Hi guys..I felt really bad..only 3 comments on last episode..maybe bcuz I was irregular or it wasn’t posted on Swaragini’s pg..don’t know but pls try to comment today..let’s start…
Sanlak goes to office but forgets to take tiffin..Swaragini insists to take tiffin 2 the office n give 2sanlak n everyone agrees..Swaragini goes to the office..Here in the office sanlak doesn’t talk to eo(each other),ignores eo..Swaragini comes 2 the office n sees sanlak ignoring eo..Swaragini feels bad
Swa:look ragini..bcuz of us des brothers doesn’t even look eo
Rag:I know swara..even I feel bad but wat can we do
Swa:we can do
Swa:I have an idea(swara says something to ragini which is muted)
Rag:amzing idea swara..just hope it works
Swa:hope so
Swaragini takes tiffin box n goes in different direction..swara goes to laksh’s cabin n ragini to sanskaar’s cabin
At ragsan
Ragini enters..sanskaar was sitting in the chair n gets surprised
Sans(stands up n goes towards ragini) :ragini u..all of a sudden,is everything alright,where’s swara..is she fine
Rag(smiles n sits in other chair)):oh my god! Sanskaar so many questions..relax everything is fine..can’t I come into ur cabin
Sans:of course u can..but all of a sudden..n btw where’s swara
Rag(keeps her hand on her head):uff! Sanskaar u r so desperate to meet ur wife..ok listen she’s in the store room
Sans(shocked):but y
Rag(stands up):bcuz ur wife was fighting with me so I looked her in the store room
Sans(worried)wat ragini..have u gone mad…u looked swara in the store room..I hope she’s fine
Sanskaar gets hell worried n goes to the store room..ragini smirks
At swalak
Swara enters n laksh gets shocked n angry on seeing her
Lak(angry):swara wat r u doing here..I told u na never talk to me
Swa:laksh I know u r angry…but pls listen 2 me
Lak:listen 2 u..for wat u didn’t care for me den y should I listen 2 u,u know wat nothing is left 2 listen btw us so u better leave
Swa:laksh pls
Laksh notices tiffin box in swara’s hands
Lak:ohh I see,mrs.swara sanskaar mehashwari has brought tiffin for her husband mr.Sanskaar mehashwari..(cries)den mrs.sanskaar mehashwari sorry 2 say u have come in the wrong cabin..as ur husband is in the other side..n I have moved on
Swa(cries):I had came here 2 only inform u that ur wife has got stuck in the store room as u have moved on so u should go n save her
Laksh gets worried n leaves for the store room without saying anything to swara
In store room
First sanskaar comes n den laksh..light is off 2 c eo..suddenly door gets looked from outside dey both gets shocked..dey still didn’t c eo..outside Swaragini looks the door n gives hi-fi but swara is still still little sad n lost bcuz of laksh n doesn’t looks at ragini..ragini notices
Rag(turns swara to herself n holds swara’s hand):wat happened swara y r u sad
Swa:nothing ragini..I m just not feeling well
Rag:don’t lie 2me swara..I know laksh must have hurted u with his words..(holds swara’s face)swara I know u must be feeling very bad 2 c ur best friend like this..but try 2 understand his situation..wat he must be feeling after getting betrayed from the person he loves..I know watever u did was for me..my happiness..but swara laksh was hurted a lot..he needs time 2 get over all this
Swa(sobs):I know ragini..I can understand..but still it feels very bad 2 c ur best friend like this..he hates me..he was my best friend..but still I m happy dat u got ur (holds ragini’s face) happiness..ur love
Rag:I know swara n I promise u we together will make everything alright(Swaragini plays in bg)..n Laksh will again become ur best friend..but know lets unite the brothers
Swa:ya ya we can do des rona-dhona(crying) later
In the store room
Lights comes..sanlak gets shocked 2 c eo
Laksh:wat r u doing here
Sans:y r u asking I should ask the question..wat r u doing here
Lak:wat..actually I know the answer u n ur wife made plans 2 trouble me n my wife
Sans:pls laksh..ur habit of blaming others hasn’t gone yet..in childhood also u used 2 blame others
Lak:I used to blame others..bhai how can u say that..u know na I only used 2 blame the ones who had done the mistake..so pls bhai don’t put wrong allegations on me
Sanskaar was happy to hear the word bhai from him..whereas laksh was shocked 2 c dat he said bhai
Dey both became quite..Swaragini was trying to listen everything from outside by sticking their ears on the door
Rag:wat happened..a while ago dey were fighting n shouting but now dey r quite
Swa:actually..wat happened all of a sudden..I think we should check
Dey both enters..n sees sanlak standing still looking down..dey don’t understands anything n goes towards them
Rag:laksh..sanskaar wat happened y r u standing like this
Swa:yes sanskaar wat happened
Sanskaar slowly holds swara’s hand tightly n Laksh holds ragini
Sans:wo..wo swa..ra
Rag:r u both going 2 tell anything or we should go
Swaragini:den tell na
Sanlak jumps on sofa
Swara(giggles):wat r u both mad ..rat..u both r scared of rats
Lak:y r u not scared of cockroach
Rag(giggles):we r but being a boy scared of cockroach is little shameful
Sans:y r boys not human
Swa:ofcourse dey r(tries 2 stop laughter n turns 2 ragini b hits ragini’s shoulder playfully) stop it ragini..we shouldn’t trouble des kids..can’t u see dey r so scared
Sanlak gives death glare 2 swara
Lak:swara wait let des rat go den I will c u
Swa:ok den stay here bcuz I m not going 2 move des rat
Sans( pleads):leave him swara..c ur husband is getting scared..save ur husband
Swa:ok my dear husband
Swara starts to move but ragini holds swara’s wrist
Rag:y so quick swara..wait for a while..let’s have some fun
Lak:wat fo u mean ragini..here we r having tough time n u want 2 have fun
Swa:so wats the big deal n ya right now u both wants our help not us
Sans(acts 2 cry):wat swara wat kind of wife r u,wife takes promise 2 protect their husband n here u r giving me tough time
Swa:stop ur drama
Rag:n ya if both wants us to help u den u both have 2 hold ur ears n say sorry 2 us
Lak:but y..wat did we do
Rag:have u forgotten so quickly..earlier u used 2 trouble me so much..u always used 2 fight with me..so today u have 2 say sorry for everything
Sans:dats alright laksh can say sorry but I didn’t do anything na swara..pls save me from des rat
Swa:oh hello mr u alsilo have 2 hold ur ears n say sorry
Sans:but y
Swa:wat fo u think u r smart once I had came with laksh 2 ur house n u mistakenly broke my favorite smart phone’s cover n flee from their n u thought dat I will not able 2 catch u but sadly I had saw u ..so today u will say sorry 2 me
Rag:everyone has 2 pay for their sins..so today is ur turn
Sanlak looks at eo n den gives death glare 2 Swaragini n unwillingly holds their ears n says sorry 2 Swarag
Precap:sanlak unites n swalak again becomes friend..swara start 2 understand dat she loves Sanskaar..Laksh starts 2 feel for ragini
Guys I hope I will get comment today..so pls don’t forget otherwise I will keep rats in house..just joking..nevertheless I know u all r bored…so I will not waste ur time..keep reading n supporting like this..bye bye
Link for previous update
Thx soujanya
nice epi dr
dnt be sad.
keep writing
be happy always
Tysm…keep supporting
Superbbbb episode dear…hahaha sanlak scene ws really funny!!!!??…waitng for precap eagerlyyyy…loved swaragini???keep rockng ntay blessed dear???
Thank u sooooo much fairy for this lovely comment
Wow….not at all sanlak scenes are adorable. ?feelings to grow in swara and laksh for their partners.
Ty dear…keep reading
Awsme…bt post the next soon
Thx..n I will post soon
Wow awesome dr….????
Thank u so much
sooo funny.. those boys.. omg.. 😀 😀
luv it Aila ty
Thank u..keep reading
Love it
Nice update dr
nice awesome