Fan Fiction

Swaragini- She And Her Tenant (Chapter 2)

yheart is very happy today…??

I took revenge from jhansi ki rani today finally….

Hey guys ridhima here…. i know i am posting very late but got busy in studies but now will try to be regular …??…… sorry for being so late?……

—————? CHAPTER 2 ?—————-

Swara’s pov……

I get up from bed when i found my alarm ringing beside me…. i reached inside the bathroom and turned my shower on….

Like everytime the flashes of my past keep coming infront of my eyes…. i dont know when i will get rid of this all… this day…
I hate it… this date October 4, 2016 is the worst one… i am afraid that what more i can loose now… when i dont have anything left…..

I kept my thoughts aside and got ready in a white churidhar….

I came out of the room and prepared the breakfast and then i realised i have to make his breakfast too… Mr. Tenant…??…. Irritating fellow… it is 8 by now… but still he is no where… he was supposed to go to find a job…??…
Lazy lamb ?….

Now what should i do…??? Shud i wake him up or not…??…?? But i cant leave the house open and also cant lock it if he is there….???

Wait…!!!! Think…!!! Got it….!!!!

Aftr eating my breakfast i kept for him in the box…. and placed a chit saying to eat his bf and telling about the keys of the door… which i forget to tell yesterday??….

After all this i left to my work…..
I was own my way when i saw a house…. my eyes welled up with tears seeing it… but noo i will not cry.. i wiped my tears off…nd started my journey…..

I reached the place and get changed into my uniform….and started taking orders….

Aftrr a couple of hours i felt as if someone is staring me….. i turned in the direction and get froze on the sight…. i least expected that person to be here…. i turned towards him as that was my table….

“What will you take sir..??” I asked keeping a fake smile on my face….

“U work here” he asked…..

Urrggghhhh…!!!! Why does he need to know that…???

“No i dont…this is my ghost u see..?” i said as i started loosing my temper….

Mr.Tenant i will kill you??….

“Ok…okk i was jst kidding..” saying this he gave his order…..

I left from there…. and then went to some other table… aftrr few minutes i went back to him and gave his order…

It was 8 by now… and my shift ended… i came out of the room and saw him… still sitting there….

He waved me a hie and i was surprised by his act…. i left and he followed me…

I lost my cool completely….

“Why the hell are you following me…??” I said

“Because our ways are same…”he smiled and winked….

He was right…. but still he was sitting there for last 2 hours but why…?? I wanted to know…

“But why were you there for 2 hours..???” I asked…

” Why should i tell you…?? ??… u only said dont interfer in my work so same applies on u ” he said….


Swara’s pov ends……..

Sanskar’s pov ………


My heart is very happy today…??

I took revenge from jhansi ki rani today finally….


But who was he..????….

I was feeling hungry and bored today… so thought to go out….
I was entering the restuarant and saw a man staring at her…..

I felt soooo angry seeing him like this…???…..

Hehe vaise i do pity him…. was staring jhansi ki rani??….
If she would have known she cud have beaten him??…. so i saved that man….
Well done sanky…..

So i entered and sat down… she came towards me and i talked to her sweetly… so the man saw this and left??….

But still i was scared if something would have happened to her then…??

Who will cook me food….????

We finally reached home and ate dinner and then left to rooms….

———–? to be continued ?————

How was this guys…??? Do leave ur precious comments…?…

Thank u guys…??…
Nd soory for being late…?..

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