Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

Swaragini-TRUE LOVE IN MY HEART…. Episode 4

Epi start….
At mm:
one women arrangeing dinning table and staring at door. She saw lakshy entering and become happy. Lakshy happily hugs her says’mom! I m so happy today! I got more happiness to come back my home’and start danceing with her. Yes she our ap.their dance is intraputed by cough sound. Lakshy see him and become nervous to c him angry face and says’sry dad’ ya he was dp.dp starts lughing to c his shock face and says’you become fear! I m just acting’ and hugs him. Lakshy happily hugs him. He happily meets other family members pari,adi,sujatha,ram and uttara. He went his room.

after freshing up. Lakshy comes to mirror and start cubbing his hair and he see swara at his back and waving him. He Surprisely turns to c her but there was no one and realises it is his helisuation And he c in mirror his movements with swara, holding her waist, her smile and unknown smile comes in his face.he thinks” what happend to me? Why i m attracted to her? May i fall her? Swara what u did with me! Why i m thinking about u?” and he want to sleep dreming about swara.

At baadi:
swaragini doing their dinner.sumi prepared dinner with like food.ragini comes to room. Ragini see lakshy sitting at her bed and staring at her. She become shock and close the door with fear and comes to him and shock voice asks”what are u doing here that my room!if any one sees i dead..!”it was intraputed lakshya putting his fingur at her lips says”stop” and coupher face and says” dnt talk like this when i m here nting happend to u!”she become happy” why!” he says”because u know i love u!!” she to says”i love u too!”and hugs him.suddenly a knock at door made at open her eyes.she c she hugging pilow. And realises it is her dream. Swara at door says”lado open the door! ” she opens the door. Swara asks why u closed door. She says ntng. Swara says ok and they went to sleep.
Swara pretends to sleep. And thoughts about her love and tears flows through her eyes.she slowly slept with dreming about one boy hugging her.

At morning:
swaragini sleeping covering at blanket sumi comes to there asks wake up. But there was no responce. Sumi angrily throws at them but no responce. She drags blanket and become shock to c there was pilows. And listens laughing sound and turns swaragini laughing standing at behind the door. Sumi runs after them. They hid behind shekhar and to c childsh act dadi, dadaji and shekhar become happy, and felt my house happiness is back with my princes.
After that swaraging become ready and sing bajana. All mesamarized by their voice. They ate breakfast and went to join music class trough their car.

At road:
we c car stoping. Swaraging comes out of the car they c the tyre punctured and they become tension. They decided take lift. But suddenly some peple came and start teasing them.swaragini become afrid. They try to tuch swaraging. Suddenly someone stop holding that hand


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