Fan Fiction


Hai guys i’m sheeja, hope you all are doing fine and a big thanks for all your comments. I will provide a link for all the episodes for your convenience


While sanskar was cruising his fate Swara entered the conference hall making him more worried.

Swara:(hugging shekar) baba, hw are you?

Shekar: (hugging back) I’m fine beta and hw are you?

Swara; fine baba

Sanskar(to himself, seeing Swara) : I was just wondering that someone is missing, now it’s ok

Shekar: swara see this, (saying this he give her a card), shomi selected this design, hows it beta.

Swara: wow baba awesome i just love it

Saying this she kissed him leaving sanlak shocked

Just then DP entered the hall

DP: sanskar, where is your phone, how many time should i call you?

Sanskar: phone….. Oops sorry dad i was in a conference so it was silent.

DP: ok……….ok now keep this and invite all your friends it’s your engagement in three days and where is ragini she too have to invite her friends for her engagement right

Sanlak was shocked to hear this, sanskar was angry on himself as he couldn’t convey about his feelings to his dad and frustrated bcz swara is pretending to be happy with her father’s decision whereas laksh was feeling all helpless as he is loosing his love and the trust of swara.

Shekar: you are sanskar’s father?

DP: yes and i’m sorry i guess i don’t know you

Shekar: it’s ok we are meeting for the first time, i’m laksh’s chote papa

DP: ohhh i guess Mr. Gadodia

Shekar: yeah, by the way nice to meet you and if you don’t take me wrong ……

Sanlak was standing with closed eyes expecting a storm

Shekar: then i would like to invite you for the engagement of my daughter,

Saying this he give him a card and sanlak signed in relief

DP: i would love to Mr. gadodia but the same day it’s my children’s engagement also, vise (pointing to swara) is she your daughter

Shekar: yeah, swara, swara gadodia

Swara: hello uncle

Saying this she took his blessings and sanskar was just admiring her forgetting his griefs

DP: Khush raho beta

Shekar: acha then swara let’s go your ma will be waiting for you

Swara: sure dad (all these while swara was not even looking to sanlak, she was just talking to shekhar and DP)

Swara and shekar leave from there and when they were about to cross the door.

Shekar: swara ek minute… laksh i’m sorry i forgot, if you want to invite your any friends then take these cards

He handed over some cards to laksh looking at sanskar, laksh was just looking at the card to avoid looking at anyone bcz he know very well that if he say a word, he will not be able to control himself

DP: sorry Mr. Gadodia me to forget to give you the card, i know it’s your daughter’s engagement but still you are invited

Shekar :oh thank you Mr. Maheshwari

Sanskar couldn’t take it any more

Sanskar: dad I LOVE SWARA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DP: what ???????????? do you even have an idea what you are talking. Sanskar it’s your engagement and all my friends and business associates are also being invited and you are saying this now???

Sanskar was scared seeing his Dad’s anger and was looking for laksh for a support and what he saw shocked him to hell.

Laksh was just staring the invitation card . He went to laksh and called him

Sanskar:(audible to laksh) laksh comeon yaar say something please it’s now or never

Laksh was not responding

Sanskar: laksh…..(shouting) Lucky……….

Laksh lift his head and see him and was about to say something but his voice was not supporting him. He slapped on his cheeks by himself to retrieve his voice but failed

Just then ragini entered the hall and seeing laksh’s state she forget about the surroundings and rushed to him

Ragini: laksh what happened? Bhai what happened to him? (she was literally crying)

Sanskar: relax ragini, he will be fine. we will take him to hospital, come laksh

Sanskar was hell angry by now. He was not able to understand any thing happening around him.
Swara’s rejection, his and ragini’s marriage, his father’s angry and now laksh’s this state. Above all he couldn’t digest the fact that swara is all silent she is not at all responding to anything. Even in the state of laksh she is all calm, how can she, the girl who said she will kill laksh even if he think of betraying ragini, is now all silent hearing about ragini’s marriage with someone else. Here laksh is in a heartbroken situation and she is all enjoying all these with a smile on her face, wait a second …. (he again looked at swara) what the hell she is laughing holding her stomach and here laksh…………. Wait …………what happened to ragu now she is also looking shocked

Sanskar: ragu are you alright and laksh what is this is this the time to check my invitation card

Raglak look at sanskar first and then to each other and forward the cards to him

Sanskar: now what why are you giving me this cards (he tear the cards and put it in the dust bin)
Uncle dad i’m sorry but this engagement will not happen. I love swara and i know she too loves me. She agreed to you bcz she don’t want to hurt you but uncle please try to understand she won’t be happy in her life bcz her happiness lies in me and i’m sorry to you too dad i can’t do this engagement as i love swara more than my life, you just can’t compromise our happiness for a business deal. Dad we will start afresh and i promise you i will gain back everything we lost, please dad i can’t live without her and not only me dad ragini and laksh also love each other please dad don’t separate us.

There was pin drop silence in the hall and after some seconds

Shekar: sanskar whatever you say but i’m sure my daughter will be very happy in her life and who told you that i’m forcing her for this marriage in fact she her self select the groom i just talked with his family and finalised the marriage

DP: and sanskar the engagement will happen for sure and that too with the girl i selected. Ok i’m giving you a chance. (giving him an envelope) here is the photo of the girl and the boy i selected for you and ragini, you see this and tell me a single defect of them i will back out.

Sanskar: dad!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just seeing a photo how can we judge someone.

DP: fine then get ready for the engagement.

Sanskar: (snatching the photo from DP’s hand) no.. no.. dad show me let me see

He took the picture and was about to criticize her eyes but …………………

He lift his head and look at swara

Sanskar: TUMHE THO MEIN……………

Saying so he ran to her and she too ran outside. Shekar and DP give hi-fi and raglak hug each other

Sanskar and swara were in the parking lot. They were running around a car

Sanskar: swara stop now or else the consequences will not be good.

Swara: sanskar first you listen, i didn’t wante……

Sanskar: i don’t want to hear anything you just stop where you are

Swara: sanskar please na

Sanskar: swara i sai…..(holding his legs) ouchh….

Seeing him hurt she rushed to him and he hold her tight by her waist and smashed his lips on her’s. All these happened in a fraction of time and she was all numb. He was taking out all his frustration and anger on her lips and she was standing still shocked. He pinched her on her waist to bring her back to her senses and it actually worked. When she was about to kiss him back he departed. And she was like WHAT THE HELL

Sanskar: don’t you dare tease me like this

Swara (looked at him for a some time and then smiled naughtily): if that was a punishment then i would love to.

Sanskar was shocked seeing her bold avatar and in the next second he pulled her into a bear hug which she too reciprocated.



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