Fan Fiction

Swaragini-Zehnaseeb(My Fate) Episode 24

Thanx 4 all ur comments guys…i missed u all…..
Recap: Swara and Muku pregnant
Laksh: Thanx bhai..
Swara: So Muku is also pregnant?
Laksh: what?
Sanky: haan Swara.
Laksh calls Riku.
In RagSan’s room
Ragini takes the dairy and keeps it back in the cupboard.
Something falls down she bends down and will be a cd and her photos…
In the cd it is written ‘RAGINI’
Ragini is shocked to see her pictures with cd..she plays it in her laptop..
Laksh: Riku yaar congrats.
Riku: Thanx bhai hw is Swara?
Laksh: yh she is ok. Ragini ki kismet bahut achi hain na.
Riku: y what happened?
Laksh: she is going to become bua and chachi at the same tym.
Riku: iska matlab?
Laksh: haan bhai Swara is pregnant.
Riku: oh thts fab yaar Laksh Swara congrats man..
Ragini plays the cd..
Voice: RAGINI….
Ragini(in shock): AMAN!
Yes the voice ws Aman’s….Do u remember in hospital Aman asked Lucky to stay with him alone for sometym….
Aman: Sanskar i knw u love ma Ragini a lot..and i know she will not be loving u as she loves me but Sanskar u love her more than me..sry tht day wen i came to ur house i found this dairy..after reading it i understood hw much u love her…even i wanted to tell Ragini abt it then i thought if i tell her this then i may loose her yes i ws selfish…and see nw i am getting its punishment god is punishing me. Sanskar i don’t want to hide anything frm u or Ragini. That day when u left with Lucky only me and Swara were left..and we were not in our senses…..and Aman tells what all happened……
Sanskar, i knw u will keep my Ragini happy pls don’t hurt her make her love u i am always with u my friend………sorry to say this ..but Ragini I love u…but not more than Sanskar coz he loves u more than anything…….I love u both..take care…I will miss u both ……Goodbye..
Ragini is in tears….
Ragini: Sanskar loved me….nd Aman knws it……haan dairy ..
She takes the dairy and reads it………
She reads the dairy and she is in tears……
She keeps the dairy and cd back in the cupboard.
Swara: Sanky its late nw u go and sleep Ragini will be waiting for u.
Laksh: haan Sanskar u go its already late……
Sanskar:gud ni8…
SwaLak: Gud ni8.
Sanskar comes to his room.
As he enters Ragini comes and hugs him.
Sanskar looks shocked.
Ragini(still crying): Sanskar y didn’t u tell me before…tht u love me
Sanskar is super shocked.
Sanskar: lo…love u?
Ragini: don’t try to play wit my feelings anymore…
Sanskar: Ragini who told u this?
Ragini: Aman.
Sanskar: what?
Ragini (in mind): no i shuld not tell Sanskar abt Swara and Aman
Sanskar: Ragini.
Ragini: Haan Sanskar ..
Ragini; woh Aman i..i saw Aman in my dream…and he said u love e a lot so do u love me?
Sanskar: Ragini ..i love u.
Ragini: i love u too they hugs..Sanskar kisses her forehead…
They sleep in the bed.
Morning @MM
Ragini gets up early and do pooja..she gives Prasad to all.
Everyone is happy seeing Ragini doing pooja.
Pari: Arrey Ragini what happened to u today..
Adarsh: Haan Pari see she is smiling a lot..
DP: Arrey u both stop teasing her ..Ragini beta .come here…..what happen why r u smiling a lot?
Ragini: Bade papa!
RM: acha baba we will not tease u ..tell me why r u smiling a lot…
Ragini: Coz i am thankful to god.
Lucky: Ragini hume patha hain ki tumhare exams aa raha hain..bhagwaan ko makhan laga rahe ho kya?
AP: Laksh she is not lyk u…Ragini is really hard working she will top this year also
Sujatha: Ragini beta where is Sanskar?
Ragini: He is getting ready for office.
Everyone goes.
Ragini comes their room.
Sanskar hugs her frm behind.
Ragini: Sanskar what are u doing? What if someone sees us?
Sanskar: sees us?…what do u mean we are husband and wife.
Ragini phone rings..
Ragini: Sanskar leave me see my phone is ringing.
Sanskar: Let it ring.
Ragini: Sanskar
Ragini pushes Sanskar and takes the call.
Ragini: Sanskar i have to go nw.
AP comes there with milk.
AP: Ragini where do u want to go this early..?
Ragini: woh badi maa…studies ..haan group studies hain frnd ke ghar.
Swara: Ragini its just 8 and u have group study..u have collage at 10 isnt it?
Ragini: Woh bhabhi ….Exams r coming so ..
AP: teekh hain ..Sanskar drop her
Ragini: no badi maaa i’ll go alone.
AP: Ragini ur bade papa Ram Lucky Adarsh and Sanskar is taking all cars den hw will u go?
Ragini: ill manage bade maa bye..
Sanskar: Hv fud and go.
Ragini: ill have it frm there Sanskar.
She leaves..
Swara: Maa i’ll have a walk and come.
Sanskar: haan maa at this tym Swara needs to do exercise..
AP: ok Swara but be careful beta.
Swara follows Ragini..
Ragini walks in a unfamiliar road.
Swara(in mind): iss jagah pe Ragini ki konsi frnd hain…
Ragini gets a call again.
Ragini: haan main pahunch rahi hun.
She talks on the phone and sees Swara behind her…actually many bikes are parked there and she sees Swara through the rear view mirror…
Ragini(in mind): offo yeh bhabhi yaha kya kar rahi hain..nw i have to do smthing.
She msgs someone…
And starts walking.
Swara follows her…
Ragini goes to a ice gola old lady and a man is having ice golas.
Ragini: Dadi…
Dadi: Arrey Laado u r late.
Ragini holds her ears..
Ragini: sry..
Swara: dadi?

Precap: Swara sees ragini with a man…

pls do comment.. 🙂


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