Hi guys thank for your support and suggestions. A very big thanks to all my silent readers too. I hope you will enjoy today’s episode. Comments and suggestions are always welcome. Added the OS link too forgot to add in the last part.
Previous episode link: https://www.tellyupdates.com/swasan-accidently-episode-30/
OS Link: https://www.tellyupdates.com/true-love-os-2/
For him, it was just a business and satisfaction but for me it is my life and hard work. Shyam agreed to give me another business deal but I always I wanted this, the best business one could profit so I did not want to leave this project at any cost. It was our dream to get established in business but your father wanted to demolish it.
He holds Swara’s arms, you don’t know how much money is important and the feel of money closes his eyes.
You were all were born with silver right spoon scans everyone in the room u would have not faced any struggle for food, clothing education nd all. Without any experience or struggle willingly or unwillingly got directly into family business after college so how will u know all my feelings?
But u know what I was working hard since the age of 10 to start my own company so I know the value for money and its importance.
Sharmista: We did nt want to lose that business, we tried hard to convince your parents through various means but they were stubborn in their decision so we thought to burn the orphanage completely down.
Sahil: Irritated by their plan, there were small children in that orphanage y u did not think abt them . What did they do to you.
Shek: Angrily: Y should we care, when no one understood us and our needs with tears
Sank: Disgusting look : You are such a retard, for money you planned to kill those children and old people that to burn them alive.
Swa: Thats y my father gave u this now u will get to know the pain. Shek gives her a tight slap dnt u dare talk to me like that.
Sanky could not see Swara’s pain. He shouts in full anger .Dnt u dare touch her.
Shek: It was Syam who pushed us to take this decision. If he would have convinced then y should we take this decision. Somehow you parents came to know about our plan and saved all the children.
Your parents were hell angry on us and wanted us to be punished. Shyam called us to ur home.
Shyam: What is this Shek I never expected this from u
Shek: I wanted that business but u were not ready for it. Thn what shd I do that’s y
Shyam: Just for business, chi listen carefully I am breaking all the ties with u. Let me see how can u continue ur business life.
Shek : Pleading by holding Shyam’s legs plzz dnt this to me plz dnt do .
Shyam was stubborn in his decision. Anjali was standing with you. I want my business so at that moment to save my business I went to extreme. I lifted your father’s leg and he fell badly. I tried to kill you in that fight your father burned half of my face tears welled up. The worst nightmare the pain I went through wanted revenge from ur parents.
Your father and mother were relaxing in night thinking everything was over. Sharmista can’t see my pain and business going away from us. We set fire to your house. We wanted to kill you all for a full satisfaction. Those who saved other children’s life could not save themselves and their children.
I thought u all were dead but no that DP fooled me by hiding u. The story he told you haan you did not save his life he saved u. While ur father and mother was fighting for life he just took u and left them to die. It was becoz of u they died. You killed them not me.
ASR: Shona no that’s not true dnt listen to them. It was our parent’s last wish that’s y DP did like that. Shyamli wanted you to be alive.
Shemish: Now be ready to die.
Khushi: Nooo u promised me that I will kill her
ASR: Khushi youuuuuuuuu
Khushi: Ya it’s me you killed my parents and sister right to get my property
ASR: What the hell khushi y will I kill them?
Khushi: Dnt act too smart all ur true colors are out and enough of this acting stuff
Kavi: Just check I have sent u a video with a smirk.
Khushi: Shut up. I dnt want to check anything
Kavi: If you wish to know the truth then check it out. Y ur afraid of the truth.
Shemish and Kavya get tensed.
Shemish: Ok khushi you go and check we will handle this.
Shemish: Kavya there is no time, kill Khushi . All are shocked.
Khushi was shocked to check the video. Shemish killed her parents and used her for their benefit. They instigated her against ASR and Swara as they could not get near ASR. Khushi feels bad but soon composes to save ASR and Swara. Khushi storms in while Kavya was ready with her knife.
Khushi: Ya I saw the video. Dnt imagine that I will believe u and ur video no chance. Khushi signals to ASR. While talking she moves to ASR and throws the lighter down without anyone’s knowledge.
Shemish: Ya kushi, the can go to any extent to cheat us. Dnt try to fall in their trap.
Khushi : I will not. She takes the knife and goes towards Swara’s direction.
Sanky: Bhabi plz dnt do this.
Uthil:If you kill her, that’s it We will not leave you.
Swara closes her eyes while thinking all the beautiful moments of her life. A smile adores her lips. While rest of the eyes are filled with tears. ASR and Kavitha remove their ties with help of lighter.
ASR pushes Shemish down while Kavitha hits Kavya. Swara opens her eyes. The moment and the feeling she had to die was most horrible than death. By the time ASR was freeing the rest. Kavya slaps Khushi .
Kavya: What did you do
Khushi: I did which was right. You manipulated me. I will not allow you to hurt Swara
Kavya: So you are also going to die with them.
ASR and Sanhil were fighting the goons. Kavitha was handling Shekhar. Uttara was with Swara. Kavya takes knife to stab Khushi. Seeing this ASR and Swara was running. ASR pulls Khushi Swara gets stabbed.
Sanky shouts Swara. Kavya stabs Khushi once again. Khushi falls down in a pool of blood.
P.S : I know its quite boring plz do adjust .
aww….swara is stabbed…upload soon
Awesome dear. Please update soon without any delay.
Akka this is not fair u stopped in high time…. Amazing…. Now both swara and kushi are in danger…. Oh akka post soon
awesome mirna
Oh no swara was stabbed… pls save her… n a small request…. pls give severe punishment to shemish n kavya tat they get a scary death…
Nice dear…now all my doubts are cleared but u r so bad u stopped with a suspense again…now update next part soon
Hwww fats nt fair…nw both r in danger…lets c wt asr gonna do…fo whom he vl care more…m tolo excited….
Aadingu…una na ena panuradhu??? Boring nu solra.. ipa oru n a unna kolaporen..
it ws awesome mirna dhool kelapita.. nw my kushi nd swara are struggling for life… waiting for nxt part and swasan romance..
Awesome miru di.
Update soooon plz tommorow
Hey not fair u left it in cliffhanger
I know swara and khushi will survive
Suspense pe chod diya
Omg ..Amzing..continue soon
Mind blowing
Swara is stabbed or kushi or both ?? ??
waa…….Swaraaaaaa!!11 *run to next part..
uughh btw, it’s Ok to ended soon as your future is important