SwaRagini- in other way 5
SwaRagini are in mission to cool their husbands.
Swara prepares a delicious dish for everyone (especially for sanskar) to make him cool.
Swara also tells this idea to Ragini. Ragini too becomes busy in preparing something tasty for Laksh.
Swara and Ragini together help each other in presenting all dishes.
Rag: swara, with this..They should get flattered.
Swa: swara and ragini can do anything…!
Rag: not swara and ragini. We are swaragini..!!
Swara emotionally hugs Ragini. she too hugs her.
Car sound comes. Sanlak arrives.
Swara goes in front of Sanskar, Ragini goes in front of Laksh.
But sanlak ignores them and goes away. Swaragini becomes dull. But thier other trick is still there.
Ap calls sanlak to dinner. Swaragini arranges everything on dinning.
Everyone starts eating. Rag and Swa are serving all. After serving, they too sit.
Ragini sits beside Laksh. Laksh just ignores her and busy in eating. Ragini slowly moves her feet on his leg.
Laksh gulps suddenly. But he doesn’t look at her. She sensually moves her leg on his leg. Laksh coughs.
‘What happened Laksh..! Eat slowly…!’ She slowly beats on his head and gives him water. He drinks water in hurry.
Swara sat beside Sanskar. He was also not looking at her.
Swara: Sanskar, how’s the kheer? I have prepared it.
Sanskar was silent. Swara becomes sad.
In SwaSan room,
Sanskar is silently sleeping on couch. Swara is standing near it.
‘Sanskar…I’m sorry..!’
‘I don’t care Swara. Go and sleep..!’
‘Sanskar, I said sorry na. I have never said these many sorrys to anyone.’
‘don’t disturb me Swara. I’m sleepy.’
‘I won’t move until you excuse me..!’ tells swara and stands there only holding her hands.
‘your wish..!’ says sanskar and sleeps.
Swara stands like that only..!
In RAGLAK room,
Laksh is taking away a pillow and bed sheet with him. Ragini stops him.
‘Laksh, where are you going?’
‘You aren’t free with me know Ragini. Let me go and sleep in guest room. You can stay here happily.’
He says sarcastically. He is expecting Ragini would convince him.
‘ok Laksh. Your wish.’ Says Ragini and goes near mirror to remove her jewelry.
Laksh shocks with her reaction.
‘Ragini, I’m really going away.’
‘Ok Laksh. No problem. But don’t knock door early in morning.’
Laksh in pout, ‘ok..bye..!’ he says and leaves. Ragini laughs in herself.
‘I have to go away and show her..!’ thinks Laksh.
In SWASAN room,
‘Sanskar…my legs are paining..!’
‘I didn’t ask you to stand here.’
‘What happens if you excuse me. Even I’m sleepy too.’
Sanskar covers himself in bed sheet and sleeps silently.
‘sanskar..sanskar..wake up..!’ she tries to drag his bed sheet, her leg slips and she accidentally falls on him. Both have eye lock.
In RAGLAK room,
Laksh comes into the room again.
‘why did you came back Laksh?’
‘I have not come for you. I came to take my mobile…’
But his mobile rings in his pocket. Ragini laughs.
‘Who is calling this night.’ He looks at call. It is Ragini only who called him.
Ragini holds her hands and stands before him.
‘ok, if you will go, I will lock the door and sleep.’ She tells.
Laksh drags her by waist near him. Both have eye lock.
In SWASAN room,
Swara gets up from him saying sorry. Sanskar too gets up and starts going out.
‘Sanskar, where are you going?’
‘I will sleep in guest room. At least, I will get peace over there.’
‘Get out then. You are doing high drama even I say sorry.’
Sanskar comes out holding his pillow. Swara closes the door.
As Sanskar came out, he sees Laksh was pushed out and a pillow falls on him from in and the doors are closed.
‘Ragini, I’m sorry again…open please…’ he was slowly knocking and looks at Sanskar becomes calm.
Both walking to guest room.
San: what? Ragini throw you out?
Lak: what she throwing? I only came out..!
San: ok, ok. I believe you.
Sanskar controls his laugh. Laksh looks at him in pout. Sanskar laughs aloud.
Ragini and Swara are talking in phone,
Swa: you sent him out..! why?
Rag: I can’t say what he did swara.
Swa: ok, don’t say…
Rag: but, I have to say…
Swa: then say…
Rag: no..no. I can’t open my mouth. Sleep now. bye…
Ragini cuts the call. ‘this girl na..!’ swara thinks and sleeps.
Ragini touches her lips, ‘ouch..! he bitten my lip.’ She says, blushes but still angry on him that he has done it.
Next morning,………..
Sanlak are sleeping. Laksh has kept his leg on Sanskar and sleeping. Sanskar kept his hand on him.
They hear veena music. They both awake.
‘re saa re sa ma ga re re sa… re ma ga re sa re sa re sa…’
They hear Ragini’s voice. They come to balcony and look down.
Ragini was holding veena and Swara was holding the guitar.
Sanlak look at each other in ‘what’s going on expression.’
Ap, sujatha and Uttara sat in front of them.
‘aa aa..aa…aa aa aa aaa, aa aa aaa….aa aa..aa’ Ragini continues.
Swara now raises guitar music,
‘hey hey hey hai… hey hey…..
Guitar music follows…
‘re…sa re sa ga ma re re sa…re ma ga re sa re sa re sa…’
Sanskar looks at Swara amazingly.
Now, Ragini continues veena….
Laksh is looking at her mesmerized.
‘sa sa re sa re re sa ri ma ma… (ragini follows)
Swara follows it with guitar music. Ragini smiles looking at Swara.
Swara sings, sa sa re re sa ri ma ma pa…
Both veena and guitar music joins along with SwaRagini’s voice.
They stop the music and song with high tone….
#i love this guitar and veena scene so much..! how many of you like it?#
Ap, Suj and Utt stands and clap their hands. Ragini smiles and looks up, laksh gives flying kiss to her. she bends her head.
Sanskar was clapping his hand from up, as soon as Swara saw him, he stops doing it.
Ap: Sanskar, laksh. Why did you wake so late today? Get ready fast, come for breakfast.
Sanlak nods head.
Ragini and Swara are busy in kitchen.
‘Ragini..!’ shouts Laksh.
Ap from down: what happened Laksh?
Laksh loudly: maa, send ragini soon. Where did she kept my suit. Ragini..! come fast.
Ragini: I didn’t even touch his suit.
Uttara: go bhabhi, maybe something important.
Sujatha beats on Uttara head.
Then suddenly Sanskar also shouts ‘Swara..!’
Ap and Suj shocks. uttara laughs.
Suj: what’s your problem Sanskar?
San: maa, ask her where did she keep my suit?
Ap: swara and Ragini. Please go away…
Rag: maa, but I didn’t not…
Laksh shouts, ‘ragini..! come fast…’
Swara and Ragini both go into their respective rooms.
Ragini enters into room, Laksh was standing behind the door. She comes inside and finds Laksh nowhere.
‘Where are you Laksh?’ she calls. Then she hears door closing sound. She looks. Laksh has closed the door.
He has just took bath and came. He is in just towel. Ragini turns other side looking at his bare top and legs.
She bends her head holding pallu tightly.
‘why did you call me?’ she asks closing her eyes.
No answer comes. She opens her eyes and looks at door. He is not there. She turns forward Laksh was very front to her. they are very close. Ragini raises her eyes looks at her head. His head is wet and the droplets are falling on his face. She keep looking at his face mesmerized.
‘Laksh, you shouldn’t stay wet this long…’ she says and takes a towel from cup board.
She rubs his head with towel. Laksh was looking at her silently.
‘Ragini, I have to talk with you.’
Ragini looks on….
In SWASAN room,
‘why did you call me Sanskar?’
‘swara, don’t play games. Where did you keep my suit.’
‘I don’t know. Don’t ask me.’
Sanskar looks sternly at her.
‘ok, it is in that cupboard.’ She shows a cupboard.
Sanskar goes near it. it is locked.
‘where is the key?’
‘talk with me normally. I will give you.’ She says holding the key.
‘I know, how to take it’ Sanskar runs near her. swara runs from him.
Sanskar keep chasing her.
Swara runs from him laughing.
‘swara, please give it. I’m getting late.’
But swara doesn’t give up easily.
Sanskar at last holds her hand and drags. But, she accidentally falls on him. Just not on him, their lips touch accidentally.
Swasan both are shocked at once.
Swara soon parts from him and turns aside taking deep breath. Sanskar remains calm…
To be continued…..
Hello guys,
Hope all liked today’s part.
Raglak are romantic…
Swasan are sweet…
I love them a lot….
Guys, if you want to see any kind of scene or you missing anything please tell me. I will write that. someone has asked me to show swaragini bonding, I tried to show upto some point. Like that, if you want anything…for you all….
Me too missing SwaRagini so much. I wish season 2 should come..!
Shot 4 link the previous one: https://www.tellyupdates.com/swaragini-way-shot-4/
its soooooo amaznggggg dr…loved it!!!yeah even i lyked dat sitar n guitar part…
..raglak r soooo awesome…waitng eagerly for nxt part…keeep rockng n atay blesssssed dr ;(
merrry christmassss 
Update soon
Amazing dearrr
Raglak scenes are amazing
Awesome ?
Raglak scenes are superb
Osssssmmmm love it plz pst sn dear
It’s so awwww…
Cute,adorable nd lovable update
Totally loved it
Enjoyed raglak nd swasan moment’s
So what is laksh gonna speak with ragini
Please do continue soon
Eagerly waiting to read more
loved raglak scene I always love love naughty lakshya plzzz give more next part soon
loved raglak scene I always love love naughty lakshya plzzz give more next part soon plzz
Awesome dear
It was awesome part dear
Loved it ??
But still swasan scenes r missing
I think u r focusing mainly on raglak
But overall it was superb
Wish u Merry Christmas ????…
Stay blessed and keep writing….
And sry if hurt u
But I want a little bit of swasan scenes
Waiting eagerly for next part to read
Update soon plz….plz
Very sweet update dear….
Awesome…just loved it…
Merry Christmas….
cute raglak
Awesome dr….!!
SwaSan scn r cuteee…!!
Itz totally outstanding …!!!
Nxt one soon???
awesome dear…loved it…raglak r sooo cute….guitar and sitar part superbbb dear…loved it…waiting for nxt one…tkcr dear….
awesome, loved raglak
awesome loved it
amazing and i loved it especially the raglak xx
cant wait for the next part
awesome.raglak’s scenes superb.