Hi guys thanks for your support and suggestions. A very big thanks to all my silent readers too. I hope you will enjoy today’s episode. Comments and suggestions are always welcome.
Previous episode Link: Episode 26
After clearing all the misunderstandings,
AP: Ok enough of talking, breakfast is ready.
ASR: No aunty its ok I have to leave. But Swara pulls Arnav to dining table and serves him.
ASR makes swara sit with him wipes her tears and feeds her. Swara is busy with her brother. Sanky is just watching them
ASR: Day after tmr I am opening my new business in Goa, I want all your presence in the function.
Swasan congratulate him. AP feeds him sweets.
ASR: I am leaving today; Shona if u want you can join me. Kushi will also be with me.
DP: Sorry Arnav, we will not be able to make it. If u want u can take Swara.
Arnav: confused: But y uncle.
DP: Actually we have important business meeting tomorrow and have to sign a deal after 3 days. That’s y plz dnt mistake us
Arnav: Noo its ok I understand. What about u shona.
Swara: looks at Sanky for reply.
Sanky: Ya actually tomorrow I have to present the project
DP: Dnt worry Arnav, Sanky will finish the presentation and start by evening and reach there day after tmr. Will that be fine
Arnav: Ya that should be fine.
Sanky to himself: I was planning to spend some time with my wife and now, if arnav comes he will be with Swara, how can I enjoy. All r hurdles for me. I wished dadi was with with me.
AP: Sanky you ok.
Sanky: makes faces ya ok ok
Sanky is standing near the window. Swara back hugs him. Sanky feels her touch and hugs her.
Sanky: Darls u ok
Swara: Hugs him. Nods, within a day so many things, I did not have time to react also
Sanky: Cups her face, everything happened for a reason, the best part is u got ur brother.
Swara: smiles ya u right bhaii is with me.
Sanky: Darls I have a doubt with serious look. Even now I am not able to believe that angry hunk is ur brother and his attitude ooommmg . Thank god u are quite opposite to him or else my lifeeeeeeee.
Dnt worry, nthng will happen to u until I am here. He pecks on her forehead. Anyways I am felling so sleepy come let’s sleep. Both sleep in each other embrace.
In the morning everyone assemble for pooja. Everyone does arti. AP insists Swara to do alone today as dadi is also not there. Swara holds the pooja tray just then sanky too holds it.
Sanky: Hereafter we will also do pooja. Swara’s eyes are brimmed with tears but this time its tears of happiness. AP blesses them both and thanks god for everything.
In the afternoon Swara was getting ready. She is wearing jeans and tops.
Sanky: Wow my darls, today someone is looking so beautiful. He encircles her waist by kissing her nape. Swara closes her eyes due to his touch.
Just then AP calls for Swara. She tries to go but Sanky tightens his grip. She calls for her again. He pushes him and leaves. O god what is happening with me sometime ASR, my parents never will leave me alone. Swasan and Uthil start their journey.
Sanky is driving and sahil is sitting beside him. Swaut are sitting behind them.
Sahil: With full excitement: bro watch I found a short route in map and the route look adventurous.
Swara: Noo need short cut and all we ll go through the main route only.
Sahil: Oh dnt be boring Swara life should be adventurous. Map is there right then y to fear. Girls are always like thiss.
Sanky: Ok bro we ll take the route u suggest.
Sahil: Yipee be ready for the adventure girlsss. He was guiding the route as it is dawn time it is getting darker.
Sanky: bro u sure about this route. The road looks really rough.
Swaut : If this is the short route, y there is no one in the route and it looks like some isolated area.
Sahil: Irritated yar everyone just shut up and follow my route I know and makes faces. Only great people like me will know this route.
Suddely the flat tire gets puncture ooooooooousssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.
Sanhil are shocked to see the tire puncture.
Swaut and Sanky give a deadly glare to Sahil.
Sahil: Ok enough of admiring me, now what to do. Actually map route is showing somewhere near.
Sanky: let me call mechanic and u try some cab.
Sanky: Kicks tyre in tension.
Swara: sanky you fine, ya swara we came in a wrong route we r in opposite direction and it might take hours to reach there, sahil too gives the same reply with sheepish smile.
ASR call swara.
ASR: shona where r u
Swara: Bhai actually we lost our route, ASR with full tension: Give the phone to sanky. ASR and sanky talks for some time.
Sanky: Ya dnt worry we will reach there and hangs the phone.
Sanky: tries to strangle sahil’s neck. Becoz of u ASR is angry with me.
Sahil: What did I do, u did nt drive properly
Sanky: Really. Ok listen if we walk little distance we will be able to find something. What say can we walk.
Swaut: Do we have any other option stares at Sahil. They just take their mobile, wallet and water bottles. Swasan and Uthil are holding their respective partners.
Nearly 3hrs of continuous walk, all become tired and exhausted.
Uttra: With tired look: I want to sit, I am dam tired. Sahil looks for a place and makes her sit. Swasan also sit with them. Sanky: We have only 1 more water bottle left. I don’t think we will be able to walk.
Swara: No I can’t walk and I am hungry.
Sahil: Shall I check my map. All in chorous hell nooooo.
They see a light and become happy. Sanhil gets up and goes towards the direction of flash and sees a lorry. They get happy, wave their hand stop the lorry and ask for help. He demands 200 for four people to stop in daba.
Sahil: I will give u 1000 is that fine. He gets happy and drops them in the daba.
Swaut are relaxed as they got some place to relax, have their food.
Sahil: So how my adventure was did u like it. It was awesome right waking in the night, fear I enjoyed. Swaut pour water on sahil’s face. It was total crap.
Sanky laughs seeing him. He takes another bottle pours on sanky, laughing at me right u too enjoy now. After playing with water for some time they sit.
Sanky: Goa is half an hr from here. Cab is on the way so everything is fine nothing to worry.
Swara was pressing her feet due to pain. Sanky takes her feet and presses her feet. Swara tries to stop but he does not listen. Swara is still resting her head on shoulders.
Cab arrives all leave to Arnav guest house. Arnav was tensely waiting for them. He is relived seeing Swara. All 4 were tired and in no mood for talks.
Arnav understands their situation. Sanhil are irritated by Kavitha’s presence. Kavya greets them and hugs sanky.
Swara: I am dam tired and want to rest.
ASR asks Kavitha to show their rooms. Sanky asks Kavya to show their rooms.
Swasan go to their room. Sanky goes to freshen up, while swara falls asleep even without changing.
Sanky: comes near Swara. How can my wife so beautiful in her sleep also. He clears the stands of her hair disturbing her sleep. He makes her lie properly thn he too sleeps hugging her.
Mirna dear,,, i know u r a superb writer.. but today u really disappoint me.. u know it feels bad when ur one of fav writer write something which can never possible anyhow…
same happened with u… how come a puncture tire sounds ooooooooooousssssssssssss !!!! huhhhhh !!!! It should be like aahahhh !! u urself try once with neil..
Love it dear,,, Thnk u.. ;-*
O sorry Kaks for disappointing u so badly
but it was I experienced but will check next time for sure 
Waaaa !!! Darlzzzz i was d 1st commentator.. haaaa !!!*feeding sweets.. ;-*
Did u feel bad by my words?
no not at all kaks infact thank u so that i can improve my writing so smileeeeeeeeeee
thanks shalini dear
glad u liked it 
Excellent dear
thanks febi dear
thanks mariya dear
Awww sooo cuteee
Adventerous trip amazing
thanks simin dear lol adventerous trip for sahil
glad u liked it 
Awesome…..aww swasan r cute
thanks vyshu dear
Too lovely…
thanks dharshini dear
thanks soujanya dear
Awesome dr…
Nandri thangazchi
thanks s dear
Hee hee sooo cut epi..

yaa poor sanky evry 1 is disturbing him..
Dat ws adventures trip… ya yaa I agree.
keep writing
be happy always
lv ya
Lol sahil’s adventerous trip thanks chanu dear glad u liked it
Awesome dear and happy diwali.
thanks Mia dear happy diwali
Wow awesome…. Thank god nothing happened to them….
he he he thanks shan dear
he he he thanks dharani dear
nice dear…happy diwali
thanks sam dear happy diwali play safe and enjoy lot of sweetss
sure purvi dear thank u
Sahil oo God ??? awesome mirnaaa
he he he thanks rabs glad u liked it
thanks mou dear
Nyc..continue soon
thanks goldie dear
Poor sanky gv dm sm space yr….loved d chappy…HAPPY DIWALI…
Happy diwali Xavia dear
ya poor fellow no one is giving him space
glad u liked it 
Awesome dear….loved it?? nd sahil shuld b beaten omg his map…hahaha
ya dear most of us suffering due to this map thats y thought to include in it
glad u liked it
thanks simi dear
Amazing…update soon
thanks alia dear
thanks arsh dear
hey goa.. im coming to u swasan feeling…
awsome chapie mirna but i feel like asr is black sheep?? may b its wrong …
post nxt part soon…
wow navi good guesses keep thinking
will help me to develop my story
thnk u so much dear 
vanja pugalchi madhuri theriyudhey mirna…. theriyama thapa soliten…
but i thought ipudi kondu ponna story thrill ah irukum.. but later asr gets know swara is real sis and more twist in the story….
sorry na olarai kotturen..
Ada pavi nenjama dhan solra ne sonadhu sema thrill a irukum. Ipa eduku sorry over a panadha ena. Seriously i think only one way u all give so many ideas which thrills me better keep givving me ideas orlese katham katham.
Sorry for the late comment yar my project work is eating my head for the 2 weeks still 1 more week to go after that will be free so 1 more week apram iruku unaku
Super amazing
thanks tani dear
even me full of adventure, read this ff in a raw..YAY!