Fan Fiction

SwaSan! Bin Tere!! episode – 10 (LAST EPISODE)(part-2)

**********LAST EPISODE***********

Swaragini and Ap were arranging dining ….just then …sanskar,Adi,laksh comes there

Ap:(smiles) ….. sanskar,laksh,Adi …. come have ur breakfast

They nodes and sits

Sanskar eats a bite … and looks at swara
Swara gets happy knowing tat sanskar still remmber her food taste

Sanskar:(anger) ma wat is thz …. is thz called a paratha… who the hell made thz….. (looks at swara angrily) i think the person is bitter like thz partha taste just bitter…

Swara feels hurt by his words but composes herself

Swara:(smiles) but sanskar …. before when i used to make..thz…. u tells me tat u want to kiss my hands naaaaaa
Sanskar:ma i’m finish

He gets up and was about to but swara holds his wrist

Swara:(whisphers) is it soo bitter ………. if it is then let me kiss u so tat i can get ur taste to make food according to it (winks)

He angrily jerks his hand …. just then varun comes there

Varun:dadaa come lets play naa
Sanskar:ooo so my kiddo wants to play haan
Varun:yes dadaa
Sanskar:then come

He takes varun in his arms and leaves from there
Swara smiles … and gets teary eyes


Sanskar and varun were busy in playing just then comes there ….. and was lost in sanskar’s childishness with thier son ….. a passion to hug him came to her heart ….. she gets a idea and smiles naughtily

Swara: awwwweweee my idiot is sooooo cuteeee ….i wanna hug him (thinks something) haan idea ….(smiles naughtily)

she moves towards sanskar and hugs him from back….. sanskar was suprised

Swara:(smiles naughtily) my chocolate ….u r sooo cute….(pulls his cheeks)
Varun:hahahaha mumma …. is dadaa chocolate haan…..hahaahahaha

Sanskar frees himself from her grip angrily
But swara is swara …… she again hugged him more tightly and kisses his cheeks ….

Swara:yes varun ur dadaa is chocolate for me ……..
Varun: hAAhhahaha mumma u r soo funny ………dadaa is chocolate hhahahahaha mumama if he is ur chocolate then eat na like i do
Swara:haan haan bacho i will surely eat (winks )
sanskar coughs ………

Swara:wat happen my chocolate …. (rubs his back seductively)

Sanskar was loosing his patience …. but he composes himself ……..and jerks her hand

Just then lucky comes there

Lucky:(serious) bhai…
Sanskar:haan lucky
Lucky: bhai our men brought him
Sanskar:(serious tone) come .

He was about to go but varun holds his wrist

Varun:dadaa where r u going ….
Sanskar:(smiles) kiddo … i have go now … becoz ur dadaa have somework
Varun :sad
Sanskar: oooo dont be sad ..hmmmm okay i will bring u chocolate
Varun jumps in excitement
Varun:(happy tone) wat? Chocolate really…
Sanskar:yes (smiles) now shall i leave
Varun: okay
Sanskar smiles and leaves from there


The lawn side…. sanskar and laksh were seated …. bodygurds were surrounded
Two bodygurds brought a man ..pushes him he falls on the floor

Man:(shouts angrily) who the…..

Looks at sanlak ……was shocked to see them


Laksh takes the gun and points on him angrily

Man:(understood) soo u both came to know about me haan (smirks)
Laksh:(anger) we tursted u but … u played such a big game with us haan ..
Man:(laughs evily) haahahahahaha ….yes i played a game which destroyed ur life’s Sanskar maheswari…..
Sanskar:(clam tone) but y sahil
Yes it is sahil
Sahil: becoz u loved swara my swara ….. i tried many things to spearate u both … swara is only mine how can love swara
She is mine…..

This was it for sanskar ….he gets angry

Sanskar:(dangerous tone) she was mine… and she is mine ……. got tat not urs
Sahil:hahahaaa but she left u …. (smiles evily)
Sanskar:(anger) and u have to die …

He takes his gun and was about to shoot him but he hears a voice from back

Sahil : swara
Yes it swara
….sahil thinks something and smirks evily ..he was also confused about swara being here

Sahil:(fake tears) swara see …. i said na tat thz sanskar is monster he can kill anyone …1st Adi …. now me (join his hand) wat did i do sanskar y u want to kill me …… swara see he wants to kill his friend … he is a womanizer …he …..

Before he could complet swara gave a tight slap to him

Swara:(anger) how dare …u . U blo*dy bustrd…. i myself will kill u if u bad mouth about my sanskar ….

She looks at sanskar they had emotional eyelock
Taking its opportunity ….sahil takes his gun ….pulls swara to him …. and points the gun on her head

Sanlak was shocked

Sanskar:sahil ……. leave her
Sahil:no …. how dare she slap me …i will kill her … and u …. i will kill u …too
Swara:(tears) sahil u can kill me ….. but dont harm sanskar plzzzz
Sahil:Haan i will kill u …. but before tat let me taste u ….(lustfull eyes) (caressing her hand sensously) u r still a fresh .

Sanskar gets angry …… he was boiling in anger ……

Sanskar:(anger) leave her…..

Sahil points the gun on him …about to shoot ….but

Sahil: no mazaa nahi ayega …hmmmm haan let me kiss ur love …. u should also see.. na (smirks evily)

saying thz he was leaning on swara….while she was pleading to leave her

Sanskar cluthed his fist ….. in anger … and he looks at Adi who ws standing back of sahil he signals him …..

Sahil was about to place his lips on her ….just then ..adi shoots his legs … he falls down……. Sanskar pulls swara to him and hugs her …….. swara cries

Sanskar:ssshhh .(wipes her tears) don’t cry

She looks at him lovingly
He hides her back and looks at sahil with a angry full face his eyes became red …. sahil gets scared

Sanskar moves to him and holds his collor make him stand and gives a tight punch….again Adi holds him and gives a kick on his stomach …. laksh holds him and gives a punch ..

Sanskar puches him ….kicks him

Sanskar: how dare u (beats) she is mine dare u touch her i will kill u ….

Laksh:arrey enough now plz shoot him …i’m hungry
Adi:yes sanskar

Sahil:(pleades) nono plzzz leave ….plz..

Before he could complete

He was lieing on the floor ( ohh sanku u should do it in serial naaa)

He turns…. swara runs to him and hugs him tightly

Swara:(tears) i’m sorry …plz mujhe maff kardo ….ab nahi rahe jayega ” BIN TERE” Plz i really love ….

Sanskar jerks her and leaves from there
She gets sad ….Adi comes and hugs her

Adi: shona dont be sad … dnt u hear wat he said to tat sahil

“She is mine” remmbering the she had bright smiles on her face

Swara:(smiles) yes bhai ….(smiles naughtily in mind)



All had thier dinner …. and headed towards their respective rooms …

Swasan room

Sanskar came .. and finds varun nowhere

Sanskar: varun…. kidooo

Just then from back

Voice : varun is sleeping in ma’s room

He turns only to see his beautifull wife standing there ….. he was awestruck to see her in a blue Saari……with deepcut blouse ……. he was just lost in her

She comes towards him and pushes him on the bed ….. smiles naughtily and comes on him …..

Before he could complete she places her lips on him and began to kiss him wildly …. he was just numb by her reaction
She smiles… and unbuttons his shirt ….and started kissing him wildly more and more …

Thz was it for sanskar …. he couldn’t control himself ….he immedeatly rolls…on her ….. and places his rough lips on her soft yet rosy lips …and began to suck it…. she was pressing him more on her …their tounges played with eachother taste the essence of eachother …. it was passionate kiss….his hand travels to her back …. while kissing her ….. he opnes dori of her blouse .. and slids down the sleeves from her shoulder …. he breaks the kiss …. and started kissing ,biting, her bare shoulder
Soon he undressed her… they were fully naked kissing .,biting, eachother

Swara:(whisphere) sorry sanskar
Sanskar: thz time i will forgive u…… but nextime if u leave .me …. then….
Swara:sshhhh i will not leave u ..
Sanskar: (cups her face) jaan…i love.u …. my life was like a hell “BIN TERE” and…
Swara: oooh god kithna bolthe ho ….I love u tooooop ….. ab let me eat my chocolate (winks)
sanskar pulls her closer to him …pressing himself on her more
Sanskar:(huskly) haan y not

They made love ……

They lived happily….throught their life


so friends how was the episode hope u all liked it…. and haan plz do comments guys in both parts plzzz …. .and swasan you r my life season-2 ….will start soon 


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