Hi my dears… thank you everyone for all responses. I’m so happy you all liked it, even I wished Swaragini would have happened like that.
If anyone have missed 1st part, it’s right here,
Shot 1:Here
SwaRagini in other way 2
Laksh gets heart broke with the hug of Swara and Sanskar. Ragini gets sad looking at Laksh.
He goes away in upset. Ragini follows him.
Swara breaks hug. Sanskar smiles looking at Swara. He is about to open his mouth then Swara says…
Swa: I’m sorry Sanskar…
San: why??
Swa: actually, Ragini said everything to Laksh. So, to mislead him I have to do like this…
Sanskar smile fades away.
Swa: I’m…I’m really sorry Sanskar…
San with fake smile: it’s ok swara. No problem.
Sanskar goes away. Swara looks on…
Laksh goes into his room and throws his coat on bed in anger. Ragini gets scared looking at him like that. She didn’t dare to talk with him. She just bends her head.
She sees Laksh’s bandage is falling, she goes near him to set it…
Laksh(in anger): ragini..! leave me alone.
Ragini: what happened Laksh? Why are you angry on me??
Laksh: because you are the reason for mine and Swara’s parting.
Ragini(in tears): is it my mistake to love you Laksh? And is it my mistake if swara marries Sanskar?
Laksh: yes..! Because of you only right Swara has sacrificed. Tell me one thing Ragini..! always your sister sacrifices.. What have you done??
Laksh closes his eyes realizing what wrong he has spoke. He feels bad suddenly.
Laksh: I’m sorry Ragini. I have said in outburst. I didn’t mean to hurt you..! I showed whole anger on swara on you. I can’t scold her anymore because she is someone’s wife. That’s why I lost my temper on you. I’m sorry again…
He turns back and Ragini is not there.
In room, Swara was thinking about Sanskar.
Swara: what Sanskar might think about me? I didn’t have another choice then.
Ap comes near Swara.
Swara: badi maa…
Ap: swara, whole family has decided one thing. We didn’t see your marriage. So, we have decided to perform your’s and Sanskar’s marriage again.
Swara shocks.
Swa: but maa…
Ap: no but or nothing. We have decided that’s it. where is your sister? I have to talk with her about this…
Laksh will be just coming there.
Ap: Laksh..
Lak: maa, where is Ragini?
Ap: I was coming for her Laksh..
Lak: it means she is not down stairs?
Ap: what do you mean she is not in room??
Swara comes out.
Swa: what? Ragini is not here…?
Lak: no swara.. I said something to her…she went somewhere.
Swa(in anger): laksh…you naa, you know right she is sensitive.
Ap: oho…first search Ragini.
Swara and Laksh goes out to search Ragini.
Sanskar was sitting at bridge thinking about Swara.
San: why I’m growing feelings towards her? no..no..she is thinking me as friend. I have to be as friend.
Ragini comes in a run to the same bridge. Both didn’t see each other.
(guys, this bridge and river is common in serial right…)
Ragini pov: I’m the reason for Swara’s and Laksh’s separation. If I’m not there, everything will be alright.
She is about to jump into river. But someone pushes her back holding her hand. It’s Sanskar.
She surprises looking at him.
San: pagal hogaya kya Ragini?
Rag: I don’t want to hurt anyone Sanskar. Because of me Laksh is suffering. Just because of me, you and Swara are into forced marriage.
(*ragini and laksh doesn’t know that swasan marriage is fake. They just know, that they have married for Ragini.*)
San: why are you thinking like that Ragini? However now swara is my wife. If you die also Laksh can’t take back Swara. Because you are his wife now..! so, don’t do these stupid things.
Just then, Swara and laksh comes. Swara runs to Ragini and hugs her. laksh looks at Ragini in tears. Ragini looks at him silently. They break hug.
Lak: I’m sorry Ragini…
Rag: swara, I want to go to baadi.
Swasanlak shocks.
Rag: don’t ask me why…
Swa: but ragini… aaa…
Rag: what happened swara??
Swara got a deep wound in her leg.
Swa: I think, I didn’t see while running, I hit with stone…
She can’t stand or walk.
Sanskar: ok, let’s go home fast.
Rag: yes. But not to mm, to baadi.
Lak: ragini, swara is wounded now…
Rag: I will go to baadi or jump in river.
Swa: let’s go to baadi.
Sanlak agrees. They are about to go, as Swara couldn’t walk…Sanskar lifts her in his arms. Laksh looks at them amazingly but not with jealous.
Swara amazes and keeps looking at Sanskar silently.
He carries her and makes her sit in car. Ragini sits beside her. Laksh sits in driving seat, he sets the mirror so as Ragini is visible.
He drives to baadi.
There also Sanskar lifts Swara in arms and take her to room.
Ragini is about to go, Laksh calls her back.
Lak: ragini…I’m sorry.
Ragini looks at him in anger.
Rag: saying as you like first. Then telling sorry has become common to you Laksh..!
Lak: ragini, I was upset then. Try to understand. Let’s go back to mm.
Rag: no..! I will not listen to anyone now. I have listened to everyone till now. but from now, I will do what I like..!!
Ragini goes away. Laksh looks on…
Sanskar places Swara on bed.
Swara: thanks Sanskar..
Sanskar: no sorry or thanks between friends.
She smiles.
Sanskar: take care…
He is about to leave, Swara’s bracelet struck to his ring. They both smile.
Sanskar removes it and leaves.
Later Ragini tells about forced marriage of swasan to her parents and dadi. She looks after Swara.
(Dadi also positive..)
Later Dadi comes near Ragini and talks with her secretly.
Dadi: why did you come back ladoo??
Ragini: dadi maa, laksh doesn’t like me. Then why should I stay there?
Dadi: but because of you see swara and Sanskar also far..
(everyone are thinking swasan marriage is real marriage, but a forced one)
Ragini keeps thinking.
Dadi: it’s better if you go back. Swara has sacrificed for you. Now, don’t ruin it.
Ragini looks on.
Rag pov: but no one thinks about my feelings.
Laksh in his room,
He was looking at the dressing table all Ragini’s jewelry, her sarees in cup board. He takes out a saree and reminds her.
‘The truth is I love you Laksh..’ he reminds her words and hugs the saree painfully.
In Sanskar room,
Sanskar is about to sit on bed. But, he imagines Swara is sleeping on bed. He smiles and sleeps on couch looking at his imaginary Swara.
Laksh was not sleeping still but thinking about Ragini.
Laksh: why I’m I thinking like this? I’m I growing feelings on her??
Then he gets a phone call. It’s already 11:30 night. It’s Ragini. His face shines bright.
Laksh: Ragini..!!
Ragini: Laksh…can you come tomorrow and take me back home?
Laksh feels extreme happy.
Laksh: of course Ragini. I will come right now..!!
Ragini: No. it’s ok. Please come tomorrow morning. Swara also comes with us.
Laksh: sure..! haa, what are you doing?
Ragini: I’m sleeping now. bye Laksh.
Laksh: good night Ragini..
Next morning…..
Sanskar feels Swara is wiping his head. He kiss her hand. ‘I love you Swara..!’ he tells.
‘Sanskar bhai..!!’ Laksh shouts.
Sanskar shocks and opens his eyes. He was holding Laksh’s hand and he has kissed his hand. Laksh laughs.
Laksh: can’t you miss your wife for one day?
Sanskar smiles.
Laksh: when that much big bed is there, why are you sleeping on couch?
Sanskar shocks with his question.
Sanskar: that…
Laksh: ok,ok. Let’s go and get back Swaragini. Let’s go.
Sanskar: what?
Laksh: yes..! ragini said that she will come. Before she changes her mind, let’s go Sanskar..!!
Sanskar looks at time, it’s only 5’o clock.
Sanskar: but, it’s too early Laksh.
Laksh: I don’t care. Let’s go..!!
Laksh drags Sanskar. Sanskar calls to Swara.
Swara wakes just then.
Swara: what? Why are you coming so early? We aren’t ready still. Even, Ragini is sleeping.
Sanskar: but this Laksh…
Laksh takes the phone.
Laksh: swara, don’t worry. We will be there in 5min. come like how you are..!
He cuts the call.
Swara: why Laksh is so hurried? Is he missing Ragini? What a sudden love..!
She amazes. Even Sanskar keeps amazing.
They reach baadi. Swara opens door. Sharmista and Dadi surprise to see them. Sanskar goes near Swara.
Laksh: maa, where is Ragini?
Sharmista points to a room. Laksh goes.
Sanskar: swara, sit in car.
Swara: can I know what’s going on?
Sanskar: don’t ask me..!
Sanskar sits in driving seat, Swara sits beside him intentionally to make Ragini and Laksh close.
Laksh goes into room and finds Ragini is sleeping. He smiles and goes near her. he silently lifts her in arms. She is deep sleep to wake.
He carries her and make her sit in car, he sits beside her.
Swasan smile looking at them. Sanskar drives car home.
Sanskar has slept again after reaching home. After one hour.
He wakes as some water droplets fall on his face.
He opens his eyes, Swara took shower bath and came. She was drying her hair and the drops were fell on his face.
Sanskar looks at her lost.
In Raglak room,
Ragini opens her eyes and shocks to see herself in Laksh’s room. Just then, Laksh comes out of wash room wiping his head with towel.
Lak: good morning Ragini.
Rag: how did I come here?
Lak: I brought you here..!
Rag: but when? How?
He keeps looking at her smiled.
In swasan room,
“Sanskar..! sanskar..!!! where are you lost??” Swara calls Sanskar. He comes out of his thoughts.
Swara: did you listen what I said just now?
Sanskar: umm, sorry. What did you say?
Swara angrily goes near dressing table.
Sanskar: sorry sorry swara. What did you say?
Swara: I said something very important..!
Sanskar: ya, what is it??
Swara: everyone wants to perform our marriage in real..!
Sanskar shocks.
To be continued….
Done with 2nd shot. Did you all like it. plz, drop ur comments and let me know ur views..
It’s marvellous dear
Totally outstanding
Loved it to the core
Raglak nd swasan conversation is superb
So now swasan marriage will happen
Poor ragini
No one thinks about her feelings
Eagerly waiting to read more
Please do continue soon
It is amazing dear loved it a lot
good waiting for next shot
Amazing ?
Just awesome
Really laksh act was amazing, and sanskar imagination also
its sooooo entertaining dear…loved it so so soooo much…wowwwww laksh started feelng for ragssss….its soo awesome…d way he carried her while she ws sleepng..ws soooo sweeeet….plz plz post nxt part as sooon as posssssible..n thnku soooo very much for dis fabulous storyy…keeep rockng n stay blessed sweety
loved it
loved it awsum awsum awsum update
Awesome. Amazing.
yaa poor raglak I want someone to entry In rag live plzzzz make lakshya jeleousy next part soon
Awesome dr…
Raglak scenes are nice, ragini ignorance track is superb
Ur an awesome writer who gives equal importance to each n every character in every mean

Love it
It’s totally fabulous
Waiting for next part to read
Can’t wait more update it soon plz……
And again superb part
Next part soon plz….
Stay blessed and keep writing superb parts
Waiting for next part …….
What a beautiful shot yaar…I am just impressed. If this would have happened in swaragini..its a sooper Dooper hit…pls continue …it is really lovely.sanlak..wow just awesome.post soon take care keep smiling
awesome loved it
Awesome dear very nice everyone is positiv its sooo awesome noo Drama is nice
awesome dear…loved it….
Suppprbbbb yr osmmmm
Awesome dear
Fab wonder how swasan will deal with situation and how ragini will deal with lakshya as she hasn’t forgiven him … post soon xx
Superb update