Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

swaragini swara + ragini = ? (Episode 4)

hi guy thanks 4 ur comment i am going 2 reveal the pair is ragsan and swalak . swasan and raglak fans don’t worry i have another ff 4 swasan
the show starts sankar taking with swara ( v don’t no wat they r taking)
swara: it was so nice 2 talk with u butbit s late so srry
sanskar:kk bye swara(saying this sanskar left)
laksh came there running
laksh: plz swara plz 4give me wat i did was a big mistake plz 4give me
swara:who r u?
laksh: understand my situation plz swara i made it 4 my friends but soon reliased my mistake
swara:wat 2 understand wat u did was not mistake it s a sin (saying this she left with teary eyes)
laksh was standing and crying
sence sifts 2 ragini laughing with her friend kaaviyaa
kaaviya: ragini it s so wrong let say 2 him it s not fun
ragini:wat raghul did the say 2 me
kaaviya:but am scared

ragini: i still remenber the day when i was running he kept his legs in the and fell down every1 laughed at me my painting which have 2 be submmited on the day was spoiled
kaaviya:kk but bit scared
3 minutes be4 wat happened
ragini saw raghul’s shoe lays was untied so she went quitely as if seraching 4 her pen in that gap she tied his lays in different manner by which he can fall
lets c wat happened

after the bell rang raghul started walking he take his steps because the shoe lays r tied in different manner he falls down rolling ragini go there and the same thing which he said
ragini: raghul grow up .keep ur eyes open my boy. walk properly she the table it is broken because of u(she could not control her laughter she started laughing)
ragini: am ragini gadodia think be4 u do it r else u will face many problems
raghul was so angry that he came 2 slap ragini just then laksh helps her by saying raghul ur wanted by principal imediately u go raghul goes in anger
kaaviya: be careful with him thank u laksh 4 saving ragini
laksh:ragini ur plan was nice u did not include me but i joined by myself i saw wat u did so 1ly i said lies

ragini: i have plans 2 do and u have ideas 2 escape wat nice pair
laksh started crying thinking about swara . ragini was shocked

guys i think u like plz comment i did show swra part much because she come soon

precap: the same amd 1 extra will laksh will say about his past 2 ragini


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