Fan Fiction

Swasan – Accidently yours 34

Hi guys thank for your support and suggestions. A very big thanks to all my silent readers too. I hope you will enjoy today’s episode. Comments and suggestions are always welcome.
Previous Episode Link: Episode 33
I have been waitingfor the morning so desperately that I barely believe my eyes when the sharp rays of sun , the chorous of the birds, and noice or voice from outside brings and immeditate curve to my lips. sanskar is in his deep sleeping holding my legs. I don’t not want to disturb to his sleep, so just lay back. After few minutes the nurse opens the door and ask for something Sanky’s sleep gets disturbed.
Swara is angry on the nurse for disturbing her hubby’s peaceful sleep. She fumes in anger, while sansky smile seeing her.
Nurse: Hi Swara, good morning had a sound sleep , hope ur ready to leave
Swara: with fake smile ya
Nurse: Ok this is your last injection before leaving
Sanky: What the hell, she had already so many injections what is the need for it.
Nurse: Sir, she has to travel so this is must or else it will lead to other complexities and without injection doctor will not allow you to leave.
Sanky: thn y don’t u give her some tablets that is easy na
Swara: Sanky I need to leave I can’t stay in this hospital not even for a minute more. Nurse u plz give me.
Nurse takes the needle and fills it with small bottle.
She goes near Swara, Sanky closes his eyes and opens slightly, she was rubbing with cotton, before she could inject he unknowingly pushes the table and the things fall down. Nurse gives him a stern look. He smiles sheepishly.
She tries to inject again he makes sounds, nurse gets really frustrated and asks him to get out of the room. He tries to argue with the nurse but she pushes him outside. Swara was enjoying completely.
Nurse injects Swara wincks in pain. Sanky gets in immediately.
Sanky: you ok swara and give a look to nurse.
Nurse: You want anything else any change or dressing.
Sanky: No thanks I can take care of her, U may leave and makes faces.
He makes her wear simple suit nd makes her pony but this time perfectly at the first attempt. Uthil joins them as others have left early.
Swara tries to walk but sanky lifts her.
Swara: leave me down I am perfectly fine
Sanky: nooooooo u r nt completely well yet so be quiet.
Background song :
Kaiyil Mithakkum Kanavaa Nee
Kai Kaal Mulaitha Kaatraa Nee
Kayil Yenthiyum Kanakkavillaiyae
Nuraiyaal Seiytha Silaiyaa Nee
All gets settled in the ambulance.
Uttara: Swara u fine, we will be driving behind so dnt hesitate if u want anything
Swara: I want to meet bhai
Sanky: First we ll go home we ll decide after that
Swara: Nooo I want to meet him first pleading with her eyes
Uttara: U suffered this much not enough for u all happened because of ur so called bhai so better stay away from him that will be better for all of us.
Swara: With tears, u r staying with bhai na Uttara but y r u stopping me. I have bhai nlyfor me even he is hurt. He needs me plzzzz try to understand .
Sanky: Ok you go directly to home all will be waiting, we will meet ASR and cme.
Sanky make her lie comfortably and caress her hair. She falls asleep. Sanky is continuously thinking what will happen

next, how will ASR and Khushi react.
After tiring 5 long hours of journey they reach ASR mansion. Sanky lifts her and take her inside. He makes her sit in sofa.
Kavitha sees them greets sanky and hugs Swara.
Kavitha: How r u, how is ur health now
Swara: Ya getting better bhaiii w r is he. She scans the house and sees everything s getting packed as if they were vacating the house.
Kavitha : Swara, she touches her palm swara come back to her senses. Voo voo ASR is not here he went out.
Swara: It’s ok we ll wait.
Sanky: Its not good for ur health to sit long, we ll come back later all will be waiting for us.
Swara: No I will not leave this place until bhai comes. He is inside only I know him well.
Kavitha gets shocked .Swara waits for ASR while resting her head on sanky’s shoulders.
Kavitha: ASR she is so stubborn. She has travelled so long and she has to take her medicine and she did not eat anything. Go go and meet her. You can’t be so weak.
ASR no I can’t ask Sanky to take her back home. Kavitha goes to Swasan. Swara understands her hesitation.
Swara: Sanky I want to go upstairs.
Sanky : Swara butttt. Swara stops him can you take me or shall I go alone then dnt scold me.
Sanky understands that there is no use in arguing and takes her. Swara enters the room alone.
ASR is standing near the door , Swara could only see his back. She takes baby steps and goes near to him. She slowly touches his shoulder. He turns back angrily whatttt .
Swara closes her eyes in fear. ASR feels guilty. Swara opens her eyes bhai. ASR turns back.
Swara: With tears. Bhai you don’t like to see my face also na now. I am sorry bhai I kow everything happened because of me. Becoz of me our parents died, becoz of me u were alone, bhabhi got hurt all becoz of me, its all becoz of me bhai. Arnav closes his fist in anger he cannot see her in this state.
She holds her stomach in pain. Ahh bhai.
ASR: Swara what happened he lifts her and places on bed. He feeds her water. Swara you ok .What are you doing. Just now u got operated, y r u hurting yourself.
Swara: Thn what about you pain bhai. Y did not come to see me. R u still angry with me . I am sorry and holds her ears.
ASR: Shona plzzz dnt make me more guilty. He caress her cheek. Uttara was right everything was right before I came, u were happy with ur family see what happened now. Ur suffering this pain.
Bhai you dnt know how much happy I was when I got u. To be true I always envied Uttara’s bond with her brothers, the small fights the caring the love they share. I thought I will get all those moments now but again u r leaving me.

If you leave me I will be completely broken. I do agree all love me in MM but no one can replace u bhai. In these few days the care and love you showed me I want it for my whole life bhai. That is the biggest punishment you will be giving me bhai. Plz bhai dnt even think of leaving me. She was crying badly.
ASR: No shona I am sorry I will never leave u and go u r my dear shona. I will always be with you. Khushi enters. She touches Swara’s feet. I am sorry Shona I was blindfolded did not try to find out truth.
ASR: Leave the room Khushi . Swara understands ASR is still angry on Khushi. When Khushi is about to leave Swara holds Khusi hands and ask her to stay.
Swara: Bhai plz forgive bhabi. Even if I was in her situation I would have done the same thing. She only saved me bhai. Plzzzzzzzzzzzzz bhai for ur shona. She realized her mistake now u have to accept her.
ASR: I will forgive but need some time. Khushi : Smiles will bring some juice for Swara.
Swara sleeps while sobbing in ASR’s chest. Arnav makes her lie down properly. Sanky enters and smiles seeing ASR and Swara bond. ASR hugs Sanky and thanks him.
ASR: Without u this would have not happened.
Sanky: I told u na you are very important for her. Dnt try to leave her. She love u more. These days she was missing u even though we r taking good care she always searched for u.
ASR: Ya I saw today and caresses her hair.


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