Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

Swararagini ff (happy love) episode 7

Episode starts with shantipriya drawing
Priya says mines is better then yours
Shanti says no mines is
They start arguing and say to each other I’m not your friend don’t talk to each other
The maid sees them and goes o swaragini and sanslak who are all in the same room
The maid runs and says ma’am sir Shantiprya had an argument swaragini says what shantipriya had an argument
Sanslak says we have to do something to make them friends again
They all whisper and get an idea
Swasan go to priya and try to convince her but she doesn’t listen they start singing ta ra rum pum to her then raglak come with shanti and are singing the make Shantiprya stand next to each other swaragini and sanslak are dancing and singing to make them friends but they don’t listen they say be friends come on
Shantipriya shake hands and hug each other they all dance to ta ra rum pum

Dinner time
Shantipriya says to swaragini and sanslak we have holidays now so tomorrow can we have a cricket match plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
They say ok we will have it in our garden

Shantipriya are lying in bed and Swararagini come to put them to sleep shanti priya says can you tell us a story swaragini tell the story of how swasan and raglak met

Shantipriya and sanslak are waiting for Swararagini to come so they can start the game
Swara comes and sanskar gets shock because she looks beautiful in her joggers his mouth is wide open Swara comes and says sanskar atheist close your mouth he says Swara you look so beautiful
Swara says thanks
Ragini comes and Laksh rubs his eyes because Ragini.looks beautiful as well
Ragini says Laksh how am I looking
He says you look hot
Shantipriya says let’s do the teams
They say swaragini and shanti on one team and sanslak and priya on one team
They all say ok
Sanskar says to Swara you better watch out we are gonna win
Swara says we will see
Ragini says to Laksh watch out.loser
Laksh says hahaha very funny your never gonna win
Priya says to shanti the game is on
They says their is gonna be 5 rounds
In the first round Swara is batting and sanskar is bowling
The maid is doing the points

First round
Sanskar bowls and Swara hits a sixes everyone gets shock Swara runs and on the way says to sanskar told you we are gonna win
Sanskar is shocked
Swaragini and shanti win the first round

Second round
Laksh is batting and Ragini is bowling
Laksh misses and Ragini laughs at Laksh and Laksh gets angry
Swaragini and shanti win the round again

Third round
Priya is batting and shanti is bowling
Priya hits the ball high and runs
Sanslak and priya win this round

Fourth round
Sanskar bats and shanti bowls sanskar hits the ball but Swara catches
Shanti says hahaha chachu

Fifth round
Priya bowls and Ragini bats
Ragini hits but Laksh catches priya says yes chachu and hugs him

The maid says the winner is swaragini and shanti they scream yes and get a trophy
Priya says don’t worry Laksh chachu and papa we will next time they all decide to play together and tag
Laksh is on and is about to tie Ragini but he slips on Ragini they both fall and roll over Ragini is in top of him and her hair is in his face dheere dheere se meir zindagi mein aana plays
Swasan cough and they get up
Ragini is on and is trying to get priya but priya falls and bangs her head on a rock and is bleeding everyone run to priya
They try to wake her up Laksh says let’s take her to the hospital Swara is crying and Ragini consoles her
Shanti is a look crying but sanskar says dint worry nothing will happen to priya

They reach the doctor takes priya into the ICU Swara cries sanskar hugs her and says nothing will happen
Tears fall from Laksh is eyes because Laksh is very close to his niece priya
Ragini says Laksh dint worry have faith in God she will be fine
Shanti says :sanskar chachu will priya didi be fine and she starts crying sanslak console her

Precap:the doctor comes and says that she is critical


Status Update

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