Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

Swaragini ( you and me SWASAN ) episode 3

sorry for late update was busy with exams ….

the episode begins in hospital :

sanky sumi and shekhar were in the hospital , it has been two hours and swara is still unconscious , three of them were worried , as sanskar was about to say something nurse came she told them that now u all may go and ony on of u is permitted to stay with the patient ….
sanky : maa baba u may go , i will stay with swara …
sumi : y should i go , i will stay here with my shona u go sanky and by the way beta according to law we r ot ur in laws anymore and swara is not ur wife … so practically u go …
sanky : aunty plz let me stay , i still love her more than anything .
shekhar : then y did u divorced her ..?

sanskar went silent no words were forming in his mouth only tears rolled down his eyes ….
sumi : tell us sanskar … wht made u divorced her ?
sanky : i … i .. di… didnt wanted her to suffer the torture of ragini in my house and she was tired of correcting ragini and her evil plans ….
sumi : so thats y u divorced her , have u realised how much she loves u and do u know , she has not eaten anything since yesterday , she was continuosly crying bcuz of loosing u …
sanky : i know aunty , it also hurts in here ( poiting to his heart ) when one tear falls frm my swaras eye …
shkhar : sumi let him stay , we should be leaving … bye sanky take care ….( and shekhar took sumi with him )

sanskar sat beside swara and was remincing every good memory spent with her …. his phone rang it was sujhata …
sujhata : where r u sanskar , r u ok ! i now u r at ffice but since u lft i was having a strange feeling … is everything k na ?
sanky : yes mom everything is fine .. ( his voice cracked )
sujhata : i know someting is wrong , u cant hide it frm ur mom …
sanky narrated the whole incident to her mom and tears began rolling from his eyes …
sujhata : beta u should had informed us ?
sanky : mom u guys r already facing a bigger mess “ ragini .” how can I hurt u guys more with this shock …. Ok bye mom im ending the call , w8 … promise me u wont tell this to anyone not even ur shadow … plz mom ….. bye ..
nurse : mr. maheshwari plz go and buy these medicines fr ur wife …
“WIFE … um i wish she was still mine .. ” sanky said to himself ….

Sanky took the slip and headed towards the pharmacy …. He returned to where swara’s ward ….

sanky took swaras hand in his hand and began taking to hr , he expressed his feelings to swara and was telling her how sorry he was ….
it was almost night sanky was still at the hospital , he had fallen asleep while sitting , swaras hand was still locked within his palms …. but some sudden movement made him wake up …. and when he woke up properly he saw swaras eyes open and she was looking at him …
sanky hugged her but she didnt hugged him back , she was still cross on him for his behaviour , but our swasan rmade for each other nobody can seperate them ….. sanky apologized to swar and explained the whole crisis behind their divorce , and our swara believed him ….. finally they had a cute hug ….. and the ep ends here …..

precap : swsan enter the MM together hand in hand …


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