Fan Fiction

Swasan – A Bond of Togetherness (Part-13)

Hello guys how are you??
Guys please read author note in middle of episode , between scene 1 and scene 2, I am giving A/N IN MIDDLE SO THAT YOU ALL READ WTHOUT SKIPPING :P:D

Episode starts with
Scene 1
Swasan are in car sitting silently, swara is in her own world enjoying chocolate, and Sanskar is eyeing swara his princess lovingly.
DESTINY mouth watered seeing chocolate, it is cursing Sanskar for this chocolate wala scene “huhh this idiot is making me restless now for this chocolate, why on earth people eat chocolate that too girls licking their fingers and mouths 😛 😀 “ (gals don’t kill me this is some boys monologue about us eating chocolate, they don’t know how to enjoy chocolate na 😉 )
Both swasan back to their respective homes after a long memorable journey. Swara is so much engrossed in today’s thoughts she forgot to sleep she keeps on thinking about Sanskar, his concern and smiling ear to ear. After a lot of tossing and troubling, slowly sleeping goddess came and embrace her . Here Sanskar is happy as he succeeded to make her smile which is missing from morning, he sleeps peacefully dreaming about his beautiful future with his beloved princess. He murmured in his sleep “sweetheart u r making me crazy” and smiles.


Scene 2
A leap of some days, now swasan have to leave for Rajasthan for raglak marriage .Maheswari family already left two days back to wedding destination, Sanskar is left behind. Now he is excited about his journey with swara and time he is going to spent with swara this long 15 days.(though he spend time with her daily in his office but that is formal na and in this fifteen days he planned many things)
Sanskar called swara with his personal number which is unknown to swara (guys swara has Sanskar official number, she don’t know his personal number) and introduced himself as Laksh brother, Ragini to be devar and asked her to be ready exactly 10 am next day ,and also said he will come and pick up her. Swara not knowing truth that he is Sanskar accepted what he told. Swara felt sad that she misses office for fifteen days: P she murmurs to herself
Swara: god fifteen days I have to away from office doing no work, I got habitual to office I miss my office (who the hell on earth miss office weird na, I never miss my college if I get three months holidays also )
DESTINY: acha….Accept truth you are going to miss Sanskar not office….okay 😛
Next day morning swara is getting ready she sees bracelet that once Sanskar gave to her, she puts it on and press small button on it back which activates her GPS location. (guys u remember Sanskar gave her bracelet after ankit incident regarding her safety, actually it has GPS tracker which can be activated by pressing button, and Sanskar will get notification to his mobile when it activated, from then it show swara location until it is deactivated by again pressing same button to off)
Sanskar get notification in his mobile, he gets happy because swara trusts him and she wearing bracelet which is his gift to her for first time. He called swara and ask her to get down as he is waiting for her and tells her his car number (this all as a laksh brother and not sanskar)
Swara comes down to get shock as Sanskar himself waiting there in that car he mentioned before (ufff at last secret revealed) she confused seeing him here
Swara: sir, you here???

Sanskar grins widely and says: I am lucky’s brother, I am Sanskar Maheswari brother of Laksh Maheswari son of dp Maheswari
Swara mouth opens wide, lucky and ragini are family of Sanskar, she did so much masti and pranks on Laksh these all days unaware about their identity. She feels bad they hided this much big thing from her. Sanskar knowing this, made swara understand about ragini wish and also said nobody intended to hurt her by doing this. Swara also forgive them as it is not important to share their every personal wish and reasons to her, yup she is hurt but she took it lightly. She is little uncomfortable with sanky now after knowing truth.
Sanskar understanding her discomfort and awkwardness forwards his hand for shake, while she look confused
Sanskar: swara can we be friends?? I am not your boss here but your friend just like ragini and laksh, so will you accept my friendship???
DESTINY opens it mouth wide and murmurs” huhh this khadoos also becoming intelligent day by day, anyways all credits to me :P”
Swara nods happily and gave her hand, so at last they are friends (hmm I got some relief now, even destiny also :P:D)
All way journey they talked a lot and does so much masti, she is so carefree with him, they both enjoyed taking lots of selfie as a token of their new born friendship (till now formal friends as boss and employee, but from now on real friends personal wala) and they talked so many things like about each other’s interests, they both becomes so close now. Swara forgets all her awkwardness with him, both are enjoying each other company, she is now happy that her kind boss, her admirer, her hero is now her best friend. She is very happy. After a long hours of journey both are very tired, Sanskar stopped car before some road side dhaba for their dinner and ask swara to come now it’s seven in evening.
Swasan entered into it, it’s small dhaba type hotel, swara amused seeing Sanskar came here to take food as he is rich and definitely not like this type of places. She asked him same question
Swara: Sanskar are you comfortable here…I mean u r rich na how can u like this place??Generally rich people prefer some star restaurants na??
His answer amused her, her respect increases on him more
Sanskar: swara according to me rich or poor all are equal before god and food, every man have same hunger and everybody eats food only na to satify their hunger, not rich people eats money for their hunger.
(guys I explained my pov if anyone think it’s wrong then sorry)

Swara smiles hearing his pov yup she also thinks same like this, she got some flashes a boy insulting a girl about food she wished to eat, taunting about her status, and girl breakdown crying. She is lost deep in her thoughts. Sanskar calls her to come back to reality.
Sanskar: hello madam where you lost???
Swara: nothing…actually thinking something (she lets out a sad painful smile unnoticed by sanskar)
Sanskar: can we order??
Swara: yeah
After that they finished their dinner and start their journey again. This time swara is dull lost in thoughts she is silent. Sanskar is noticing her he is confused why she suddenly become silent and dull, he thought to ask her
Sanskar: swara what are thinking deeply?
Swara jerks from her thoughts by his call
Swara: no….nothing
Sanskar understands something is bothering her and she is not comfortable to share with him, to change her mood he stopped car at side for fresh air. Actually the whole way is silent and there are beautiful hills and slopes with great scenic beauty and moon is shining brightly with cool breeze carrying sweet scent of flowers which are on distant trees.
Swara sees him questioningly,
Swara : why u stopped car??
Sanskar: actually feeling little tired so thought of giving 1 hour break and enjoy in this wonderful place (pointing outside window ) with having this beautiful girl beside me (pointing towards her ) and winks
Swara rolled his eyes
Swara: you are flirting with me??
Sanskar: yup any problem???? By the way I said truth na and winks

Swara: uff Sanskar (she get out from car) she is walking here and there enjoying beautiful weather over there.
Sanskar also steps out and climbed car and sat on bonnet, he calls swara and asked her to come to him giving his hand to help her climbing. Swara slowly climbed with help of Sanskar by holding his hand and sat beside him. Swasan chats on random things enjoying, swara forgets all her pain and leans and lay on her back, and she sleeps on this position. Sanskar sees her, she is looking like an angel in moonlight, some strands of her hair are falling on her face blocking his view he gently tucks them back and stares her lovingly. He too laid beside her and lost in her beauty. He unknowingly leans towards her face to kiss her, but he come back to senses by his phone ringing (huhhh this phone na always ruins his romance)
DESTINY rolls on floor seeing this: not so easy man and winks, you have to wait more.
He looks at his phone, its call from ragini he answered call talked and cuts. he looked at swara who is sleeping peacefully, he don’t want to disturb her but no option as it nearly two hours they stopped there they have to reach early next morning. He wakes her up both got down and again starts their journey. After some hours of journey, now it’s early morning 5’o clock, they reaches a beautiful village in Rajasthan (now don’t ask me how they come from west Bengal to Rajasthan in 24 hours).all way beautiful green fields with houses and its looks amazing. Sanskar stopped car in front of big mansion. swasan both get down of car. Swara is awestruck seeing that mansion actually its look like a palace. sanskar calls servants and order them to carry their luggage and put them inside. Swara is staring that building. Sanskar calls her and asks her to come. She looks at him, but did not move an inch also, he confused seeing her, he holds her hand and excitedly taking her inside, while walking she get some flashes of boy and girl entering mansion smilingly.
Screen freezes on excited Sanskar and sad swara.

Done with this part.

Guys can any guess who are boy and girl in swara flashes??

How Sanskar make her fall in love???

Now masti starts from next episode.

Guys I got little time so posted this part thank you for all your comments on previous part,though less comments I am continuing only for my loyal readers.
Thank you. 🙂

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