Fan Fiction

Swaragini…The Way You Are…Episode 45

Previous Epi link:

Epi 45: 


Gadodia’s and Sharma’s comes to MM for utts haldi rasam… swara looks for sanskar… he comes down… after looking swara, he was spellbound… she is in golden yellow saree… just look alike an golden angel… swara winks at him… sanskar goes near her… swara smiles.. he get blessing from Mrs.Sharma and avoids swara… He pretend to be angry on her… swara to herself: god still he is angry… she thinks to seek his attention… all are busy in haldi ritual… how sunflower follows the direction of sun like swara follows sanskar… sanskar enjoys her attention and ignores her… He intentionally flirts with some girls to annoy swara which make swara angry… she takes some haldi and applies on sanskar face… Sanskar: you… swara chuckles… he drags her towards him… and rubs his face on her… both smiles silently…  sanskae leaves swara follows him…

On the other side laksh pampering Ragini… lak: ragu ma… what is it…? Rag: what… Lak: see you’re sweating…Some tiny droplets of sweat in her forehead, he wipes it… Rag: lucky its just… lak: don’t say anything… I think baby is sweating now… Rag: huh..? lak: haan… how many times will say don’t do any works… see now bcoz of you baby sweating… Rag: lucky pls talk with some sense… I’m sweating, it doesnt mean baby get sweat… Lak: see baby is in ur tummy… if baby is hungry you get hunger na… like that baby also sweating… he makes her sit… switched on the fan a/c… and gives her juice…. Rags smiles and stares him lovingly… Lak signs what… she nods her head nothing and makes him sit to next to her… She caresses his head and gives him juice: not only mumma, papa also want to be healthy… laksh smiles: hmm… papa is already healthy now mumma oly needs it… first you have it… Rags: hmm… ok… but you have to share with me… then only I will take this juice… Lak: haan… ok madam… as your wish… they share their juice…

Lak notices haldi bowl near table… Lak: hmm… it was first function… first celebration our baby participating… so I don’t want our baby to miss any rituals… he takes haldi and applies in her baby bump… and Rags face… Rags blushes and applies some haldi on his face… both smiles… Uttara comes there …  Utts: uff… Today is my haldi ceremony… one side swara bhabi sanskar bhai is busy other side you both… no one is care about me… she makes face… swasan joins them… San: lucky what happened to our lovely sister… she looks upset… lak: bhai she is complaining… Utts: haan… I’m complaining, see my haldi rituals are over… tomo is my marriage… after that I have to leave to my sasural… I’m gonna miss you all but here you all are not at all worry about this… Sans: oh who said we didn’t feel… Lak:you know how much we are worried… Sans: don’t know after marriage how to tolerate… Utts hugs sanlak… lak: haan… bhai… seriously don’t know how aniket bhai going to tolerate utts torture… utts: huh? Sans: you’re right lucky… pity on him…she stamps her foot: you… both… sanlak laughs… she make face…

San: you know really we gonna miss our princess… haan…na lucky… lak: yeah… bhai… Sans: her cute little fight… lak: her small small things… sans: her stupid angry… lak: her fun… san: her childish smile… lak: her innocent talk… Sans: her pleadings… lak: bhai atleast you have me to call you as bhai… but for me… swaragini gt tears… utts start to cry: I won’t go anywhere, ask your frnd to stay our home with his mom and dad after marriage… sanlak eyes welled up with tears… lak: haan… bhai… ask aniket bhai… sans wipes uttara and lak tears… AP overhears them and bcm teary eyed… Sans: lucky you also… If ma, swaragini  also thinks like this… then… we married sisters so it doesn’t matter… otherwise just think… after marriage girls have to face this…they need to accept their new relation… they need to balance their life with her sasural and mayka… as well as boys need to love her family as his own… utts: but we girls only are leaving from house… AP: bcoz girls are stronger than boys… moreover they are not leaving… creating a new relation, new life, and new bond between two families… as soon you will learn this… San: ma I know our princess is soooo strong… lak: and she will learn this s soon…trio hugs…


@Utts room,

Ani secretly comes to utts room… utts is searching something in her wardrobe… her backside his facing him and she is covering herself with pallu… Ani goes and back hugs her: Thank god you are alone… he places his chin on her shoulder… Ani: today is our haldi rasam is over… tomo our marriage… you gonna to become mine forever… he smiles… Ani: Uttara before our marriage I want to tell you something… Utts is about to turn but ani stops her… Ani: pls don’t turn… then I will forget everything… utts nods… Ani: whenever you confess your feeling, I just hurted yo without thinking anything… but when sanlak told about marriage proposal… I bcm numb… I realised who you are to me… your Importance in my life… He bent down on his knee: I can’t promise you to keep you happy always… but I promise you I will try my level best to keep happy…  I Love You… and I will always love you… will you Marry me..? Will you accept me as your better half..? He forwards his hand with ring… Utts turn: do you really want to marry me… Ani get shocked and stands… bcoz its not uttara, its laksh disguised in Utts attire…

Ani: lucky… Swaragsan comes inside and laughs loud… uttara looks him with pout face… lak laughs… swa: oh you want to marry lucky… we thought you love uttara… swalak gives hi-fi… Rags: ani its all these two plan… but I didn’t expect this from you… Sans: we are really sorry my dear…  he is married now… better luck next time… Rags: hey don’t dare to try next time bcoz he is only mine… laksh smiles… Lak: what a plan..? Swara you are amazing… (Looks at ani) when sanskar bhai hugged me, what all you said now you proposing me for marriage… I’m not your type… He laughs… ani feels embarrassed… Utts: bhai just stop it… you all na… he proposed me not you… you only changed my place in yours… she supports him… (looks at ani): I’m sorry… She bend down on her knees… all looks on… Utts: I’m ready to being your better half… will you accept me..? Ani smiles and makes her stand: I will… He hugs her: I love you… Utts: love you too… swaragsanlak smiles… uttsani applies haldi to each other… Utts: now oly our haldi ritual completed… lak: have some shame… your brothers are here… ani gently moves… uttara holds him tight… Utts: why should I..? its my room… Sans: I think its better we will leave now… Utts: haan… all must leave… before I ask to do so… Lak: huh..?  Bhai few minutes before she cried… now she is sending us… san: who knows… maybe she will shut door infront of us, If we didnt move… Utts: its nice idea… sanlak make face: huh..?. Lak: haan bhai, you’re right… lets come… they all comes out of room…

Swara holds sanskar hand and smiles… sanskar take his hand from her and moves… swara again hold his hand… sans again take her hand…  Raglak looks them confusedly… swara says sorry… Sans: I’m thief na then why you’re talking with me… he moves… swara holds him from back side: haan… haan… you’re thief… thief of my heart… sanskar smiles: whatever… swara comes infront of him… pulls his nose… swara: ohho… angry bird I’m sorry na… san: angry bird..? I’m not angry bird… but you’re… swara cuts him: I’m not crying baby… Sans: who said you were crying baby… You’re not a crying baby but hutch dog (pug)… swara: hutch dog..? Sans: haan… hutch dog… swa: I’m not hutch dog but you’re angry bird… they both nok-jhoks… San: lucky you know from morning someone follows me like hutch dog… wherever you go I follow… swa: lucky I didn’t follow anyone… Sans: oh really… I saw it… swa make face: did my face look-a-like hutch dog… she looks at him:  if I’m hutch dog then dog husband is also a dog… Sans: dog..? sanskar make face… Rags to lak: what’s happening here… laksh: don’t know but one thing I comes to know… Rags: what..?… lak: they both are not a human… Rags looks laksh, Laksh nods his head…

Swara to herself: swara what you were doing..? You come to convince him but now making complicated… she think to do something… swara holds her head and faints down… Rags: jiju, shona… sanskar holds her… sans: don’t worry cutie… she is acting… hey drama queen getup… swara doesn’t respond… Lak: bhai I think she didn’t acting… Ragsan get tensed … Sans pats her cheek… Sans: lucky… lucky call doctor… he lifts her to room… laksh calls doctor… Rags hold swara hand…sans: swara get up… I’m not angry… I was just kidding… swara… call me whatever you want but pls getup… I know you are acting na… pls don’t play like this… swara… I agreed to be an angry bird…  I wont tease you…pls gt up… tears start to toll down from his eyes… sanskar is in extreme level of tension…


@Swasan room,

Doctor checks swara… sanskar holding swara hand… all family members waiting outside at swasan room… sans: doc how long will you take..? till she didn’t get conscious… he start to yell at doctor… Doc: Mr.Maheswari I’m doing my work please be patience… she take injection… Sans: what you’re doing, she is afraid of injection… Doc gives one heavy breath: don’t you want your wife to get conscious… its better you stay out from this room… sans: ok… ok… I won’t say anything… you carry on… she gives injection to swara… sanskar closes his eyes tight… Doc smiles… swara slowly open her eyes… sans hug her tight… swara smiles… she notices needles and shouts… sans: what happened… swara: sanskar you know na, I’m afraid of injection even though you allowed doc to injrct me… you are too bad… thank god… I’m not in conscious at that time… otherwise… nooooooo….  sanskar smiles… Doc: I think you only can do this magic… swara: magic..? Doc: haan… smile in your husband face… swara blushes… sanskar says sorry to doctor… Doc: it’s ok… I can understand… but if you love your wife this much then why don’t you notice did she takes food properly or not… that too at this time… now she is not single… she need some rest and she wants to take food properly… Sans (concerned): is everything is alright… Doc: oh I didn’t say anything yet na… sanskar looks her puzzled… Doc smiles: nothing to worry… you got a promotion…  your wife is pregnant… swasan gets happy…

Doc comes out of swasan room… Rags: Doc did my shona is fine..? Doc: haan… she is fine and Mrs.Maheswari is pregnant… all gets happy… Lak gves confused look…  Lak: Doctor we know that my wife is pregnant…by seeing her tummy everyone easily say…  Doc: Mr. Laksh I’m not telling about your wife… Lak: what..? Then… slowly his gaze changed to AP and DP… Lak:  It means (stammers)  you… ma… pregnant… me…again bhai… DP and AP feels embarrassed… Rags: oh… Lucky shona is pregnant… Lak get excited: Really, oh god… bhai bcm papa… I gt double promotion…you know I thought… He stops and looks at DP, already his gaze is on laksh… Lak thinks today me gone… he hits his head and smiles sheepishly…  all burst out into laughter… DP nods his head and smiles… 

Sans: Thanks for giving such a lovely gift swara… he keeps his hand on her belly… Sans: this baby is not only gift and also our love… he kisses her forehead… swara hugs him… Swa: I should say thanks to you sanskar… Thanks for giving happiness of mother… Thanks for giving such an pleasure of caring your baby… Sans: hmm… you know how much you scared me to gve this news… Swara (teasingly): ohho sanskar… you think I will leave you so easily… I knew you didn’t took 7 pheras at our wedding but I took… you know what’s that you are mine I won’t leave you at any situation… so you need to bear my torture all your life… Sans looks on… swa: sanskar… sans:hmm…  swa: I need a boy just like you… Sans: boy..? no no swara… girl just like you… Swa: no…no… boy… Sans: girl.. swa: boy… sans: girl… swa: boy… sans: boy… swa:girl… sans: see you also said its girl… swara make face: huh..? Ok one boy like you… one girl like me… sanskar:… no… swara… atleast I need 4 girls just like you… swara shies and hide  her face on his chest… sanskar embrace her…
laksh enters swasan room: uff… enough of your romance… give some time to us… swara: lucky you always have wrong timing… all comes to swasan room… swasan gets blessing from elders… swara hugs Rags and sumi… laksh and ani Congrats them… lak: bhai its time to buy kids showroom… sanskar smiles…  Utts: awe… as soon double dhamaka comes to our home… swaragini(teasing tone): then what about your twins… both winks… Utts shies… all smiles… ani thinks thank god all forget about my presence… as soon dadi holds his ear: what you’re doing here… ani: haaa… dadi I just… dadi: what just… dont you know… you won’t meet uttara  until marriage… come will lock you in room… you are not allowed to meet anyone until your marriage… Mrs.Sharma: you’re right ma… ani: its not fair… dadi: it’s your punishment for breaking rituals… ani (Looks at swara): honey you were right… now only I understand… swa: what you understood… ani: that… that… dadi is a real PT master… just stick and whistle only missing… dadi: huh..? Ani runs… all laughs…


@ Wedding day, 


Uttsani wedding rituals are started… Ani sitting n mandap, swaragini brings Utts… Sanlakani mesmerised by seeing their respective lady love… pandit enchant mantra…   Uttsani exchange garlands… they take 7 peheras… everyone happily showers them flowers petal… while sanskar reminsience* After his love confession… once swara said she married him bcoz she loved him…. and recalls her words I took 7 pheras with you…*  ani wear mangalsutra to utts… and he fills her maang with sindoor… utts gets happy tears in her eyes… pandit tells all the rituals are done, their marriage is completed now… all gets happy… uttsani get blessing from elders…

Pandit start to leave but Sanskar stops him… he goes to swara: In our marriage I  took  7 pheras but didn’t took those promises… now I want to take those 7 promises with you… swara looks him overwhelmed… sanskar forward his hand, swara hold his hand ….   swasan start to tk rounds….

*Sans: I will give wealth and happiness to you and our family… swa: I should accept it and take care of our family with all responsibilities… 

*San: you are the only one made me completed… swa: I will find every way to please you…

*Sans: I will always protect you and our family in all problems… Swa: no matter what I will be your side and stand with you at each and every situation… 

*San: I fill your life with peace… swa: I will face all odds with you… 

*Swasan: we will always love and respect each other… we will teach the same love and respect to our kids…

*San: we are one… you are mine and I’m yours…. I will never leave you and I will accept you being The way you are… Swa: I’m always yours… my life is only for you… I won’t go away from you…. I will be the way you accepted me…

*Swasan: our heart always beat for each other… we will love each other till the eternity…

While raglak look each other lovingly and recalls their wedding moment… laksh holds ragini… Rags: Thanks… Lak: Thanks..? Rags: haan… Thanks… Thanks for coming in my life… Thanks for loves me more than anything… Thanks for made me feel special each and every sec… Thanks for… laksh place his finger on lips: shhh… if we start to say thanks to each other than our life ends with thanks only… you are not any outside person to say thanks… we are one not a different person… you are mine… I’m yours… so no more thanks ok…  Rags smiles: I love you… Lak: Love you too…

Swasan looks at each other… sankar fills her maang: I will keep my all promises in all my birth…  swara hugs him… sans: I love you… swa: love you too… sankar kisses her forehead…

Screen freezes with happy faces of couples…

 The End…

Thank you so much friends you all beared me and supported by your comments… and thanks to my sileny readers…. I’m very very sorry for being irregular…
Always be happy…!!! 😀 😀 keep smiling 🙂 🙂 🙂


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