Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

swaragini swasan@ revenge, love n hate (teenage love) chapter 23 SANSKAR’S LIFELINE SWARA

PRECAP- swaragya bonding…n sanskar observing it… sanskar attracting towards swara.

guyzz these are the replys of ur comments.. plzz do read.. may contain some imp notes..
hayathi – yes dear.. he will know it soon..
manisha- sry dear.. im a bit lazy in writing ffs…actually i write it directly here.. b4 somedayzz i first used to note in my note pad bt now i write it directly
fransi- tq
akku- tq akku missed u too a lot…
sara- tq
swetha- yeah sure.. its tommorow christmas also.. so the whole ff will be fr swasan only..
fatima- tq
devi- thanks
shanaya- tq dear
chinni- tq
surbhi- bada wala tq
harani- mee tooo like it sooo much… tq
tara- yeah it will come out soon..
nishu- tommorow it will be there…tq
shabrin- thank u sooooo muuch
aqsa- tq dear.. missed u

its still night..
scene 1
1 old appartment in kolkata
kavita to herself- oh god! i havent visited here since last 9-10 years.. its tooo dirty..
then she enters her parents room..
kavita again to herself- ma.. papa.. love u a lot.. i.. she is sobbing.. crying bitterly..
ma… papa… chacha ji and chachi ji left me when i was 15… then.. she remembers her doings..actually her wrong doing…she has a big guilt in her heart.. bcoz she is meeting her late parents after so many years.. n she cant lie to them.. bt the next moment she gets up n ignores that guilt.. n says nothing wrong is done by me.. nothing wrong…

scene 2
swaraginiragya n sanlak break the hug..
sanskar comes to ragya..
sanskar- ragya u know what i call my mother as mom n i call my badi ma as ma….n
ragya completes his sentence- n i’m also doing the same thing…
lakshya- n ur parents are proud of u…
rags- bt ragya u didnt tell her how did u get this idea??
ragya bites her tongue .
ragya- yeah!!!! actually ma that one of my school friends also call her maasi as maasi ma so…
swara- whatever be the reason… i love u.. n u love me.. this is the only thing which matters…

scene 3
@ swasan mansion…
swasanragya change the dress..
swara makes ragya lie on the bed…
n then she with her sweet n melodious voice sings loori fr her…
sanskar gets mesmerised seeing her flowing hair, her voice, her beauty….
everything of her is making him crazyyy…

scene 4
@swasan mansion
its morning..
swasanragya are ready…
swara- ragya plz can u tell me which which things will u need whole day??? we will keep those things in this handbag??
ragya- ok.
while taking out things ragya says~~~~~~~~~~~
ragya- ma!! it will be soo much fun na!!!! i will be in ur clinic… i will click lots of selfies…. n send to mom also..
swasan smile….

scene 5
apppartment no. 101
nameplate is of- DR. SWARA GADODIA..(dermatologist frm uk)
a nurse is changing the nameplate to DR. SWARA MAHESHWARI( dermatologist frm uk)
swara’s clinic (appparment) is like this…its 1 bhk
let me do like this..
in apppartment its like this——–1.hall
in clinic———————————–
in appa.———————————–2.bedroom
in clinic———————————–2.bedroom n kitchen joint..
in appa.———————————-3. kitchen
in clinic———————————–3. kitchen n bedroom joint

swara attends patients while ragya plays with AISHA , swara’s assistent…
then swaragya n aisha go fr shopping, hav lunch…, etc..

scene 6
@ sanskar’s office
sanskars’ cabin
sanskar is alone in his thoughts.. having pen in his hand..n continouously writing swara swara swara on a check of 10 lacks…
ADVAIT, sanskar’s PA – sanskar (he is more friend less PA)!!!*tapping his shoulders* what are u doing??writing something on a check of 10 lacks???? oh god!!! we hav got this deal so hardly n u??? what the helll..
sanskar- this check doesnt matter… only 10 lack na..
sanskar(to himself)- swara if it would be 100 crores also na ..then also… u are the most imp fr me…

precap- CHRISTMAS N SWASAN N LOVE…………………………………………….

guyzzz guess what swasan would gift each other….
pppllllzzz coment…………………………………………..


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