Hi guys thank you for your suggestion and comments. Big thanks to all my silent readers. . Comments and suggestions are always welcome.
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Swasan reached MM but Swara is lost in her own thoughts and Manava’s words are continously echoing in her, someone is protecting you and someone is trying to hurt to u badly believe me.
Parish comes and wish Swasan. Adarsh hugs Swasan and Swara gets blessing from parineeta but she stops and hugs Swara.
Pari: I m happy you became the dil of this be cautious about the duties and responsibilities of DIL. She also blesses her keep smiling and be happy.
Dadi understands Swara ‘s situation .
Dadi: Swara you go and rest, for 2 days you did lot of work, now time to rest go and rest for some time. If you want to anything ask chotu. Even I m tired after all I made so many arrangements ya na Sanskar.
Sanskar gives a deadly glare to dadi . Offf course dadi need to talk about your arrangements to dad. Do you mind in a teasing tone.
Dadi holds his ears, don’t u dare. All burst out in laughter seeing their antics. Adarsh asks Sanskar to attend the meeting as he wanted to rest after the travel. Sanskar hesitates but Dadi assures she will take care of swara and asks her to give her some space.
Even though he was attending the meeting and other things, he was completely in Swara ‘s thoughts, could not concentrate on any work. He was just passing his time and left early.
AP: Sanskar you came this earlyyyy. R u fine
San: Ya mom absolutely fine, just tired that’s it. Bhaiya is in office now so thought to come home.
AP: Its good that u came home. I wanted to ask you something.
San: Ya mom whats it.
AP: With Concern, did anything happen in the party yesterday. Swara is looking upset, she did not have food also properly, is everything alright.
San: mo momm he stammers. Dadi enters.
Dadi: offfo AP you are trying to make a hole out of a mole.
Sanskar: gives a confused look what does that mean
Dadi: I dnt knw that and all, whatever came to my mouth I told is that very important with a stern look. Leave those unnecessary stuff, y dnt u take Swara somewhere outside may be she will be better.
Sanskar: Widens his eyes wowwww dadi nice idea I was thinking about it and u told u r greatttt and hugs her.
AP: But what will I say to DP if he asks, I did not get permission, security arrangements gets tensed.
Dadi: You leave that to me I will take care. She is not going alone, Sanskar is with her so better you stop worrying.
San: Ya mo no securities please. AP agrees hesitantly. Sanskar hugs dadi and goes to room.
Swara is near standing near the balcony, leaning her head and the door lost in her own thoughts.
He calls swara, swara but no response. He goes slowly waves his hand in front of her and she comes back to senses. She was wearing a blue skirt and white top.
San: Swara we r gng out, I will freshen up we r leaving in 10 mns.
Swa: Hesitantly, no I m in no mood, you go na , is that important.
San: Yes off course, if we dnt go Dadi will feel bad as its her important work. You know about Dadi and her anger with sad face.
Swara hesitates but then agrees. Sanskar gets freshen up and cme with his casual wear. Swara is about to change , he says its looking good only, we ll leave.
Swa: But maa she like me to go out in salwar so I will change will come in 5 mns.
San: Its not that necessary and I will talk to mom as we r already late. During the journey both remain silent and Sanskar stops the car in front of a chat shop that too Swara’s favorite. Swara has a bright smile on her face.
San: I m feeling hungry so I want to eat something, would u like anything in a teasing tone.
Swa: happily nods.
San: Every time, I will order, this time u will order for both of us let m check ur taste and likings.
Swara was surprisingly taken aback, no one asked about her likings and need. She happily agrees for the challenge and orders her favorite items. Sanskar feels happy on seeing the excitement and smile on her face.
San: Not bad Swara, all ur favorite are too good. I should admit in a proud tone.
Swa: Smiles and was very happy. Shall we go to beach
San: Choke his food, Swa looked him surprised. Wow u even know to ask something I never knew this side of u in teasing tone. They pay and leave to beach.
Swara becomes really excited seeing the beach and plays like a kid. She enjoys with the kids over there.
San: To himself. How much she missed all these small things. She never craved for anything and always accepted everything without hesitation, such a pious soul maybe that’s y I love her this much.
Swa after a long play comes and sits near Sanskar. She thanks him whole heartedly. Sanskar stops her.
San: Swara I need to talk something important
Swa: Ya tell na
San: R u still thinking abt manav’s words, it is better to forget as soon as possible that is the best for u.
Swara: In a sad voice, is there someone who really cares for me , who is protecting me who will be that person gets tears in her eyes.
San: Ya Swara there is someone who is really cares for u and ready to protect you for lifelong. He holds her hand e. I want to be that person Swara.
Swara is taken aback before could say anything, he stops her let me complete whatever I wanted to say plzz. Swara remains silent.
You’re more dear to my heart than I ever knew anyone could be. And I’ve made you cry; and there I’ll stop in a soft tone. He runs his fingers along the tendons in her hands and look back at her. I don’t know how I fell for u or when it all happened. I have no answers for these question but the only thing I know is I love u Swara and I want you to be with me and lean his head on her shoulder.
But I lust after and covet so much more than your body. I wanted to possess the power of your eyes, the way they see the things and beauty that isn’t even there yet and draw it up out of nothing into the world. I wish to own the honor of your heart, wanted to experience all that you went through, I wanted your courage and your wit, your caution and serenity. I wanted, I suppose, your soul, and that was too much to ask he smiles.
I don’t want to lie or hide my feelings for you, that’s y I told everything. I promise I will not force u on anything I will wait for u he looks at her eyes, but dn’t take too longggg plzz in a pleading tone.
Swara is taken aback about his confession and did not know how to react but loved the genuine character in him but did not tell anything. Both were sitting in silence and enjoying the beach for some time.
oooo wowww awesome mirna
thanks rabia dear
Wow super post next soon dr
thanks shan will update as soon as I can
Heart touching confession of Sanskar…. Wonderful Dr ..
thanks shreeyu glad u liked it
Hope swaragini won’t get angry on sanskar…..and who is that person protecting swaragini….is it dp??
Part was amazing Dr waiting for the next
sorry Dr its not swaragini it’s swara….:-D
Madhu dear dnt worry she wont after all Sans was the one who proposed
thanks mou
wow awsome epi as always
lvly confesshion.
plz swara accept ur sanky. plz plz plz
keep writing
be happy always
awww thank you ))
thanks s dear
Awwww… sanskar’s cnfsn wz amazing…..
thanks xavia dear
Finally he cnfssd..
Loved it
Sanskar u love Swara ,,, u proposed her too.. 440+440=880 voltage ka current together… hahahaha my hairs got burned n straight …. thnk u merii maa…
lol kakali glad u enjoyd nd that current part was awesome
Wah sanskar what a daring act
thanks simin
even i didn’t know how to react about Sanskar’s proposal ???*confused me
Mics i can understand that Swara is confued but u
was his proposal nt good
it’s too good.. i want that… huhuhu
fnly sanky confesshion amazing dr!!!!
Plz nxt one soon…???
thx dear
thank dear
Awesom. .
thanks dear
thanks afra dear
awww……sanskar confessed
yupieee he id it

thanks anu dear
Nyc..Continue Soon
thanks goldie