Sanskar:sorry.

Godadia house . at night.
Sumi congrats swara. She gives Rossogulla to swaragini. Swara: wow maa…I mean aunty this sweet is mind blowing. She hugs sumi. Ragini: wow maa, very nice now swara came to our house so you forgot me. Swara sumi and Ragini laughs.

Maheswari mansion. At midnight.
Sanskar goes to Lucky’s room. Lucky: bhai ! You. What happen. Sanskar: I have to tell you something. I know your marriage is already fixed with roshini but I proposed one girl for marriage. Lucky in shock : and who is that lucky girl. Sanskar : She is Ragini. Lucky : you mean ‘sone ki Billi’ ki friend Ragini. Sanskar: yes lucky and I want to meet her now and you will also come with me. Lucky: are you crazy you know roshini and maa are in hall. How we will go.They discuss a plan . lucky goes to hall. He talks with roshini so she couldn’t see Sanskar going out. She is busy in talking with lucky Sanskar goes out of house. Lucky says good night to roshini. Roshini finds something strange in Laksh’s behavior. Lucky goes to his room he tell sanskar to throw rope up. Sanskar throws it on window lucky goes down with the help of rope.

Gadodia house.
Swaragini are sleeping. Sanlak goes to their room by climbing window pipe. They enter the room through window. Sanskar goes to Ragini and shakes her. She wakes up. She is about to shout but Sanskar keeps his hand on her mouth. Manchala plays in background. Sanskar : I am the one. Ragini : you what are you doing here. If swara will see you here then. Sanskar: let’s go out of the room. And lucky you see swara. Ragsan carries lucky and keep him on the bed where Ragini was sleeping before.(There was space between them. Swara sleeping on left side of bed and lucky was on right said) Lucky: but Bhai. Ragsan cover him with blanket. They leave. Lucky: OMG. Bhai what have you done to me. He falls sleep .

Outside the room .
Ragini: this is the time to meet anyone! Sanskar: sorry Ragini but I have to give you something that’s why I came here .Ragini smiles and tell what’s that? Sanskar takes out ring from his pocket . Ragini: this is for me. Sanskar nods. He sits on his knees and propose Ragini for marriage. Ragini takes that ring and tell yes.

Inside room.
Swara wakes up for drinking water. She sees lucky’s face and screams. Lucky also wakes up and screams ‘Bhut Bhut (ghost)’. Ragini and Sanskar come inside hearing their screaming. They lock the door. Swara: what they are doing here? Lucky: that is a big story. Swara: have I asked you. So you please shut your mouth. Ragsan :you both stop fighting. Everyone in house might have heard your screaming. Sumi and Dadi knocks the door. Sumi: beta you are ok na. Open the door please. Are you ok. Beta! Please say something. Dadi: lado, are you ok. Ragini pushes Sanskar under the bed . swara hides lucky behind curtains. They both open the door with a fake smile. Ragini: yes maa. Dadi: are you ok lado and swara. Swara: aunty and Dadi we are ok.sumi: but we heard your screaming. Ragini hesitates. Swara: yes Ragini screamed because she saw a bad dream. Dadi: but it was male voice. Swara: yes Dadi. Actually I am having cough. She coughs fake. Sumi: but you are having cough and you said that Ragini screamed. Swara: we both screamed so. Good night. Sumi and Dadi are still confused but the go from there. Ragini: Bach gae(saved). Now it was 4 o clock morning.

Maheswari mansion.
Roshini think that swara is trying to snatch Laksh from her.(as she already seen swalak together in farmhouse. She decides to throw swara from Laksh’s life.
Sanlak come to maheswari mansion and go to the room.

Guys I am not giving precap because I am not going to continue. If any of you want to continue this fan fiction they can continue with the same title from chapter 12. They can take the credit and continue. I’ll surely read.
Bye bye.I’ll miss you all(Hayathi,pari,sandy,keerthu,lily,niva,esha and all others.sorry if I forgot any name)


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