Categories: Fan FictionSwaragini

swara+ragini=swaragini episode 4

thank u friends for u r valuable comments…thank u so much for encouraging me…

episode 1

episode 2

episode 3

swara mom what how can it be possible…laksh&ragini don’t have anykind of relation
swara:laksh why did u keep quite tell us na u don’t have any relationship with ragini
laksh is standing he closes his eyes and starts recalling everything,suddenly he realized that…oneday he came home drunked,ap asks ragini to take him to her room….then he thought that ragini is swara,bcoz he is feeling that swara is behind him &she only taking him to room..he drags her hardly on to bed and consumate their marriage…
he suddenly opens his eyes…he told swara he my son only…he our the son me&ragini
swara:what are u saying laksh..

laksh: truth swara…pls accept it…
swara then maa if sunny is laksh son then were my baby..
sumi:u had been birth to baby who is not alive,swara starts crying…
swara:how ragini’s baby come to me…
sumi told everything..everyone shocked
dr came out and told that both are fine u can to them home by evng…
everyone thanks him…everyone rushes to see them…
rahul&sanskar hug eachother…sanskar moves to starts consoling her…swara but god gave us another baby who is yet to born…..

laksh rushes to sunny’s room…he can’t able to see his son like that lying on the bed…sunny is getting conscious he is saying “lakshchachu”….he hugs his son hardly& i’m not u r chachu i’m u r papa… u r my son…u r “AHANLAKSHMAHESWARI”….his son silently smiles…

maheswari mansion:
dp&ap are very happy that their son is also having a son.
swara who can’t digest that he is not her son…sees ragini coming from the sunny’s room..decides to ask ragini..why again she makes her fool,she fumes in anger…she went near to her and about to slap her then suddenly one man hold her hands…
swara was shocked…
she spells SANSKAR …pls leave my hand…she made fun out of giving her child to me…but i starts loving him as my child but now how can i leave without him….
sanskar:stop it swara…if u blame her then 1st u have to blame me…i was the only person behind all these things…everyone shocked
ap:sanskar thu

sanskar:yes,bade maa
when ragini leaves this house…everyone silently went to their rooms…but i was the only person who followed i saw her going to temple…then in temple fells unconscious…i had taken to my frnd rahul’s hospital…
u all don’t know that rahul is my bestfrnd..when i’m doing my mba in london…he is doing his ms there…we are also roommates there…

and wen i take ragini to his hospital…he is shocked to see her…{fb shows }
she loves her alot….when he is persuing medicine kolkata here only…he sees ragini in a music competition he fell in love with her madly but he don’t have dare tell her…bcoz if she didn’t accept then he has to loose his frndship also…he decides to talk to her parents…but after completion of ms he came to marry ragini…but some their mutual frndship told that she married someone…he checked ragini immediately and told that she pregnant…i don’t know what to do…
i was also one the reason for the change in ragini…i encouraged her 1st and helped her in all aspects…whenever i know i’m doing wrong i left her..but i never tried to change her in a positive way…i only tried to make her truth come infront of all…but she shows more trust upon me she is the only person who told i didn’t do her kidnap…u also didn’t say that swara…
when i know about her pregnancy i decided to help her ..when she get into consciousness ,we told her that she is going to become a mom…she felt so veryhappy…i asked her to return home..but she refuses..if she come home she says that laksh will not only kill her but also her baby…i can’t refuse her…i kept her in rahul’s house and asks him to take care of her…rahul cares her alot..his entire family cares her a lot..while she is pregnant…

then i told my mom everything that ragini is pregnant..we have to help her..bcoz her only today uttara got married went away,if not uttara has to be in jail for supporting laksh in his crime..then mom agrees she decides to help ragini….

then mom told u all that she is going to her mother’s home but she went to help ragini…
sujatha:yes jijji,sanskar is saying the truth..i was the only person from our house to be with ragini…one day ragini got labour pains she delivered a babyboy..i was so happy for her..
i went out to bring medicines for her bcoz she undergoes sigerion..then there shermistha ji saw me and follows me then she came to know about ragini&her son…

when u all bring swara to hospital i was also there with ragini…i was the only person refused ragini..not give her baby to swara…then she told refuses me and keep her baby besides swara..we both left from there….
everyone shocked…

sanskar:coming to rahul…while ragini is with rahul,i feel she is veryhappy…i asked rahul did he still loves ragini after knowing everything also he is ready to make her marry…i was only the person told ragini about rahul’slove and asks her to marry him…she finally agrees after a long gap…i assures her that i will take care of her child…
swara:ragini y did u do this idiot,she hugs ragini which more effection…
swara went to rahul side and thanks him for giving her old ragini back..who can do anything for me…shekhar&sumi looks their daughters happily….swaragini bg plays….
swara asks ragini to take her son..with her only…she says rahul if u won’t have any problem only…
rahul:it’s my pleasure swara…he is not only ragini’s son he is my son too…
everyone feels happy for his words..
laksh:rahul don’t ever dare to call him as u r son…he is my son only my son…he will not go anywhere…he wil be with me only forever…
ap:stop it laksh,on every baby mother only will have 1st right than sunny will be with ragini only not with u
rahul:ragini,u go and bring our son we should leave from here…
hema(rahul mom):yes beta,go and get my grandson we will go to our home…
ragini went and bring sunny she takes permision getting blessing from everyone she is leaving..she hugs swara&says sorry…but u have also right on him now..swara pampers him…ragini thanks sanskar&sujatha they both smile…
she is about to leave..
laksh:stop!! ragini,don’t move…
everyone shocked

preview:laksh is going to reveal something,ragini will stay back in maheswari masion helplessly,swasan worired for ragini,decided to help her swasanrag became united


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