Hi guys thank for ur support and suggestions. A very big thank you to all my silent readers too. I hope you will enjoy today’s episode.
In the evening all are getting for party. DP left early. AP and Dadi are ready waiting for sanskar. Sanskar comes in his white suit and looks dashing.
Dadi: Again white, I don’t like this suit, can u plz change in irritating tone.
AP: Ma but he is looking good, but Y u need him to change. Dadi gives her a stern look and signals her to be quiet. Dadi acts as if she is upset. Sanskar nods and changes 3 – 4 dresses but dadi is nOt impressed with any outfit.
Sanskar: Tiredly, Dadi I can’t anymore y don’t u suggest it will be better I will wear d same.
Dadi: Happily waiting for this moment tells, white shirt and black suit.
Sanskar agrees wears outfit of her choice all leave happily.
DP is busy with some work. Sanskar is searching for Swara.
Dadi understands and asks for Swara.
Sahil: to his friend can u plz call Swara and uttara who r in their room. Sanhil are having some conversation. Dadi sees both of them coming down.
Sanskar and sahil are mesmerized seeing their stunning, beautiful wives. Sanskar is awwstruck.
Swara is wearing a beautiful red saree with black border, beautifully braided her hair, with matching jhumkas, small bindi, and red bangles. This is the first time he is seeing her in saree that too in his favorite colour. Dadi asks Sanskar, she is beautiful rights, he smiles and nods without his conscious, dadi smiles and pinches him.
Uttara and Swara gets blessing from elders. AP and Dadi praise Swara’s and Uttara’s beauty.
Sahil: Wow what a combo, swara is wearing red and black, favorite color of hers and Sanskar. Sanskar u r nt less wearing black and white favorite color of yours and Swara’s.
AP now realizes why dadi was soon keen on wearing this outfit. Party starts. RG cuts cake and every one are enjoying. There is announcement for dance floor and invites all young couples. Dadi stops.
Dadi: Y always young couple, not today at least all r shocked. No today above 45 couple dance will happen. All become shy, but sanhil seconds the idea. Sahil pushes RG and SG to dance floor, Sanskar pushes DP and AP but they r just standing. Dadi starts her performance for disco deewane and all others join her.
Everyone is enjoying their parents dancing and have lighter moment.
Sahil: Holds dadi from shoulder, woow dadi u were stunning. U gave us such an amazing idea we all loved it.
Sanskar: Proudly after all whose dadi and smirks. Swara is smiing, her smile vanishes when she sees sanskar and sanskar too becomes sad.
Dadi calls the waiter and asks for 2 drinks and she spikes it (naughty dadi). She spikes both Uttara and Swara’s drink, she knws that if anyone is ok each will take care of each other, which she does not want. So she spikes both her drinks and she made sure that both of them drank and send them to garden side.
Swara and Uttara are hving blurring vision and laughing like fools. Dadi sends Sahil to them.
Sanhil are shocked to see their wives and goes near to them.
Sanhil: what happened to you both, y r u guys behaving weirdly? Both gets up and stands but dazzles as they could not stand and uttara runs to the opposite side sahil goes behind her.
Sawa:r u gng to scold me in a confused tone and she holds her dress. She dazzles she cannot stand properly. Sanskar holds her angrily.
San: Why r u always holding ur dress like this.
Swa: Innocently, Ohhhhh this one, becoz I hve no one to support or hold me na that’s y. In the beginning when I was sad or happy I wanted someone to share so no one was there na so I started holding my dress for support now it became habit and smiles.
Sanskar jerked by her answer but did not expect this to be a reason.
San in a soft tone, Why u have uttara mom and dad na. But there are not always with me if they r not there so it’s better not to expect anything from anyone while tears fill her eyes.
Sank: What u do when u r sad or happy. Hap hap happyyyyy I hardly had those moments. I will tell you a secret today she goes near to his ears but can’t reach, sanskar understands and bends for her.
You know I fell much suffocated many times I wanted to tell aunty and uncle but never told them in a very sad tone. They loved me more even more than uttara sanskar smiles. They dnt allow me to go alone anywhere, dnt go here, dnt go there every time guards security. I feel some one is always watching me.
You know happily she starts I love to playyyyy in beach, get drenched in rain , eat chat in road side stalls but uncle never allowed. He always feared that something might happen and he is so protective and that s suffocating me.
Even in hostel I have separate floor, no one stays with me. Since I am close to uncle and aunty no one even dare to talk to me except kaka who feeds me and loves me truly.
San : U wanted to marry manav. She is still dazzling. So he makes her to sit, he sits next to her.
Swara smiles hardly oh that one, I dnt knw because for the first time uncle asked me something, I had no idea what to tell bcoz nthng was asked to me before, uttara and uncle was happy so I told ok , thn uuu the savior wanted to marry me, I also married u because i did not want anyone to bad mouth uncle and aunty because of me.
He is gazing at her; she stands up but u something different.
Sanskar curiously different. Haan different I thought u will hate me and I was tensed and guilt how to explain but u made easy for me. U made me comfortable and the room u gave me my space and for the first time someone gave my space, importance to my thoughts, feelings and I enjoyed it a lot.
Sadly but u also started to hate me and scold me and again I became alone pouts. Sanskar gets tears and gave her a bone crushing hug. I am sorry, I will not hurt u I got all my answers and kisses her on her forehead. He holds her hand I will not leave it I promise. Swara is not in the position and does understand all these stuff.
Dadi : Sanskar is she ok .
Sanskar: release the hug and hugs Dadi but still holding Swara on one hand.
Thanks dadi I love u too. Swa: Oooo u love dadii. San: Hannn. Swra: Dnt worry, I ll get u married to ur love says innocently. Sanskar smile and hugs her. U knw even manava tried to hurt me today.
Sans: manav what did he try to do swara tell me swara . Just thn Sahil and uttara cmes. Sanskar is holding swara from shoulders same sahil is holding Uttara.
thanks ayonti enjoy reading
Nice episode di waiting for the next episode
thanks oppi will update soon
Are waah dadi what an idea
After all whose dadi, just kidding enjoy reading
thanks kaur dear
Awesome ?
thanks rabia dear
More than awesome
thanks dear
Amazing episode yar I loved it
thanks rosey dear
thanks pari dear
thanks vyshu dear
Aweosme yaar no words to say wat did dat srupod manav done plzzzzzzzZ update one more chapter can’t wait plzzzzz
dne aditi will update very soon
waaa… still in love with naughty Dadi.. Sanskar! please keep Swara happy!! aww
Sure mica dear he will
thanks dear
Ehemm eheem Dadii ji !! oopps sorry most ever naughty Daddi ji.. :-)..
Swara tell me what Manav has done ¿.. don’t worry i have broom in my hand….
thnk u Mirna… chappy was beautiful n handsome like my princess n Prince… awww…
ya kakali waiting for ur broom awwwwwwwwwww
rly nice epi.
omg u r dancing??
lv it.
dadi & her ideas r superb.
lv it,
swasan r sweet like always
keep writing
be happy always
thanks chanu dear enjoyyyyyy
Superb dear
thanks anu dear
thanks xavia dear
thanks s dear enjoy reading
thanks afra dear
Omg..awsum..Swara ka Confession was sooo Cute ??..n Precap is soo Desperating One..Plzz.Continue soon
will update soon goldie enjoy reading
Awesome…. Loved it a lot…. Very nice dadi….
thanks shan dear
Ha dadi… Nice.. And obviously sanskaar… And I’m seriously waiting for the next episode.. Is it weekly? I just started reading the story, not preface or anything… I’m really waiting..
Hi dhivya i update 2 days once do enjoy
Awesome … but what manav had to confess
He did sanju