Fan Fiction

swasan… dont hate me season 2… chapter 11

Hiiiii frnds…glad to see ur response..

Swasan moments

It was a fine morning.. Ragini was feeling restless.. She called laksh
Laksh: hey ragu… What happened..
Ragini: u r fine nah…
Laksh: are baba.. This is d fifth tym u called me in one hour…
Ragini: are…don’t know why m feeling restless..

@ afternoon
Ragini was in shekhar’s room..
Shekhar: beta.. What happened.. You should be happy as today’s ur engagement..
Ragini: papa..don’t know why i am feeling restless.. As if something bad is going to be happened soon…
Shekhar held her hand..
Shekhar: don’t be afraid beta..

@ evening
Swara and ragini were sitting in a room.. RRagini was still tensed.. Her heart was afraid of some unknown fear..On the other hand swara was busy in getting ready for the engagement..
Swara: di.. Come on plz…which lipstick gonna suit with my saree.. I suppose this pink one…
Ragini didn’t reply.. She was still lost in her world… Swara sensed something wrong..
Swara: di..what happened.. You are still thinking about that intuition…
Ragini: swara.. Everything’s be fine na…
Swara cupped her face n nodded..
Ragini: swara.. Today is ur n mine engagement… I should be happy but see…
Suddenly Shekhar came to their room..
Shekhar: beta.. Ur grooms have come…
Swara smiled whiwhile Rag was still tensed…
Swara: di…now plz at least fe jiju u should smile…
Ragini smiled

@ hall..
Sanskar was standing near laksh.. Laksh was staring at ragini blinklessly..
Sanskar: bhai.. I know bhabhi is beautiful but control urself…
Laksh: sanskar.. Let swara come.. Then i will see…
Suddenly sanskar sees swara.. He became speechless seeing her… Both ragini n swara come to sanlak..
Ring ceremony starts..Both slip rings in fingers of their respective partners..

It was not even 10 mins for the ring ceremony to be oover when laksh cell rang…
Laksh face became tensed hearing the call…
Laksh: sanskar.. We ve to leave.. Country needs us…
Sanskar nodded… Ragini’s face became pale with fear.. Sanlak looked at the last tym towards swaragini n left without uttering a word…

Swara was tensed.. Ragini was sitting on bed…
Ragini: swara.. Everything’s fine na…
Swara: ya di…
She hid her emotions from ragini but it was her heart which was trembling with unknown fear…
Ragini: call laksh..
Swara: ya…
Swara dialled his no… But it was switched off…she dialled sanskar’s no…but it was switched off too… Now it was the time when swara’s heart started to beat very fast realising an unknown fear….
Swara: di…shou we call headquarters just to confirm whether they ve reached… Ragini nodded…
Swara dialled the no…
Swara: hello…
Guard ; yes..
Swara: did both mr sanskar n laksh maheshwari reached there
Guard: madame… Woh yaha kaiko ayega…sahab ka engagement h aaj…
Swara was shocked…
Swara: but there was call from headquarters….
Guard: madame.. Nobody called them…
Swara was shocked.. Tears streamed down from her eyes… She looked at ragini…
Ragini: i said na there is something fishy…

@ road…
Laksh was lying on road besides his car.. There was a wound on his chest…Sanskar was nowhere to be seen… Laksh opened his eyes with lots of pain… He started to drag his body anyhow towards the car..he took out his emergency Bluetooth from the dashboard.. Anyhow he dialled a no…

Shekhar was sitting with inspector… Swaragini were sitting in a dishelved state…suddenly inspector’s cell phone rang..
Inspector: ya……ok
He looked at shekhar
Inspector: sir…laksh sir has been found…
Hearing this ragini felt as if someone showered her body with elixir of eternity..
Ragini: where is he…
Inspector: in hospital..
Swara: n…sa…sanskar…
Inspector: he is nowhere to be found..
Swara sat on the floor with a thud…

@ hospital
Laksh was lying on hospital bed.. He was unconscious.. Ragini saw him and couldn’t stop herself from running towards him…
Swara was sitting outside… She was feeling restless…

@ another hospital
Sanskar was lying on hospital bed…he slowly opened his eyes..
Sanskar: where m i…
An unknown man came to him…
Man: in hospital sir…
Sanskar: oh…ashutosh…u here…
Ashutosh: sir…some men were trying to kidnap u… God sent me there… Are u fine..
Sanskar nodded…
Sanskar: i ve to call my family… Wait…laksh bhai… He was injured badly… Where is he…
Ashutosh : he is fine sir…i ve informed police force about u…
Sanskar sighed in relief…

SwaraGini’s sangeet….again something fishy..

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