Fan Fiction

Swaragini- She And Her Tenant (Chapter 4)

Hey guys ridhima here….
Thank you for ur lovely response…??…. Sorry for being late was busy with brother’s marriage… soo sorry??
————–❤ CHAPTER 4 ❤————–

Swara’s pov……

A month has passed since this tenant come to my house…. he said he is here for job… but from last month i m seeing him in the home only and i m sure he must have not even applied for the job???…..
Uselesss fellow….

I dont understand if he have not to do anything then why is he wasting money on rent??…..
He should go back to his place…his family??….

He is been my head ache??……..
Always keep on disturbing me…. dont know why he stays there in the cafe for 4-5 hours… till my shift overs… i wanted to ask him but dont want to sound desperate.. but it irritates me….

But somewhere in my heart i feel relief and happy…..
Dont know why…????

Arggghhhhh….!! Swara u will go mad… Stop thinking this much…..

U have to leave for the work too… i said to myself… and started getting ready as usual i made brrakfast for him… but to my shock he woke up early and was sitting on the dinning table.. i saw the clock if i m late today… but no to my surprise he is awake in the morning…..

I was feeling good as i thought he will go get find a job nd will not be following me… but a part of me felt bad??…..

But let it be… ???…
I served him breakfast….
“Good morning ” he wished and i nodded…
Why didn’t i replied him back??…..

Then we ate our breakfast in utter silence….
After that i left for work…. leaving him alone to do whatever he want… who cares…?????….

I was walking on the road but again that place came in front of my eyes… that house….
Which reminds me off my helplessness… my foolishnesss…. my eyes welled up again… for a moment i saw it and all the memories flashed in front of my eyes….

I turned my head to go to cafe…. but my eyes caught a person looking at me…. he was staring me…..
He is the person whom i dont want to see ever again… my every inch of body hates him….?
I felt uncomfortabble and weak…. just wanted to go to a lonely place and cry hard…. bbut somehow i managed myself and walked further…..

“Swara ” he said….
I didnt stopped.. nd kept on walking further…
He followed me….i increased my pace… and he caught hold of my arm…. i turned towards him giving a unbelievable look…. but it doesnt affects him…..

“I want to talk to you” he said…

Wat is left to talk between us… he plays a major card in destroying me…..??… wat is left now…??? I m alone completely alone???…..

“But she dont” a voice came from behind….
We turned back and saw sanskar standing there….
I dont know but i felt relief on seeing him….

I saw him with hopefull eyes… he came towards me…and removed my hand from his grip… tears started flowing down my eyes…??…. nd i kept staring him…..

“who are you now to stop me talking to her…? I have to and i will” he said …

“Try once” sanskar said… his eyes were red by now…..

He left seeing his anger….
but i know he will plan something again…. .because he will not get relief until he destroy someone’s life…..

“R u okk…?? “Sanskar asked…
i nodded…
“Thank you” i said him…and i really thanked him for ssving me to fall weak… to be alone again… i found a support in him…. but am i doing a mistake again by trusting him..???

“Friends..???” He asked forwarding his hand…
i nodded and shaked my hand with him….

Now we are friends…. ??.. i dont except this from myself….being a freind to Mr. Tenant….

“Who was he…?? ” he asked….
Smart mr.tenant.. he is being friendly to know this… ??….

“Laksh” i said… nd left to work leaving him alone……

—————❤ to be continued ❤———-

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