Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

Swaragini-Some Unspoken Things Episode 16 By Aditi Ayansh

Hi everyone..Thank u so much for all your comments..Really they are awesome. Love u all.
Please keep on supporting and encouraging me.
Adi 🙂

Recap: RagSan break up
Both couldn’t sleep that night. They kept on toggling between the two sides.
@ Morning
Ragini is looking at her and Sanskar’s photos in her phone.
She recalls yesterday’s phone call.
She feels sad.
Rohan: Sanky get up. We are getting late.
Sanskar: I am not coming to office today.
Rohan: why? What happened?
Sanskar tells him everything that happened the previous day.
Rohan; what have you done Sanskar?
Sanskar: its over Rohan.
Rohan: you are na completely mental Sanskar.
Rohan gets a call.
Rohan: Hlo Avanti can you believe what this idiot Maheshwari have done..
Taking on the phone Rohan goes from there.
Sanskar looks on
Days pass on
Ragini was very sad.
Ragini takes the phone and take Sanskar’s number and burst into tears.
Ragini looks on.
Mukta comes in.
Ragini wipes her tears.
Mukta: Ragu come we have leave for shopping na
Ragini: oh i forgot..sorry bhabhi.
Mukta: areey who’s marriage is going to happened yours or someone else’s
Ragini: sorry bhabhi.
Mukta: Ragu is there some problem?
Ragini: problem what problem
Mukta: something is troubling you isn’t?
Ragini: nothing is troubling me..i am happy..
Mukta: ok then get ready fast.
Ragini faked a smile.
Some more days later.
@RM is decorated very beautifully.
Janki is helping Mukta to arrange Ragini’s cloths.
Janki: i cant believe that in 2 days you are going to get married.
Mukta: haan.
Ragini is about to go.
Janki: Ragu what happened?
Ragini: nothing mumma headache.
Janki: ok then go and rest beta.
Ragini goes.
Ragini takes her mobile.
She scrolls her and Sanskar’s pictures.
Tears come from her eyes.
Ragini: you are such a big coward Mr Maheshwari …I hate you..This is all happening because of you. You are very bad..I’ll never ever forgive you.
Ragini sobs
@Sanskar’s place.
Sanskar is also looking at his phone scrolling his and Ragini’s photos.
Rohan comes to him.
Rohan: its her wedding in 2 days.
Sanskar is disturbed hearing this.
Rohan: i know Sanskar you care for it.
Sanskar: Rohan just go i don’t want to talk to anyone. Please.
Rohan: i am leaving. Here have this drink sit here and sing channa meraya for the rest of your life.
Sanskar: now its all my mistake.
Rohan: then whose mistake is it? She asked you to talk to her parents right.
Sanskar: like her parents will agree just like that.
Rohan: well that depends but you didn’t even tried na. Its your mistake. Rithu told me that Ragini is not at all happy. And she is suffering all this because of you.
Sanskar looks on.
Precap: Sanskar fights with Rithwik.

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Some stories are better left Incomplete

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