Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

Swaragini the unsaid truth chapter 2

Thank u for commenting so much i thought my ff is boring but thanks for ur patience

in the mm
dp:we should complain against ragini. All agrees except dadi and massi who is as always taunting swara.police comes and takes the complain.

In the car
kavitha: what to do? How did u not come to no about it ,when did u last contact arnav bhai.
Swara: at my marriage date with laksh , i talked to him wishing he was there, he apoligised to me for not been there, and i wanted to contact a lot after ragini did that with me thinking he will support me,but ragini stopped me telling bhai believed her only not me did not want to see my face,even i did not have dare to hear again harsh words as i did from all my family, after ragini’s truth came out, again drama started that it completely went out of mind to contact bhai, i could contacted bhai once,ragini did not bear this much.
Kavitha:swara how to reach ur bhai and bhai, even do not know where the blackmailler kept them that too from two years.
Swara:that stupid blackmailer send this pics of bhai and bhabhi to make ragini weak whenever she refused to do his work against maheshwaris
But using this pics we can find about bhai and bhabhi,once their are out,ragini is freed from this pressure.
Kavitha:once ragini is free we will call akash everything is happy but swara why did not let reveal everyone that we are college bffs?
Swara:that is because all could know the truth about ragini,mine truth also as ragini said dadi will taunt me and mom badly.
Kavitha:swara i was upset with u ,u loved sanskar and was ready to sacrifice him for me,stupid.
Swara:kavitha i did not want to sacrifice anything just wanted not give any shock okay fine, do not except me to be mahaan, i could have sacrificed if sanskar loved u too,but he did not love u, i was waiting to tell u,but before u only know.
Kavitha:fine, lets go.
Suddendly manchala started playing in radio.swara is controlling her tears . Kavitha consoles her and says swara i can understand ,swara stops crying and drives car.
Ragini on the road crying
ragini: i do not know what this stupids are doing their do not know what are their doing,that person whom their are trying to defeat is powerful,god please save them.starts crying.

Precap:arshi saved, akash entry , revelations

Credit to taani


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