Fan Fiction

Swaragini-Zehnaseeb(My Fate) Season 2 Episode 16

Sry guys this is not the mahaepisode ..nxt episode will be a mahaepisode…sry for the confussion
Link to previous episodes

Sanskar: Ammu.
Ammu: gud mrning papa.
Sanskar: gud mrning…today Nihaal and his family is coming to see you.
Ammu: haan papa.
Sanskar: so get ready fast ok..
Swara: Sanskar u go and manage the rest of things i am there na..i’ll make her ready.
Sanskar: my princess should look lyk an angel.
Swara: she is already looking lyk an angel Sanskar…
Sanskar goes.
Swara: Ammu sit i’ll get ur dress..
Swara brings her dress and she wears it
Swara: Sit i’ll make ur hair.
Ammu sits..
Ammu: badi maa if i ask u smthing will u be angry.
Swara: y should i be angry with u..u r my daughter ..hain na..
Ammu: but earlier..
Swara: haan at tht tym i was scared tht u’ll become lyk Ragini thts u haven’t forgiven me yet?
Ammu: badi maa its not lyk tht..i just wanted to knw why mumma left us..
Swara: why do u want to knw?..bcoz if i tell u everything then u’ll hate her for the rest of her lyf.
Ammu: still i want to knw..
Swara: oky..i’ll tell u but not today ok..
Ammu: done..
Swara: ho gaya my angel is ready.
Laksh: Swara bring Ammu…

Swara brings Ammu downstairs.
RP: Chuhan ji this is my granddaughter Anamika.
Nihaal looks at her.
Swara: Ammu serve them tea.
Ammu serve them tea and take their blessings.
Rishi Chauhan(Nihaal’s father): DP ji we like ur daughter…its a yes from us.
DP: Ammu its ur marriage ..tell ur decision.
Sparsh: Its a yes from her..see she is blushing.
Rishi: Mubarak ho DP ji.
DP: Apko bhi …
They hugs..

Naina Chauhan(Nihaal’s mother): par where is Anamika’s mother?
Sanskar: we r not together.
Laksh: actually she is now in Delhi..went for business purpose.
Naina: ok …so i think we should make it long..lets decide their marriage dates.
AP: Laksh…
Laksh goes ..anfter smtym comes with the pandit
Pandit: wat abt nxt week.
Swara: nxt week?..thts 4 days after today.
Pandit: haan ..there is gud muhurat.
Rishi: we r fine with it..
Sanskar: subh kaam mein dayiri kaise….
Rishi: so ..nxt week shaadi.

Ragini: what nxt week..But why too soon..
Ragini is talking on phone.
Dhruv: chichi ..everyone is stubborn and Ammu she is saying yes becoz she don’t want be alone..she don’t want to loose her family.
Ragini: Dhruv beta u knw everything ri8.
Dhruv: haan chichi i knw everything and wat u did is ri8 also but as long as they doesn’t knw this ..they will still think u r wrong..u escaped from ur responsibilities.
Ragini: i don’t care wat they talk abt me…i just want to see them happy.
Dhruv: Ragini chichi u’ll come for the wedding ri8.
Ragini: haan Dhruv..its my daughters wedding we all will be there.
Dhruv: take care chachi..
Ragini: u too bacha.
Riku: Ragu with whom where u talking?
Ragini: Dhruv..
Riku: acha ..wats the news?
Ragini: nxt week its Ammu’s marriage.
Riku: wat?
Ragini: haan bhaiyu its my daughter’s marriage.
Riku: hw can they do this ..u r her mother…dont u deserve to knw all these?
Ragini: for them i am a mother who came back to her daughter to get her properties..and i am mother who runs away from responsibilities…i am daughter..who caant open up her heart..i am sister who cant share her pain with her brother. I am wife..who is not trustworthy….
She burst into tears…
Riku: no Ragu..its not lyk tht..Ragini is a daughter who hides her pain and walks with a smile on her face so tht seeing her smile everyone becm happy. Ragini is a sister who cares abt her family more than anything. Ragini is a mother…who loves her family unconditionabily..Ragini is a wife who can go to any extreme to save her family from anyone and anything….Ragu i am proud to have sister lyk u…
Riku hugs Ragu…

Sanskar: Bade papa.
DP: Hmmm come in Sanskar.
Sanskar: bade papa i knw u r not happy with this marriage.
DP: yes
Sanskar: pls bade papa ..if Ammu knws this then she will be sad and i cant see her sad…
DP: look who is talking the great Sanskar Maheshwari…shame on u Sanskar..hw can u still behave lyk this.
Sanskar: what else i can do Bade papa should i forgive her…ok even if i forgive will anyone in this house forgive her..
DP: Sanskar u said it..u called this a u rememeber there was a tym wen this was a home.
Sanskar: bade papa..i am not interested to talk abt her.
DP: Sanskar don’t try to fool me ..i knw u knw only half truth still..u cannot hate her all these years ..u were rude to Ammu becoz..u wanted to tell everyone and show everyone tht u hates Ragini..but how will u hide from urself Sanskar?
Sanskar: bade pap..u knw ri8 hw much i suffered took a long tym for me to be normal again..nw i don’t want to loose myself for anyone…i want this marriage to happen i want Ammu’s lyf to be safe ..then only i can deal with anyone else.
DP: Sanskar..
Sanskar: I knw bade papa u want to see see this house to be home but bade papa the one who made this home only made this home a house and tht is Ragini and i aapne sahi kaha till today i could not hate her…but she never made me heal her pain..nor did she ever shared her pain with me…nd for tht i’ll never forgive her…she left Ammu here…i still don’t understand wat for..
Sanskar goes…
Dhyaan: Aman bhaiya..come na bhabhi..bolo na
Vidya: Aman Sparsh …
Sparsh: bhabhi ki chamcha.
Dhruv: what’s going on here?
Dhyaan: dekho bhaiya..Aman bhai and Sparsh bhai are taking me with them..
Dhruv: wat…Dhyaan be a gud boy go with them.
Vidya: woh akele kyun jayenge?..u r also coming with us.
Dhruv: wat come on Vidya..
Vidya: u r coming and thts it ..
Swara: come on everyone…
Sanskar: where is Ammu?
Dhyaan: she is not here.
Swara: not here then where is she?
AP: She wanted to invite her friends for the wedding.
Swara: she went alone.
Sujatha: sherni hain woh.
Laksh: thts ok u guys go for shopping ..main Ammu ko lekhar ayunga.
They leaves…
Laksh calls on Ammu’s phone..
He hears her phone ringing and finds tht she sisnt took the phone with her..
Suddenly her phone starts ringing again it was frm an unknown number.
Laksh picks the call before he could say anything..he understood whom was the caller.
Laksh(in mind): Ragini.
Ragini: Ammu beta i knw u r angry with me..but pls beta don’t disconnect the call..dekho i knw u hate me..but listen don’t do this marriage if u r not ready…i knw u don’t lyk him whoever it may be..i knw everything beta…i knw wat u want ..i knw u love him..beta don’t sacrifice ur love for anyone…if u do this then its lyk cheating urself…and it hurts a lot ..beta..pls …i cant see u hurt..not at any u knw beta ur papa loves u a lot …ur badi maa loves u a lot ur bade papa..he loves u the most…beta i knw nw u r very angry with me ….but beta i was helpless…Ammu tell ur papa tht u don’t want this marriage pls beta…
Hello Ammu r u listening..hello..heloo..
Laksh disconnects the call.
Laksh: Ammu loves smone but still she agreed for this marriage…

Ammu knocks the door.
The door opens.
Ammu: Namaste.
On the other side is a women..
Ammu: Juhi Takur?
Lady: yes..
Ammu: hi aunty i am Anamika Maheshwari i am Aarush’s friend…
Lady: Ammu?
Ammu: ji..
(Juhi Takur role played by Tina Dutta)
Juhi: oh come in..Aashu always talks abt u..come in beta.. Veer ..see who is here.
Veer Takur played by Vikhas bhalla
Veer: who is it Juhi?
Juhi: its Ammu.
Veer: what..
Ammu takes blessing frm him.
Veer: kush raho beta..Aashu always keep talking abt u ..
Ammu: is he not at home?
Veer: no beta…
Ammu: wen will he be back?
Veer: tomorrow
Juhi: beta u sit i’ll bring u smthing to eat.
Ammu: no aunty..i am goning..actually i came here to invite u all..
Veer: oh for wat beta.
Ammu: day after tomorrow is my wedding …everyone should come.
Juhi: ur wedding..oh…yh ..we will try.
Veer: congrats..
Ammu: thank u..
Veer: beta is Laksh and everyone fine?
Ammu: ji uncle…bye i’ll hv to go nw..
She leaves.

Sanskar: maa take the best dress my daughter should look lyk a princess.
AP: Yh of course..
Swara: look Ammu is also here.
Sujatha: invited your friends beta?
Ammu: yes dadi.
Swara: where is Laksh?
Ammu: no idont knw..i came straight to here badi dadi told me tht we were going for shopping so i came.
Sanskar: i’ll call Lkash and inform him.
Sanskar calls Laksh and tells him tht Ammu has reached..Lakash also reach shopping mall.
All buys dresses.
Swara: Laksh is everything ok.
Laksh: yh..
Swara: smthing is wrong i can say from ur face.
Laksh: no nothing…
Sanskar: oh Romeo and Juliet come…
Swara: stop teasing Sanskar..

Laksh: Swara i hv a meeting in Delhi tomorrow so i’ll leave by nyt’s flight.
Swara: wat Laksh? Its Ammu wedding in 2 days and u have to go.
Lakash: its important otherwise do u think i’ll go..and i’ll be back by tomorrow evening.
Swara: did u inform abt this to everyone?
Laksh: no i a goning to.
Laksh tells everyone tht he have to leave today ni8.
Ammu: is it tht important?…
Laksh: yes dear..its very important.
DP: Is it more important thn Ammu?
Laksh: papa in a a way it is ..
Laksh leaves..

Nxt day.
@Takurs house
Aarush: mumma i am back.
Juhi: welcome beta..
Aarush: what happen u look sad..did dad said smthing?
Veer: gud mrning
Aarush: wat happen papa..u r also looking sad.
Juhi: Ashu come sit.
Aarush sits.
Aarush: wat happen?
Veer: look beta yday Ammu came.
Aarush: wat?!!! She came …
Juhi: to invite us..
Aarush: invite us for wat?
Veer: its her wedding tomorrow.
Aarush: nice joke….
Juhi: its not a joke
She forwards the invitation card.
Aarush takes it and read it.
He becomes sad.
…without speaking anything he goes to his room.
Juhi: i think we should..
Veer: no ..he is my brave son..he will fight matter wat happens…

Vidya: pls uss side flowers are not properly arranged…
Sparsh: arrey Dhyaan wat r u doing..
Aman: dyaan do it properly na..
All are busy with one thing or another.
In Ammu’s room
Ammu(in mind): god y is this happening to me…why am i feeling so uneasy..i knw this marriage is just a sacrifice but..i am i just..wat is happening to me…
She looks at her phone again..
Today mrning she recived Aarush’s message
“Hey Ammu first of all congrats..and thanx for inviting us we will definetly try to come..take care..and all the very best”
She never expected such a msg frm him…
Her phone flashed again.
“Pls listen to me…”
By then
Dhruv: Ammu.
Ammu keeps her phone.
Ammu: ji bhaiyu ..
Ammu goes..

Ragini tells everyone abt Ammu’s marriage.
Shrawu: hw dare they decide her wedding.
Ragini: she is happy with it..
Taru: bua..
Ragini: but i too want to be there..
Rathore: come princess…
They leaves….
Precap: Ammu gets to knw the past….Ammu’s marriage…
And many more twists…….


Some stories are better left Incomplete

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