Fan Fiction

Swasan : Destiny (Episode 25)

I know the last update was too short so this is a bonus update guys. And I hope the story is not going out if track. Ill bring a new twist but till then enjoy some romance 🙂

~~Winter Tale : Part 2~~
~~I love my hot chocolate~~

Third person’s pov ~~

Swara wakes up and rubs the plans if her hands together, generating some heat between them. It’s really cold outside. Swara is glad to be inside her warm and cosy house.
She stands at the window only to see that everything outside is covered in white. It has been snowing all night. Little kids are seen having snowball fight in the neighbourhood. It makes her feel that Christmas is coming near. And she is so much in love with the feeling.
Suddenly, two strong arms wrap around her waist from the back. He nuzzles his face in the crook of her neck, as a light giggle escapes Swara’s lips. It’s a perfect morning for Swasan.

“Good morning.” Sanskar says in his raspy morning voice. Swara smiles as his words ring in her ear like bells. Staying away from him for six months was a pretty big deal for her. And she also knew he was leaving by the end of Christmas week.
Back to Sanskar…
His hair is sticking up in all possible directions. He is in a blue sweater that Swara had knitted for him the last Christmas they spent together. Dida (Swara’s grandma) had taught Swara knitting.

“A very good morning.” Swara smiles at the sight in front of her eyes.

“Well, it’s showing!” Sanskar exclaims with a little chuckle like a little kid. He has always loved snow. He places his hands on the glass window and stares outside. Children in the neighbourhood wave at him. He waves back.

“Don’t you just love snow ?” Swara asks or rather makes a statement, wrapping his arms around his torso from the back. His chest vibrates as his cute little laugh fills the room.

“Yeah. So, what does my baby want to do today. Please no study!” He says.

“Hmm..lemme think… You know maybe we could just cuddle while watching some movies. I’ll make the Swara special hot chocolate for you.” Swara says.

“Sounds perfect. Lemme take a shower. I’ll be back, yeah.” Sanskar says and plants a quick kiss on her lips.
He heads to the bathroom, but stops midway.
“Do you wanna join ?” He smirks and winks. Swara laughs and shakes her head shooing him inside.
Next, Swara heads down to her kitchen yawning and stretching. Its gonna be a lazy day. Quickly, she takes out some milk and heats it up on the stove. She searches for the cocoa but doesn’t find it anywhere. She wonders if she has ran out of it. Just when she’s about to ask Sanskar about it, her eyes land on a blue container lying on the topmost shelf. That’s the cocoa she needs.

She sighs and grabs a little stool to stand on. Being quite short, it’s not easy for her to grab the container so easily. She stretches her hand as much as she can, but it’s of no use. She groans and gets down from the stool. Meanwhile, Sanskar heads down after his shower.

“Baby, can you grab the cocoa for me? It’s too high…” She frowns at him. He nods and enters the kitchen. He stands on the stool. He is so tall. He can easily grab the container. But he doesn’t. Instead, he gets down.
“What happened ?” Swara asks.

A cute smile plays on his lips as he wraps around Swara’s waist as he pulls her closer. His other arms supports her legs as he swiftly picks her up. Swara smiles, knowing his intentions. He holds her up and she grabs the cocoa from the shelf.

“Thank you.”

He shrugs. “Do you need anything else from there ?” He asks.

“No. I think we’re good.” She nods and follows her to the kitchen counter.

The milk is warm enough. Swara takes out two mugs. One has ‘HIS’ inked on it. While the other has ‘HERS’. Swara pours the steaming milk inside and adds the cocoa powder to it. Sanskar stands by her and observes her as she makes her signature hot chocolate.

“What are you looking at ?” Swara asks. A smile creeps up to her face. She can feel the heat rising up her cheeks.

“Nothing. Can’t I just look at you ?” He shrugs.

“Staring is rude, Mr. Sanskar. My best friend told me this, when I was gaping at his abs.” She starts stirring the beverage well.

“Is it ? I think its.. um..romantic.” He says gently pulling her to his side and plants a trail of kisses on her shoulder. It’s the spot where Swara is very ticklish. She squirms away while laughing and takes out some marshmallow from a cabinet.

“Oh yummy. Are you gonna put that ?” He asks. She nods and puts some of them in each of their mugs. The drink is ready.

“Done!” She exclaims clapping her hands together. Sanskar smiles and picks her up making her sit on the kitchen counter. She laughs and hands him the mug.

“Cheers!” They say clinking their mugs together. Sanskar takes a sip of the hot chocolate, while Swara eyes him expectantly, waiting for his opinion.

“How’s it ?” She asks hopefully.

He seems to go into some kind of though for a moment.
“Hmm… It’s good… It’s hot…” He says. She chuckles.
“That is why, it is called chocolate, silly.” She says.

“Yeah…But still…” He frowns. Swara doesn’t know what’s wrong with him all of a sudden.

“What happened ? Don’t you like it ?” She asks resting her palms on his shoulder. He lets out a deep sigh looking into her eyes.

“No I don’t like it.” He says. Swara’s frown turns deeper as she mumbles an ‘okay’ in a tiny voice. This cracks him up as he puts his mug down.

“Baby. It’s lovely. Really. I was just fooling with you.” Sanskar laughs. Swara pouts and hits his arm playfully.
He grabs a handful of her chubby cheeks and pulls them.
“You are too cute, okay.” He laughs.

Swara makes a face and takes a sip of her drink. He was right indeed. It really does tastes good. The both of them enjoy their drinks as a certain thought crosses their mind.

“Acha, Sanskar…tell me something…”

“Hmm…” He hums, enjoying his drink.

“You purposely kept that container on that last shelf, right ?” Swara asks.

There is an awkward silence after that. Swara holds back her laugh as Sanskar sheepishly looks her in the eye. He nods laughing as Swara cracks up as well. Swara knows very well, how naughty he can get at times. He’s got one evil little mind.

Next, they’ve finished their drinks and the two of them cuddle under warm blankets on the couch watching the movie ELF. It’s epic. Neither Sanskar nor Swara can stop laughing at the jokes.
In short, its a perfect day for Swasan where a lot of things happen over a hot chocolate. . .


I hope you liked this episode, inspired from an ADVERTISEMENT. Keep commenting and let me know if you like it or not 🙂


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