Hello everyone. I am a silent reader of TU and a big fan of SWARAGINI. So Thought to write a story on Swaragini. So here we go with the story.
Character Sketch
Swara : a very naughty & bubbly girl. She is a boyish type girl. Works in a small local TV channel in Coonnoor. She is the host of a comedy program. Loves her sister Ragini very much
Ragini : a very sweet girl. Working as a teacher in a school in Coonnoor. Loves her sister very Much.
Dr. Sreedevi : a very sweet loving and a strict mother of Swaragini. Loves Ragini more than Swara.
Col. Rajendra : Father in law of Dr. Sreedevi. A very fun loving grandpa. Always support Swara in all her naughtiness.
Lakshya : a fun loving boy and a best friend of Swara. He is the partner in Crime of Swara.
Sanskar : He is a Navy officer and family friend of Dr. Sreedevi.
Shekar : Father of Swaragini.
hello kukuu or kukku di
loved the intro but do tell na what are the pairs
waiting for the next part
Hi iqra
Wait till next part for the pairs..
Nice dear…all the best and would love to read if it is swasan
Hey…is it the story of a Malayalam movie !!! Colours….
So as per that…SWA….SAN is the pair right!!
R u from Kerala? Interesting and plz make Raglak as pair
is this story based on the malayalam movie colours
Yes Shiva. It is
nice intro dear….
Nice..plz ragsan
Nice, I guess u r a malayali, by the way keralathil evida
Athe Malayaliyanu. From Trivandrum.
wow loved it…nice concept…pair is swasan? right…?if swa______lak n rag________san means pls inform before..
Waaa welcome to Swaragini family Kukuuu..! Your name is same kinda me.!
Anyway nice intro..! I would love to read if it’s SwaSan.! Continue soon.! Thnk u.. ;-*
Thank you Kakali.
welcome to sr family nice intro reveal the pairs soon if it is swsan and raglak i will be in to read it..
Thank you Anu.
Nice intro plz make it ragsan
Nice… I would love to read if its ragsan n swalak….
awesome…love to read if it is swasan☺
Thank you all for all the comments.
nice concept…love to read on swasan?
itz wi b vry intrstin 2 read if d pairs r raglak n swasan..
Welcome to swaragini family kukku..
Wud love to read if its swasan..
nice xx