Fan Fiction

Swaragini-U were my new dream (Raglak & Ragsan) Episode 24

Hlo my lovely squad…love u lots…i hope all my lovely people are happy and good..well here goes the nxt episode of UWMND love u all..
Adi 🙂
Link to previous episodes and promos Here

Recap: Laksh saves Ragini

Nxt day morning.
Ragini wakes up and does not find Laksh.
Ragini comes down and Sees Laksh and Sahil coming..
Sahil is injured..and have put on bandages in all the possible places.
Seeing Ragini Sahil hides behind Laksh.
Sahil looks on curiously
Laksh: its ok Sahil go and wish Ragini good morning..
Sahil comes to Ragini.
Sahil: Good morning Ragini bhabhi..
Ragini looks surprised.
Sahil: bhabhi i am really sry for yesterday.
Laksh: why Ragini is not forgiving huh?
Sahil holds his hands
Sahil: bhabhi bhabhi pls forgive me pls pls..
He looks scarily at Laksh
Laksh: go on Sahil
Sahil: bhabhi pls..i’ll never do like this to any girl pls forgive me bhabhi..pls i beg.
Ragini looks at Laksh..
Laksh noded his head in yes.
Ragini: ok ..
Sahil (very happily): really thank u bhabhi..
Sahil looks at Laksh.
Laksh nodes his head..
Sahil move down.
But at tht tym Maheshwaries and Sahil’s parents come.
All are shocked to see Sahil in this state.
Sahil’s dad: Sahil beta what happened to u.
Sahil looks at Laksh
Sahil’s mom: Laksh beta pls tell us how did this happen?
Laksh: woh me and Sahil went for morning walk na toh.
Sahil: mom i was hit by a car..haina lucky..
Laksh looks at him
Sahil pleads through his eyes.
Laksh: haan thts what happened
DP: Sahil beta take cr of ur self..
Raglak comes their room.
Laksh: Ragini start packing we r going back in an hour.
Ragini: ok..well what happened to Sahil?
Laksh: he said na ..accident
Rgini: really?
Lkash: haan why wat happen?
Ragini: Laksh look into my eyes..and say.
Lkash looks ..
They have a small eye lock.
Lkash: acha no..its was not an accident
Ragini: then what happened.
Laksh: will u tell this to anyone else?
Ragini shakes her head in no..
Laksh: i beat him up
Ragini covers her mouth with her hands
Ragini: what r u mad Laksh why did u do this?
Laksh: then what i should have left him..he tried to harm u..and i cant see u in tears ..
Ragini smiles.
After some tym Maheshwaries start their journey
Laksh: Ragini what happen why did chacha and chachi went with Adarsh bhaiya..they were abt to come with us ri8.
Ragini: haan but i told them ..
Lkash: u told them but why?
Ragini: i’ll tell u but today i’ll drive
Lkash looks at her
Ragini: heys pls..
Laksh smiles at her..And throws the key to her.
Ragini catches it.
They drives off
Ragini stops the car ..
Laksh: what happened?
Ragini: nothing
Laksh: then why we r here.
Ragini: i’ll tell u first come out…
Lkash comes out.
Ragini: amazing view ri8…so beautiful
Laksh looks at her
Ragini: but not more beautiful than me ri8..
Laksh looks at her surprised.
Ragini: that what u were thinking ri8.
Laksh looks on
Ragini: what happened Laksh…do u want to say something?
Laksh(in mind): Ragini i want to hug u and say i love u..but
Ragini: if u want to hug me then u can hug..
Laksh is totally surprised.
Laksh(in mind): how can she read my mind.
Ragini: becoz whatever ur heart tries to hide ur eyes speak up
Laksh closes his eyes.
Laksh(in mind): so now u cant read my eyes or mind ri8
Laksh slowly opens his eyes..but Ragini is no where.
Laksh looks down and sees Ragini kneeling in front of me
Laksh is surprised to see her like this
Ragini: Laksh i dont knw how to tell u this..but ..what to do i dont want to hide this from u any more…Mr.Laksh Dugraprasad Maheshwari..will u accept me as ur wife.
Laksh looks on
Laksh: no i cant
Ragini looks at him..with painfull eyes..she didnt excepted this answer from him
Laksh laughs..
Ragini looks at him
Lkash: Ragini u should have seen ur face…
He imitates how she was looking at him painfully
Ragini stands up.
RRagini: Laksh..
She makes a andry face
Laksh: arrey baba i was just joking
Ragini: yh u were joking and u r joking..stupid me who planned all this surprise for u to confess my love to u..and u r just..Ragini turns back
Ragini: Laksh..
She sees Laksh kneeling infront of him
Laksh holds her hand.
Laksh: so Mrs.Ragini Rathore Maheshwari…i just want to say i love u a lot..i love u more than any thing..and everything…pls be my life my love though we r married ..will u accept me as ur husband..
Saying this he forwarded her a ring.
Laksh: i love u Ragini i love u a lot
Ragini is having tears.
Ragini also knee down and hugs him.
Ragini: i love u too..Laksh..i love u too
Laksh hugs her more tightly.
Maheshwaries reach there.
Pari clicks there picture.
All claps
Raglak stands up
Sujatha: i am very happy for both of u…
They all blesses them
DP: I hope everything sorts out between Ragana and Sanskar too
Maheshwaries reaches MM
Pari: Dukku.
Dhruv hugs pari and Adarsh
Pari: thank u Ragana for taking care of him
Ragana smiles Sanskar also comes there.
DP: Sanskar beta …
Ragini: i’ll tell papa ji…Sanskar i am in love with Laksh..
Ragana (in mind) : finally my Ragini is with someone who desevers her..i am happy for both of u
Ragini comes to Ragana
Ragini: Ragana are u still..
Ragana goes.
Ragini looks at her painfully.
They sees her wound.
AP: how did she get tht wound?
Ragana(in mind): oh nani must have reached i have to go.
Sanskar: congrats both of u..
He goes to his room
Ragana picks up Parvathy.
Ragana: nani u have a good news
Parvathy: what is it?
Ragana: Ragini confessed her love for Laksh..
Parvathy: thts u can leave Sankar ri8 Ragu?
Ragana: no nani..its i dont knw like i want to leave him but..i cant ..untill he stops making Ragini and Laksh away..i have to their protecting shield
Parvathy: i am proud of u Ragu.
Chandrakala is looking at her and Ragana;s photo.
Chandrakala: i hate u Ragana…u r destrying everyones life
Ragana reaches back MM
DP: Ragana
Ragana: ji bade papa.
DP: 1 minute beta Ragini Laksh Sanskar 3 of u come here.
They all come.
DP: Laksh Ragini take this ..and Ragana Sanskar this is for u
Saying this DP forwards 2 envelopes to them
Ragini: what is it Papa?
AP: see it for urself
Ragini opens it
Ragini looks Laksh.
Raglak: Honeymoon tickets!!!
Ragsan: Honeymoon tickets???
Precap: Honeymoon


Some stories are better left Incomplete

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