mission 1-destroy sahus construction business
san-u got d details?
alisha-on d way 2 farm house,25thousan dollars,2 cars-8ppl,his son is handling it
san-k,u escape we r ready 2 attack
alisha-atb,be careful i knw we wil do it! infor others also bye
aftr d cal ends,10 guys get ready for d attack dey r in black,faces r coverd!dey r san,lucky,dhruv,vedhant,rahul,rohit,arjun,sidhart dese 8 wil attck and prateik & dushyanth we wil make dem escape!
dhruv-badri sahu we r back aftr 13years 2 take our revenge,u started d game & we wil end it!
lucky-we wer waiting for dis day,finaly get ready 2 face us we r coming to destroy u!
vedh-guys b careful & make sure his son doesnt c us,we hav worked hard for dis day so im nerveous!
dushyanth-u ppl do ur work,we wil plan d escape,vedh chill we wil win! san-lets leave now,its getting late dey hav a grp hug,dey leave…
otherside swara is getting ready to go for a party which is near d place sans gang has planned for d attack!
guys ty for ur lovely response,drop in ur thoughts

Please use full spellings apar from that itzz nice
Nice plzz make it longer
it is nice but make it more longer ya
Nice make it longer