Hi guys!!!I is Riyanjali back with a ff I stopped 5 moths ago!Yup u guys read it right!!!!I actually feel quite ashamed of leaving it incomplete….the reason I left was because of a lack of confidence…and pure cowrdness!!!I feel like I should really finish this FF and prove myself that I m capable of entertaining ppl!!!I know I had let down many of once already…but know I promise u guys I will surely post regularly until I fin this ff!!!Pls trust me this time?
So as I m pretty sure none of u might remember my story here is the link:
And pls don’t read the OS as its pure shit…and I will rewrite it again
So Lets continue!!
The episode starts with the flushed face of Sanskar!He did not know wht to answer…he did not want to face humiliation from swara by not answering at the same time he knew his reputation is at stake.So he knew he had to somehow manage the situation and turn it to his favour…
Sanskaar: Woh Swara don’t insult me by asking this kind of dumb simple question…I know ur brain is small but still u should have thought before asking me such a easy qu rite!!!Anyways np my assistant Lucky whose brain size is bigger than urs but still smaller than mine will ans ur qu!!!
Laksh: (Gasps in horror)(murmurs to himself)Sanky…until now I considered u as my bhai but u proved that ur my enemy rite!!!!Hahahaha um….um…this qu is not too my standards ur sis walking beauty itself will ans!
Ragini:LAKSH…I WISH U RIP ASAP!!!Woh Swara u itself tell the ans rite!!!After all ur my sis u will be vy smart rite!!!
Swara:But di if I knew the ans y will I ask the qu???
Swara rocked rest shocked
Sanskaar: KYA!!!Tk tk koi baath nahi lets get back to work ok???
Then everybody started to work
Laksh is explaining Ragini about how she should pose the target audience etc…
Meanwhile in this room Sanskaar is convincing or actually pleading swara to apply makeup and hair gel which she is preventing the make up artist to do…
Swara:Sanskaar ppl should not be attracted to my outer appearance and get the dress…they should like the design solely and get it!!!
Sanskaar:But Swara u should first attract customers and then they will like it…u might be a BIT pretty but ppl nowadays like it when models are fully decked and present the dress
He tried his utmost to convince her but it was impossible,,,Swara thoroughly believed that ppl should never get attracted to her appearance!
Having no choice left Sanskaar accepted defeat…however her mindset increased the respect he had for her…until now he had ony seen her as a childish immature young kid but know he felt proud of her thinking!!
Later at Lunch…
Swara:I feel soooooooo hungry
Ragini:That one is a feeling which u always have…u should learn to control ur hunger to maintain ur body size so that ppl like u
Swara: U should exercise to maintain body shape not starve and ppl should not like u based on ur waist size…btw thiugh u eat nth u have chubby cheeks…hahaha’
Laksh who just came there: Woh toh such hai…but that looks cute on u and makes u resemple a chipmunk hahahah and he hi fis with Swara
Ragini saw a glass of juice beside.Without hesitation she immediately took it and aimed at Laksh and Swara…However Laksh comprehending the situation s seconds ducks down causing Sanskaar to get drenched…
Sanskaar immediately took some toamtoes and aimed at Ragini who dodged It perfectly and it hit swara directly on her nose hich turned red….awwwww she looked damn cute
Sanskaar:Oh Shit wht did I do…do anybody plan their own death???He immediately started to do sit ups and asked Swara to forgive hime
However Swara being a naughty one took a bowl of noodles and put it on his head!!!!Swara rocked Sanskaar mocked
Laksh who was seeing everything was laughing uncontrolablly the whole time…the 3 of them who witnessed him enjoying took ketchup bottles and attacked him simultaneously…
Laksh shocked rest rocked
Precap: A truth discovered
Awesome so funny
Hahaha ty:) Pls continue supporting
thx…pls continue supporting
ty:) Happy to know u enjoyed it!!!!`Pls continue supporting
thx…pls continue supporting:)
I don’t know why are saying so at note. But good to see you back.!
Waaaa you are going to write that OS again?
Well nice episode.! Continue soon.! Thnk u…
Haha..yup i will rewrite it soon…thx u for ur sweet comment:)
awesome dear
nice…. continue sooon vaitin…
sure dear and ty
love it.. huh! welcome back…
ty dear…glad to know u enjoyed:)
thx…pls continue supporting:)
thx…pls continue supporting:)
thx…pls continue supportin!
ty dear