Hey guys it is my 10 Episode yipeeeeeeeeeee. Thank you guys for your support. Special Thanks to soujanaya, s, anu, tani, mou, rabia, mica, shan, kakali, goldie, S, Anu Ann, Vysu, chanu, sanju for their comments and suggestions from day one. This is for u guys love u loadsssssssssss.
Very big thanks to all my silent readers. Keep supporting enjoy reading. Suggestions and comments are always welcome.
And ya about Dadi charater, it is very difficult to relate to a positive character, and I just gave a try, if it is difficult to relate surely will try to change the track.
Swara packs her things and leaves with them. Sanskar is watching helplessely. Dadi is enjoying whatever is happening around her.
Sanskar goes to his room, doesn’t like his room without Swara. Though she was here for few days she was mostly in the room doing something or the other. He thinks of her words, yes room is my World and I always love to keep it beautifully. He is continuously seeing the couch where she used to sleep. Dadi enters.
Dadi: Finally I got some time to spend with my grandson. Did u have a word with swara did she reach safely or not.
San: In a cold voice dadi plz I am not in d mood for anything, plz leave me alone in a sad tone.
Dadi: I know that smething is cooking up in your head, what is tell to ur dadi I ll try to give u solution. U knw na dadi is best in solving problems in a teasing tone.
Sans: Nthng, dadi keeps his head on her laps, dadi is caressing his hair.
Dadi: Don’t lie to me I m ur dadi, it is abt swara right, again with teasing tone.
San: Gets a smile on his lips and nods yes. She is not talking to me since morning. I dnt knw dadi, I hurt her very bady. I did not do intentionally but she was hurt very badly. I dn… dntt. Know stammers without words.
Dadi: Y u want to feel bad, after all she is ur friend right. If one friend is not talking will u feel this much or will u start talking to another friend. Sanskar simply listens to her and does not reply anything.
Dadi: Mmmm let me ask u smething. Answer me truly. When r u planning to give Swara her wifey rights. I know u married her bcoz of ur papa or u too believe in what all manav said.
San: Dadi plzzzzzzzzz. I knw Swara she cares more for papa. Not even in her dreams she can imagine doing anything against papa. I dnt have any doubt on her. U know dadi in a surprising tone she agreed to marry manav because of papa and uttara. Then she married me for papa. She always thinks about others. She has never asked or wished something for herself.
Dadi: Thn y dnt u find out and fulfill all her desires. What is stopping u from doing that? That is also ur responsibility may be as a friend or husband.
San: She went through a lot. I wanted to give her own space so that she could breathe first. She is also girl with emotions not a toy r doll to change everything in a sec. May be if she had parents these all would have not happened. I want a wife to complete me not a sleeping partner.
Until yesterday day, we were good friends; I messed up everything so badly. I never missed her this much but today may be my guilt. I still can’t take any position, I dnt have answers for my question nly thn how can I answer your’s.
Dadi: Did you try talking to her to know what she want and how she feels. Sanskar nods no. First try talking to her; come to know what she wants then decide. Marriage is a beautiful relation that’s needs to be carried out life long, never decide in haste it needs patience. Swara is a nice girl. I want u both to live happily. Dnt lose her, she is the girl for u.
But will she accept my apology. I dnt know how to get to know about her feelings but I will try for sure. Dadi: When dadi is there y fear, I came to know abt ur feeling for her. I know very well how to solve this issue.
San: To himself may be dadi is right, I shoul know what is Swara thinking and what she wants but how to know all these things. Some one plzzzzzzzzz help me.
I hope I did not disappoint u guys.
Awesome…. Loved d conversation between both
thanks tani
Awesome waiting for nxt part
thanks ani dear
Nice chappy Dr … Yesterday itself I read ur all chapters together …. U r doing a good job… Keep writing
thanks shreeyu so sweet of u enjoy reading
U r welcome Dr …. Read my ff even if possible
Sure shreeyu dne
Chaaaluuu daddiii ?? awesome epiiii ??
thanks rabia dear
nice mirna……pls keep dadi as a positive character it ifferent from other ffs
sure sammy she will be positive thanks for ur suggestion
Uhhhuuu Dadi now u r my fav… hahahaha… u needed make over n Mirna did it perfectly…. Truely feeling really happy after reading it… thnk u dear… God bless u…
thanks kakali dear it means a lot
thanks anu dear
awwwwww mirna drl!!!

u dedicate dis epi 2 us.
hw sweet u r.
im sooo hpy dr.
thank u thank u sooo much. ummmmah. :-*
and y we r dissapoint in dis chappy? tell me??
and ha dnt dare 2 change dadi 2 negative.
4 da 1st tym im liking her. so keep it up.
cmng 2 dis epi it ws jst awsome as always.
sankys pov is sooo nice. he want swara 2 be his soul mate.
aww. i fall 4 him once again. and dadi u r best.
waiting 4 da dadis nxt mission.
keep writing dr
thank u once again
be happy always
lv ya.
awwwwwwwww chanu made my day dear love u
Nice dear…
thanks xavia dear enjoy reading
thanks SNY dear keep supporting
thanks mou dear
Dadi is super………
thanks rose enjoy reading
waaaw, ty Mirna.. even you give us wonderful story..
and you give us the best Dadi ever ! YAY!!!.. luv it so much ty
that was so sweet love u dear
thanks s dear
thanks afra dear
Awesome dear
thanks dear always
awesome….superb dadi. Upload soon
thanks vysu dear
Awesome loved it dr…. Dont change dadi into negative character…. Let her character be positive….
sure shan she will remain positive, thanks for the suggestion
superb! just today i found out about this ff and i read all chapters.
just loved it from the intro to the 10th chapter.
please update soon.
i loved this chapter.
awww manvi so sweet of you thank you. Enjoy reading
Awsum.lived dadi n Sanskaar’s Convo..Omg Precap ?? .Dadi to Spike Swara’s Drink..bt mm sure its to knw Her Feelings..Hope to see SwaSan Patch Up soon..n dnt make Dadi -ve ..its nyc.to see Her in +ve Role..Continue soon
done goldie, she will remain positive
Good..Actually really Irritated seeong dadi’s non stop evilness in da show so need a chng in her role..n in ur ff u r foving her a good role. .so let her be +ve..continue soon
thanks soujanya dear
Wow dadi is cupid nice to see her +ve do continue soon
sure simin she will be positive, thanks for reading
No need of thanks dear we should thank u for writing ff