Fan Fiction


Hola people. I am really sorry the super late update. I was stuck in my academics. I hope all of you remember the story. If not please do read it. If not up to your mark please do convey them through your comments. Chappals and tomatoes are not welcome. P.S. Cheese pizzas are most welcome. Will try my best to update regularly.

With love,
Akshara has attended the conference held by Sanskar Maheshwari, where their expectations were explained and to the horror of Akshara her friend who always delivered what she thinks is needed for the particular project for the first time asked her record the presentation given by the Maheshwari Group of Industries CEO

Mr. Sanskar Maheshwari somehow, later played it three to four times and watched the footage very carefully which would be more than enough for Ms. Intelligent to memorize even his breathing pattern. Once she finished watching she went into thinking mode. To bring Ms. Sadhu Baba from her meditation she started her antiques which her friend watched with a indulging look and small smile and once she started telling her about how everybody was looking at her like she was some alien when she was recording the footage and how Mr. Sarna, the PA of Mr. Maheshwari enquired her about her actions outside the conference hall her friend questioned her immediately.
‘And what did you say?’

‘What will I say I said you asked me do it’
Swara looked like she knew her friend would have done the same. Then she asked in a tone used to six year olds
‘What did he say?’

Then came a thoughtful reply with a hint of irritation ‘ For some reason he looked kind of amused and asked me did I do it just because you asked me to and when I said yes he just smiled and went away. Can you believe it? , the man was giving ‘‘hey kiddo’’ looks, why did he do that?’
Swara looked at her friend for good ten seconds before asking ‘do you want ice cream’ and immediately regretted asking for her friend who possesses extra wild monkey ancestor’s genes even after evolution started jumping up down while all the people outside glanced at her cabin in disbelief on seeing their ‘‘cherry’’ doing monkey stunts inside the Lioness’ den and the Lioness watching it with silent indulgment.

Sanskar Maheshwari was thinking about what he has seen and what he has heard from Vivek. He asked for the details of the company which Ms. Akshara Sharma was representing and it leave him amidst a plethora of emotions. It was little confusing, little intriguing, little weird, little shocking, little exiting, little inspiring, and the last and most intriguing felling an unknown wave of happiness. Ms. Akshara Sharma was representing Rajvanshi Groups of Industries and the CEO of the business is Swara Rajvanshi. There is not a lot to known about Ms. Rajvanshi. There is only few things mentioned about her

She lives in a private penthouse above her office building.
She never attends any social gatherings or project meetings and Akshara Sharma her only friend come PA attends in on her behalf. But she is present personally in one to one meetings.
Though her employees give her the best boss ever award outside, it is a well known fact that she has her own way of making them work and nobody will not dare to mess with her or the company not only because she is smart, rich and powerful but also because there is this dark aura around her that she literally rules the place where she is present.

Vivek has brought an intriguing news along with this research paper on Swara Rajvanshi. That is Swara Rajvanshi always has the project she aims for not because her plans fulfils the opposite parties expectations but also because she has her own profitable inputs attached to the already picture perfect plans and also she has the intelligence to convince the partners otherwise in case of disasterous inputs. She works on the profitability of the project instead of working on the expectations of the opposite party and this is the first time she has shown interest in knowing the expectations of the opposition party.

Now Sanskar knew why everyone was so cool about an employee attending the meeting instead of the boss and why everyone was showing various degree of shock on their faces on seeing Ms. Sharma recording the presentation. Vivek said that people were talking about how Ms. Rajvanshi atlast found atleast one project which is hard to crack. Sanskar couldn’t help but shake his head slightly with a smirk on his lips at how diluded people are. This particular
Ms. Rajvanshi is no random girl because she is not afraid of losing the deal or has doubts on her talents and knowledge which he can say with surety without meeting her that it is vast. There is some reason for what she did. Now he can sleep peacefully for he now found his partner in business. Because Swara Rajvanshi is the only one who can put the puzzle pieces that
Sanskar Maheshwari has scattered before the business world.

After a week
While the two protagonists are there burning their calories to run their brain in the preparations for their ‘first’ meet there was another person in the game without their notice who not only did notice the obvious reason behind SWARA RAJVANSHI’S move when everybody stood there gaping but also didn’t miss the expression curiosity that fluttered in SANSKAR MAHESHWARI’S eyes which he would realise the next day morning is the thing

SWARA RAJVANSHI aimed for. Maybe, he should have invested his energy in working on the ‘most crucial presentation of his life’ the next day than wasting his time on understanding the enigmas. His wife MRS. RAGINI SINGH CHAUHAN entered into his study when he was immersed in his thoughts. MRS. CHAUAN was not only MR. LAKSHYA SINGH CHAUHAN’S wife but was also was equal partner in business. Shaking him out of his slumber with her stern throat clearing she asked
‘Who are you dreaming about?’

Now out of his lalala land Laksh answered with a ‘You look so beautiful’ look with a smile in an attempt to cover his nervousness on seeing his wife suddenly. He watched his wife frown at him. RAGINI SINGH CHAUHAN thought why did she marry this meek man? Oh yes for business purpose. But is this Idiot is of any use? No. She married him because there was a very intelligent person with him and she thought she could use that person for her business but this MR. BEAN imagines himself to be HULK and lost that help too. But that person loved this idiot too much that her life was converted into a living hell for this idiot.

RAGINI SINGH CHAUHAN considered money and business above all. Her so called husband in his quest of learning business had almost destroyed her company. Tomorrow winning the project with MAHESHWARI GROUP OF INDUSTRIES is crucial for them otherwise they will be bankrupt and if that happens she will leave her husband because the very thing for which she stayed with him will be lost. If he is capable enough to get the deal sealed with the unknown MR. MAHESHWARI then spending life with this idiot in return for the luxuries he could offer is worth it. She shook her head to clear the thoughts and asked about his progress in the presentation to which she heard her husband fumbling out a I was thinking. She exited the room not before saying ‘you don’t have timing sense at all. Is it the time to think’

Ragini slept with a finality that she is going to get her freedom while laksh slept after unceremoniously waking his employee at three in night and ordering her to finish the presentation which should be submitted at nine he next morning. ( Idiot )

P.P.S. Raglak fans please forgive me for their negative shade. But it was necessary. Please do read on. I hope it was lengthy enough to compensate for the long gap. Please do tell me your views.


Tamilian. Introvert. A girl with peculiar likes. Strange yet plain.

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