Hi guys thank for your support and suggestions. A very big thanks to all my silent readers too. I hope you will enjoy today’s episode. Comments and suggestions are always welcome. Guys let me clear, I will not separate Swasan not even in my dreams so chilaxxxxxxx. Enjoy reading.
Previous episode:Episode 21
Dadi and Swara get ready waiting for others to join. Sanskar comes stunning and sits in between Swara and dadi.
Swa: U look handsome.
Sanky: Offfcourseeeeeeeee, I am always handsome babe. Swara makes faces, don’t imagine too much about you.
Dadi :Mannnn , this function is wasting my family time on Sunday.
Sanky: True that, one day we want to enjoy with family and sees Swara but some guest will come, some function, beside and most importantly my sleep is also getting spoiled hugs dadi with pout.
DP: Shall we leave, it’s getting late.
Dadi : Ur wife and u came late not us. We are ready long back. Sanky giggles. DP nods his head in dis- belief. I will come with Swara and Sanskar, you go with your wife.
DP: Y all can go in one car na
Dadi: In irritated tone : After function we have some work. Is there any problem, I m ur mother don’t try to order me like others just obey my orders.
Raizaida mansion:
It was not that big ceremony. Only few guests were there. ASR pays no attention to anyone, eagerly waiting for Swara. His eyes are only fixed to the entrance. DP enters. Arnav smiles brightly and rushes to the entrance.
ASR: He seeks blessing. Thanks for coming, please come in.
DP: Its ok ASR.
ASR: Kushiiiiiiiii. Kushi comes, this is Kushi my wife. ASR introduces DP and family to kushi.
Kushi: Greets them and takes their blessing
Arshi in chorous Where is Swara, she did not come.
DP: No they are on the way, will reach here in few minutes.
Kav drags kushi. Kushi: Kavi what is this. Y are you dragging me like this.
Kavi: Dii listen, I need to go out in 10 mints, but promise will come back soon.
Kushi: Widens her eyes what going out. Arnav ji what will I tell him. We have pooja na today.
Kavi: Ohh ho di ASR is only sending me for urgent work so chill pill. He needs to go but his busy right that’s y I m gng, its urgent to get that file from office. Driver will pick me.
Kushi : Then ok but come back early.
Swasan and Dadi enter. ASR becomes very happy after seeing Swara.
Kushi: Holds Arnav’s hand. She just looks like your mom. The simple way of dressing, her eyes are same as your mom.
ASR: get tears, but soon composes. DP introduces Swasan to Kushi.
All ladies have girly talk. Men are busy with business talks. Uthil also joins.
Sanky is talking with his Sahil but disturbed by sweet voice.
Kavya: Hi Sanky, you here.
Sanky: Kavya what a surprise, after so long we are meeting and hug her. (Kavya and Sanky are college mates)
Kavi comes in full rage of anger and when is about to slap Kavya, he stops.
Kavi: Who the hell are you to stop me. Don’t you dare to cross my way, stay in ur limits.
Sanky: I am SM. I can understand u don’t have any basic manners. Don’t u dare to do that
Kavi: She is my employee. I can do whatever I want.
Sanky : No you can’t better behave properly, both get into heated argument. ASR sees them and asks both of them to stop as he does not want any drama in the function. Kavi leaves angrily as she has to get the file.
Sanky: Kavya you ok, What r u doing here and who is she so rude.
Kavya: she is Kavitha, holds a share in ASR Company and I am hired as Manager for new project. After company’s loss, my parent’s death everything got changed. ASR took charge of our company, I got shifted recently here. I am working under Kavitha, ya she is like that with tears in her eyes.
Sanky: I am sorry , By the way you are going to work with me .
Kavya surprised: With you
Sanky: Ya its Sahil and my project. Kavya becomes happy hearing this. So dnt worry we ll teacher manners and winks.
Sanky takes Kavya to DP and AP. Both become happy on seeing her. She seeks their blessing. As Kavya is Sanky’s friend everyone knows her well.
Kavya: Where is uttara
Sanky: I also have one more important member to introduce.
Kavya: confused who is that. Sanky introduces dadi. Meantime swaut joins them.
Uttara: Hey you here, we haven’t met so long
Kavya: Ya h r u, still ur with ur friend. Swara smiles at Kavya though she had not much interaction with Kavya, she knows she is sanskar’s gang and met thrice in MM
Sanky hugs Swara sideways, she is not Uttara’s friend, but she is my beautiful wife Mrs. Swara Sanskar Maheswari.
Kavya is shocked by his declaration. Whattt you got married and u did not inform us.
Sanky: That’s y informing u now.
Kavya: How can she marry you,
Sanky with shock whatttt .Kavya: I mean, she is very beautiful, calm, how did she select such a drambaaz like you.
Sanky: With fake anger enough of pulling my legs. Kushi calls everyone for pooja.
All join pooja, Swara fells some new emotion during the pooja. She does not know what is happening with her. But she is really happy from inside. Pandit ji does the pooja and ask everyone to do arti.
Dadi, DP, AP Arshi everyone do pooja. Swara wanted to do arati today, she does not know why she is feeling this. This was the first time she is feeling this way. She composes as she knows, Sanky doesn’t believe in all these.
ASR asks Swasan to do arti. Kavya is shocked by this gesture, generally he does not encourage all these stuff. Both are embarrassed and does not know what to do. AP goes near them and asks them to do. She is feeling so nervous and pleads with her eyes.
Swara: Plzzzzzz this one time for mom and dad. Pllzzzzzzzz
Sanky with hesitation accepts and they do arati for the first time that too on Swara’s mom birthday. AP and DP are so contented. Arshi’s eyes are filled with tears. All go to have lunch. In the mean time Kavi also joins.
Dadi is shocked to see her. Dadi : U here. Kavi: U heeeeere. All are surprised by the way they are behaving.
Swara: Sanky, ma I told na we had fight in the restaurant this was the girl.
Before Kavi could say anything. ASR stops her and tells her to say sorry.
Kavi: With surprised look. ASR seriouslyyyyyyy U know I dnt say sorry.
Dadi: So mean. What is she thinking of herself idiot, ( makes angry faces)
ASR drags her to room. After 10 mns. Kavi asks sorry for her behavior and leaves. Kavya was surprised by her action.
Kavya: She never said sorry, Sanky you are great.
ASR: She is Kapoor’s daughter, after their death I don’t want to leave her alone. I am her guardian taking care of her. Swara smiles, such a sweet gesture bhai. Arshi becomes happy hearing Swara.
Kushi :Heelo Swara your bhabi is also here not only your bhai. Swara hugs Kushi ya ya bhabi.
Maheswari’s leaves. Sanky offered drop to Kavya, but Kavya refused as she stays very near and she has some work to finish.
Swara: Come to home if you are fee. Kavya: Sure waves bye.
wow great episode
thanks rosey dear
thanks afra dear
thanks s dear
Awesome loved it…..
thanks shan dear
awesome mirna
thanks rabsssssssss
thanks purvi dear
thanks arshaanya dear
awesome yr
thanks mou dear
Awesome dear…..bt precap???
thanks xavia dearrrrr
Post fast
trying to post as soon as possible dear
beautiful episode..
thanks mumpi dear
Wow.. Beautiful episode…. And awesome precap! Excited..
thanks DivzS dear
thanks tani dear
No welcome juice,, noo starter,, noo main dish,, no sweet huhhhhh !!!
but love it… Mirna.. thnk u..
n yeah i have posted my 5th part.. have a look..;-*
Hmmm what to do kaks, my caterer backed offffff
Kakas can plz post d link for me plssssssssss i m very bad at searchinggggg
and ya thanks for sharing about ur 5 th part 
thanks kaks for the ink
Awesome dear…lovely part??
thanks Mahjabeen dear
thanks sammy dear
thanks soujanya dear
Superb dr….
thanks SNY dear
Awesome…..swara’s fire mishap??
I m confused about one thing…does asr know that dp is protecting swara and was angry only bcoz they kept her in hostel or he recently got to know about dp protecting swara?
ya Vyshu he knows he is protecting but he is angry for leaving her in hostel, not told the truth and he think the marriage drama is created by DP as he did not support her ( actually it s his misunderstanding)
vyshu dear if u have more concern do let me knw will be happy try to clarifyyyy
now i got clarity….thank you?? Upload soon
will try to update as soon as possible
Awesome chapie… and precap is past right minra????
So wt ur doing mirna studies???
noooooooooooooo navi presentttttttt dear :)yup
wow waiting for next
thanks mona dear
Good chappy dear
precap is horrible
thanks simin dear
everything will be cool 
Mirnaaaa.. superb again dear!…