Fan Fiction

Swasan- destiny made me meet you shot 4 by samaira

Heyy guyss samaira here thanks for ur resposne on my last part..
Lets start:-
Morning(10 am)
Everyone wakes up and r having breakfast..
Swara has made aloo paratha which is sanskar s faviorate..
Everyone started eating..
just as sanskar took a bite of it..
Sanskar- omg maa u started making aoo paratha more better … give me ur hands..
Uttara- y bhaiya..
Sanskar- its so tasty so let me kiss mom s magical hands..
Uttara(giggles) then u have to kiss bhabhi s hands..
Sanskar- what?

Sujata- sanskar i didnt made it swara made it..
Sanskar was quite embarassed ..
As it was sunday so rp sujata and uttara went to mandir.. swara was feeling little unwell and sanskar had some important work so they didnt went..
After some time sanskar finished his work and went to the yard finding swara drying clothes..
He tiptoed and slowly went towards swara..
Swara saw him and the both gets teary eyed ..
And suddenly they hug each other..
Sanskar- shona do u know how much i missed u?
Swara- it should me the one asking u .. u suddenly left for mumbai during our 10th..
They both break the hug..
Sanskar(holds his ears) iam sorry..
Swara- its ok.. u know sanskar i missed my best friend a lot..
Sanskar- samee here..
Swara- sanku but i have a doubt??
Sanskar- hmm ask shona?

Swara-sanskar i know u since childhood we both were besties then were is janki aunty and arjun uncle??
Sanskar(sadly)- after we shifted to mumbai due to dad s buisness like after 2 yrs suddenly our car met with an accident by god grace i got saved but mom dad died.. sahil s father which is papa and my dad were childhood frnds so hey adopted me..
Saying this some unshed tears forms in his eyes..
Swara- im sorry sanskar..
Sanskar wipes his tears.. its ok shona but i also want to tell u something..
Swara signals him to go on..
Sanskar holds swara s hand – i know swara ur sad for sahil s death.. he was more like a bro to me.. i also miss him alot.. but plzz dont live so lifessly u know how everyone r so tensed for u.. maa told me abt ur condition.. sahil will always live in our memories i also miss him but plzz i cant see u like this..
Hearing all this she was feeling quite guilty for hurting her loved ones especially sujata and uttara..
She hugged sanskar and started to sob in sanskar s arms ..
Swara- i was being so selfish and seeing my pain i didnt see tht a mother lost her son and a sister lost her brother..
Sanskar- shona its not ur fault any wife could be like this only but i want a new swara from tommorow ok..
Swara just nods..

Leap of a month:-
Everything started to fall at its place.. everyone got to know abt swasan being besties.. Swara was now back to normal..
Uttara and Swara used to tease Sanskar alottt ..
The trio grew a very gud bond..
Sujata and Rp were happy as their children were so happy..

One random day;
Everything was going normal and smooth ..
BUT today something was going to happen which ma change their lives..
Today groom s family came to see uttara ..
Uttara s mil was a very narrow minded person and always wanted things in her control..
Swara was arranging the stuffs while uttara s mil was giving her disgusted looks.. sujata rp and sanskar were just sitting..
Just then swara brought uttara and she liked her ..
Everything was going smoothly but..
Uttara mil:-( name her kaveri)
Kaveri- sujata ji just have on condition.. i dont want ur widowed daughter in law in this house.. its a bad omen nd i have heard many people talking abt her in the society.
Sujata and everyone got angry hearing this but before tht..
Uttara- sorry aunty but my bhabhi will live here only its her house..
Kaveri( her ego gets hurted as no one has talked like this to her..) ayee chori how dare u talk to me like this..
Meanwhile sujata interuppts
Sujata- and how dare u talk to my daughter like this u hvae no right get it! so plzz just get out..
Kaveri feels insulted and leaves from there..
Swara was feeling blessed to have such a family and they share a family hug..

But this thing made an impact on uttara and sujata they started to think and realize abt swara like til how many month and yrs she is going to live like this.. she is very young she also have to get settled..

During this time sanskar had to go out of station for a week ..
In this week swara and sanskar missed other like hell..
Infact sujata and uttara noticed swara s restlessness..

When sanskar came back both were really happy the happiness was clearly visibe.. and they had a shine and sparkle in their eyes…

Same night:-
rp was not there…
Uttara- maa i had to talk to u something ..
she said while coming in..
Sujata- haan bolo beta..
Uttara- maa dont u think swara bhabhi needs a life partner i mean how much time will she live like this,..
Sujata- hmm i know..
Uttara- maa i think we should talk abt his to swara bhabhi abt her nd sanskar bhayya s proposal u know na they wl never say no to family..
Sujata- yep i know i will talk nd i know they have feelings for each other but not able to understand..
Uttara- hmm

Guys i know its really bad but only 2 more shots to go or else i will finish it off in next part..


Guys plz follow me on wattpad Samaira_khan799 If u wanr regular updates.. Thanku

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