Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

swaragini: swasan raglak unique love story (Episode 18)

Hey guyz once again sorry that I didn’t post my episode yesterday as one of them have requested it I am sorry but now I have posted it so sit and read it calmly
Recap : swara fainted and was taken to the hospital
All were gathered outside the room sanskaar was fully shattered and was standing alone without talking with anone everyone was quite and fully tensed suddenly doctor came
Doctor : operation will be there in half an hour so you’ll can go and meet her now she is conscious and one more thing don’t give her any kind of stress
All went there to meet her swaras eyes were close ragini sat beside and took her hand in hers swara felt the touch and open her eyes sanskaar was seeing these all and was standing in a corner
Ragini : swara
Swara : ragini I want to tell you something
Ragini : yes swara say na
Swara : ragini first listen to me my chances of living are very less so if somethings happens to me plz take care of maa and papa get married to laksh and take care of their family too and most important take care of my sanskaar will you do it for me plz
Ragini : swara what are you saying without you how will I do this all
Swara : no ragini you can do this
Ragini : without swara ragini is nothing because we are swaragini so plz you have to leave you cannot give up now plz for me for the family and for your sanskaar
All were listening to this and they cant stop their tears falling from and sanskaar was totally broken but he was not showing to anyone
Then doctor comes
Doctor : ok now in 15 mins her operation will take place and we have to take her to the operation theathre so now all of you plz wait outside
Swara : excuse me doctor if you don’t mind I want to talk to m fiancée alone so plz give me 5 mins plz
All went from there sadly giving swara hugs and left swara and sanskaar alone

Swara : sanskaar
Sanskaar head was down he was having no guts to look in her eyes
Swara : sanskaar last time you will not see to me
Sanskaar was now totally broken and move towards swara
Sanskaar : swara I cant live without you plz don’t leave me swara you only said na that you will never leave me plz swara without you I will never able to live plz swara
Swara : sanskaar you have to do a promise to me will you
Sanskaar : yes
Swara : sanskaar be happy like this forever marry another girl and live your life I want to see you happy
Sanskaar : swara what are you saying I cant marry another girl and if you want me happy then plz come back to me you will fight this fight for me for your family for our family promise me that you will never give up
Swara : I promise you sanskaar
Sanskaar : our hearts our joined swara from now (he shows her the engagement rings) and if you leave me I will also die so fight for us ok
Swara : yes sanskaar and you know what I love you
Sanskaar : I love you too swara

Suddenly nurse came
Nurse : we have to take swara to operation theatre
Sanskaar : yes swara don’t worry we are there for you ok go and win this fght
They took swara to the operation theater all were tensed sanskaar was standing alone and nobody dared to talk to sanskaar on the other side ragini was not able to see this she ran from there and came out from the hospital laksh saw this and went to her
Ragini was crying badly : laksh I am very much scared what if something happens
Laksh : ragini keep quite nothing will happen to swara she is your sister she knows to fight these to all and one more thing if you will do like this who will take care of maa and papa
Ragini : yes laksh you are right nothing will happen to her yes come we will go inside in the hospital
Laksh smiles that she is now ok

In hospital anupurna and sharmishta goes to temple and prays for swara ragini too joined them
At the meantime sanskaar was only worring for swara and inside in the operation theatre doctors were trying their best they removed the tumour now but swara was now becoming more critical her breath was becoming slow suddenly sanskaar felt something in his heart and it was like that that somebody is snatching his breath in heart he was telling : no swara you cant do this you have to fight common you cant give up
And he gets the reply : sanskaar I am trying my best but I am not able to I am leaving you
And there in o.t doctors were trying to make swara stable
Sanskaar heart could not hear the reply : swara listen to me don’t don’t give up I love you swara for me you have to fight for me swara don’t dare to leave me neither I will also come with you
Suddenly swara breath becames normal and she becames stable doctors were very happy now and they came out of the operation theatre
All family members were tensed when doctors came out
Ragini : doctor how is my swara
Sanskaar : tell na doctor what happened to her is she fine na
Doctors : in my career this type of miracle I have seen for first time she has saved yes she did it she fought her disease
All family members were very much happy ragini hugged laksh in excitement and sanskaar was so much happy
Sharmishta : thank you so much doctor
Doctor : no no don’t thank me thank god that she is save now without his miracle nothing would have been possible and one more thing I wanted to tell you’ll that during the operation she was taking only one name sanskaar I think his love only has saved her and after 1 hour we will be shifting her to the general ward there you can meet her but haa don’t give her tensions she is weak now also ok
Shekhar : yes doctor
Sanskaar was very much happy and said in his heart : I love you swara and there he got a reply : I love you too sanskaar
And the episode ends

Precap : everyone meets swara and some moments of swasan and raglak

So guyz how do you like it say me see you tomorrow bye


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