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Episode 13
Swasan enter the home with a broad smile happy to see Ragini and Laksh. Sanskar hugs laksh and ragini.
San: Bhab’s you know how much I missed you both with pout face.
Lak: Teasingly, ya ya we came to know how much u missed us through phone calls and messages ya na ragini.
San: Teasingly ya ya, I now I called u but u guys did not attend so thought no to disturb u smirks.
Rag: Pulls Sanskars ears , dnt u dare to lie to us .All are happy and smiling as all their family members are there.
Dadi feeds sweet to everyone. But puts a mouthful to sanskar so that his mouth nd vocal chords can get some rest . She then feeds Swara.
Swa: Curiously, dadi is there anything special ,sweets that too at this time.
Dadi: happily yes , we r going to welcome a new member of our family. Swara gives a confused look to dadi
Pari: happily holding AP by shoulders ragini is going to become mom and going to join our mother’s club.
Swasan hug them happily and enjoy the moment .
Dadi: Tomorrow all of you cancel all Ur plans, we r going to spend time together and no excuses with fake anger.
San: Awww my dadi is looking very cute when she is angry but don’t worry s*xy all will be here.
Dadi: s*xxxxxxxxxxy wow after long time you are calling me with that name anything special pointing towards Swara
San blushes in embarrassment . Nothing just thought of calling if you don’t want means leave it will not call u any more with that name( fake anger)
Dadi: Okk baba leave it don’t forget to call Sahil and Uttara. Sans gives assuring look.
San is playing games and Swara is arranging her cupboard. Raglak knocks the door and enters. They stood there in astonishment seeing organized Sanksar’s room with a different look.
Lak: Ragini am I in my dreams , is this our Sanky room could not believe my eyes is it all real. Ragini pinches Laksh hand. Lak: Ouuuuch, its paining.
Rag: Smiles evilly ya thn its real. Lak gives a box full of ferro rocher and Snickers to Sanky.
San: Happily hugs ragini. You r the best bhab’s . I love u and winks his eyes.
Lak: I was the one who brought it.
Rag: I was the one who told to buy. Areey Swara come , come join us .
All four are sitting in bed and enjoying the chocolates.
Rag: San dnt finish the whole box today, leave some for this week .
Sanlak starts with their game while Swaragini engages in their girls talks.
Rag: Ah ya , I forgot to tell u tomorrow morning mom is doing special pooja so she aked us to be there by 7.
San: Nods his head in disbelief. Seriously babs how come every week mom find out some or other reason for these pooja .
Rag: Only for our family members , so dnt worry. She sees Swara and enquires about her back pain.
San: Curiously Back pain, u did not tell me anything abt it.
Swa: hesitantly no its just, not that big issue.
Rag: you can’t ignore something like that follow the instructions properly or else it will lead to some other difficulty. Looks at san .
That’s nothing much Sanky, she fainted on marriage day right, she got hurt at her back so I advised to rest her back on soft cushion and not do anything sleep or sit with hard surface that’s all nothing else and they leave.
Swara is about to sleep on the couch, but Sanskar’s stops her and taunts her. I will sleep on couch.
Swa: I know u can’t sleep without your bed so don’t overreact.
San: Calmly, Dnt worry and lies on couch. Swara lies on bed. San is not able to sleep because of couch , he keeps on turning sides for more than an hour. Swara sees his discomfort and smiles.
Swa: Sanskar I dnt mind u can sleep on other side of the bed.
San: relieved with Swara’s words and shows sigh of relief. He becomes happy thank god u saved me otherwise my sleep omgggggggg with opened eyes. He brings extra pillow from cupboard puts in the middle and dozes off. In the night Swara wakes up to drink water. She sees San who is sleeping innocently and smiles at him.
Thinks about his confession and the assurance of holding her hand. Did I fall for him, he loves me the way I am, he never complained about anything but tries to make me stronger. He always made me comfortable by his gestures. Even today she thinks about the pillow incident. He always make sure about my space and feeling cute smile on her lips without her knowledge .Y I m feeling happy and safe when he is around me. No, I want some more time, by seeing his face she sleeps.
In the morning Swara gets up early, gets ready in blue salwar. She wakes San and asks him to get ready. Sank hesitantly gets ready. All are assembled and does the pooja happily. San is playing in his mobile and not interested in all these stuff. Everyone does arthi one by one. AP calls Swara and San. Sankar gives her a deadly glare and leaves from there. Swara interrupts and says she will do it alone. Dadi interferes and tells her after her marriage they can’t do it alone but have to do it with husband. Swa tells she will not do arati. Sanskar stops and looks at her.
San is surprised and happy about Swara’s behavior. He feels good at it, Swara gives her a assuring smile. DP asks AP not to force them and complete the pooja. San cmes near Swara and thanks her. All are happy about Swasan bonding. Utthil enters.
Wow nice chappy
thanks simin dear
awesome dear
thanks rabia di
He konsa Maya twist hai
I hope u will like the twist
thanks s dear
thanks afra dear
Nice epi.. lv it
keep writing
be happy always
Aww so sweet love u dear
thanks mou dear
Plz fastly upload next
sure pari dear thank you
Luvd it
thanks arsh
Super awesome
thanks tani dear
Amazing dr….
Keep rocking dr…
Aww thanks SNY dear
thanks soujanya dear
Nice dear….bt precap OMG….
Glad u liked the precap dear
Nice episode mirna …. Waiting for the twist ….
thanks shreeyu, i hope u will like the twist in the future
Awesome…. Loved it
thanks shan dear
Mirnaaa !!!! that r those pillows doing in d bed ?? give them to me….
huhhhhh !!! the most hated thing is the pillow between them…
thnk u dear… loved it… cute cutee chappy…
I know, but swasan needed that, soon they will get away with that
aaawww.. precap !!!!!!! fainting with DP
aww mics i hope u will love the twist with ASR
thanks vyshhu dear
Wow arnav I love him soon much hope he is a positive character
And part was awesome dr loved it
thanks Madhu dear
Dear nice one
…… I have started writing a ff ‘SWASAN MAGICAL LOVE’please do read and comment
Sure Hemanshi will try to read
Awsum..nyc..Swara Falling fr Sanskaar
.Good..n Omg ASR in dis FF..Nyc..Plzz Reveal da Past asap to Sanskaar ..cnt Wait to see Protective Sanskaar..Continue soon
Sure goldie glad that u liked ASR entry
Its Awsum..nw plzz let Sanskaar too be the Protective Shield of dwara .continue soon